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What have people said to try and put you off?

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Guest Diane Paul and the kids
On another thread it appears that there is a lot of jeolousy out there, so what is the funniest or most annoying thing that someone has said to you when you have told them of your plans for OZ?


My son: Oh but there are spiders, snakes and sharks!

My friend: But have you checked the crime rate, unemployment?Australia is nearly a third world country and you will be the immigrants that everyone will hate for stealing their jobs!

My sister in law: But it will cost a lot of money and what if you don't like it? Your stuck!


Lets have the good and the bad, the funnier the better!:yes:

It's true,you really find out who your real friends are when you tell them you are emigrating.It's two years now since we first mentioned Australia and we have heard most of the comments,the positive ones come from people i work with,the negative ones are from close friends and family.Some of the comments are;

I know loads of people who have been and come back because they never liked it.

Oh iv'e heard the healthcare system is s**t.

You'll be back in 6 months,you'll never settle there.

The wages are s**t.

Ohhhh,your taking a big risk,what if you hate it there.

But also lots of people are trying to get things from us for free,even the plants from the garden.What we really feel like saying is,It's got **** all to do with you why we're going,and nobody is asking you to go or pay for it,so why comment.

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It's true,you really find out who your real friends are when you tell them you are emigrating.It's two years now since we first mentioned Australia and we have heard most of the comments,the positive ones come from people i work with,the negative ones are from close friends and family.Some of the comments are;

I know loads of people who have been and come back because they never liked it.

Oh iv'e heard the healthcare system is s**t.

You'll be back in 6 months,you'll never settle there.

The wages are s**t.

Ohhhh,your taking a big risk,what if you hate it there.

But also lots of people are trying to get things from us for free,even the plants from the garden.What we really feel like saying is,It's got **** all to do with you why we're going,and nobody is asking you to go or pay for it,so why comment.


Best comment ever! I may have to use it...................:wideeyed:

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Guest LeighandViki

Agree guys! I keep quiet about it now but the Family can be annoying.

My Parents should be giving us encouragement but keep being negative about the plan we have.

Im staying away from them more at the mo which is a shame as we will leave in the Spring and we should be spending more time together.

Their small minds can't understand what we mean by a better life!

Its not about money but having the work life balance and a slower pace of life.

I know you can't force people to understand or to open their minds a bit but why should people try to put you down?

They have lived in Britain for 60 years and have only travelled as far as the Isle of Wight!!!

What a shame.

Never mind, peoples jealousy and negative views just encourage us more to get away!


Good Luck to everyone.

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Guest sweetpea0701
When we got married 2 yrs ago so that we could put our visa in together as a family, my family ( mum dad brother and sisters ) have stopped talking to me.At first I fount it hard but now I feel like Im in a better position because I have no one to feel gulity about! Did try and speak to my mum about 2 months ago when we put the house up for sale. Just to tell her it was going up, so she didnt see or hear it from any one else. She told me I was being very selfish and jealous of my siblings life style!!! Family who needs them. My father in law told my husband that he wont be visiting! Who said he was invited!!!

Good for you !!!!

They are the selfish ones..

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Guest sweetpea0701


Australia is over populated !!!!!


Just so boring

The grass isn't greener on the other side...


Both off hubbys side of family


My family

Very supportive....Go!

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Colleague at work......"I've never been to Oz but I know that all they say is bugger and sh*** all the time. Heard it's quite a pretty country...in parts...I'd never go though"


Some bizzare poeple out there eh!?!



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we have had all the usual sh*t ...mainly from my family ...tooo hot .....too far away etc

but by far the funniest was from my 95 yrs old gran ....."what if you get there and neil runs away with an ozzie bird !!!!!" .... told her not to worry ....if anyone would be running away it would me me ...:biglaugh:

mrs keily

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Guest moonraker1961

I've heard pretty much everything from (this is other people saying this)"I'd hate to live in Oz,its too hot,I could'nt stand it"......."I'd hate all the spiders/snakes"........"Australia does'nt appeal to me at all" I usually think "Who was asking for your opinion anyway" lol lol I know sometimes I can be negative but I did spend 30 years there,whereas most if not all the people I have spoke to havent even been there!!!!Bloody annoying lol Hey keily,your post was very funny lol

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I know this thread is meant to be light hearted but, don't be to harsh on the friends and family that try to put you off going to the other side of the earth. Why wouldn't anyone try to stop a loved one/ best friend from leaving them? I know when i get back from Australia i will make it my life's mission to educate people on the dark side of Oz!

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Guest keillands

A friend of ours said to my mum on the quiet..I don t know why they want to go there anyway..Australias dirty! How the F........ does she know? !!!!!

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somone at my work said if i was meant to live in Australia i would have been born there!!!




Changing the subject but that reminded me of my Nan when I wanted to have my ears pierced when I was 10. " If God had meant you to have holes in your ears you would have been born with them!" I would not mind but she was not religous at all!

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Guest adamsfamily

My sweet little 4 year old daughter makes me laugh when we talk about living in Oz. She wanted to know if there is a Toys r Us there as nanny and grandad always take here there near Birthday and Xmas. And will nanny and grandad still come to our house on a Thursday night? Bless her innocence!


Nicola. (hope to be in Perth eaarly next year!)

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My family were nasty about it all especially my sister who i also work with which made it even harder but also made me realise that i had my own life and the way they were acting made me all the more determined to go but the other day my managers at work were all joking that they had phoned immingration and told them not to take me that they had asked for a reference from them and refused to give one to keep me there and my sister said " she phoned after them to beg them to take me the quicker the better" i hope she was right. My Brother is coming up from Wales to make sure we get on the plane but i am not taking it all personally think its there way off dealing with it, glad to say my parents have come round tio it all and ask nice questions.


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Guest *KAY TEE*

Ahh thats really sad, my family have said they wont be visiting us either. Have you had the one about What if someone is seriously ill yet!!! (send a post card) na only kidding. Im sure, like my family they'll come around and if not they are too far away to worry about. I know where you are coming from when you say you don't feel as guilty, it does make it a little bit easier, cos you can say things like well if you were speaking to me you would already know, or I would have told you. but all that aside I think they will just miss you like mad and are worrying over nothing, but Im sure they'll come around to the idea (eventually)... live life to the max cos you are a long time dead... Ang x

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Ahh thats really sad, my family have said they wont be visiting us either. Have you had the one about What if someone is seriously ill yet!!! (send a post card) na only kidding. Im sure, like my family they'll come around and if not they are too far away to worry about. I know where you are coming from when you say you don't feel as guilty, it does make it a little bit easier, cos you can say things like well if you were speaking to me you would already know, or I would have told you. but all that aside I think they will just miss you like mad and are worrying over nothing, but Im sure they'll come around to the idea (eventually)... live life to the max cos you are a long time dead... Ang x


Hi Kay Tee, I think you get the Gold Star for that post. Just like my friend who thinks we are going to be allowed to die in the gutter as there is no NHS. Thanks for being the voice of reason!:notworthy:

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my mum ask's me when are we going, have you heard from Australia yet, have you got your visa yet.......No mum i reply but dont worry you will be the first to know, Good thats ok then she says ...as long as i got my cleaner you can do what you want , so i stopped cleaning for her a got her a new one..., costs her a small fortune now and i got more time to sort our new lifes out Down Under.

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Guest *KAY TEE*
Hi Kay Tee, I think you get the Gold Star for that post. Just like my friend who thinks we are going to be allowed to die in the gutter as there is no NHS. Thanks for being the voice of reason!:notworthy:


No probs, I know where you are coming from x:jiggy:

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I know this thread is meant to be light hearted but, don't be to harsh on the friends and family that try to put you off going to the other side of the earth. Why wouldn't anyone try to stop a loved one/ best friend from leaving them? I know when i get back from Australia i will make it my life's mission to educate people on the dark side of Oz!


Sorry Aldo I think your wrong (nothing new there lol):biglaugh:

People need to make there own mistakes what works for one may not work for someone else.

I would hate to see you alianate yourself. Fair point to tell people the bad points of the place but I'm sure they won't listen.


Take care and look after yourself



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Guest garyandjulie

Hi there,


When I told a friend we were looking to move to Oz she said ' Oh I would never want to go and live there - I worked with a couple of Oz men in my last job and they were so male chauvinistic' that is the funiest comment I have had but other than that we have had comments ranging from 'oh why do you want to do that then?' to ' Wow, how fantastic - wish we could live in Oz'


Julie and Gary

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Guest fatpom
Hi there,


When I told a friend we were looking to move to Oz she said ' Oh I would never want to go and live there - I worked with a couple of Oz men in my last job and they were so male chauvinistic' that is the funiest comment I have had but other than that we have had comments ranging from 'oh why do you want to do that then?' to ' Wow, how fantastic - wish we could live in Oz'

Julie and Gary


My OH says all Aussie men are 20 yrs behind in that respect.


She can say what she bloody likes so long as she gets me another coldie from the fridge now!:arghh:

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I wish I would have listened to some of what my friends had said.

Someone who had emigrated before told me that homesickness is like a bereavement,

it just hangs over you all the time and If you can cope with that then you will be fine.


I thought that was an accurate description of what we felt after the initial honeymoon period of four to six months.


Someone pointed out that Oz was where the ozone layer was thinnest, and you can feel it when your here alright!!

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