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What have people said to try and put you off?

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Guest guest12791
I honestly beleive it is jeolousy that you had the ba**s to try it and they haven't or do not have the ability to try it lets face it some people don't have the skills etc. As for the ones who say I told you so well are they really friends or aquantancies. So sorry that your father passed away but I am sure he was glad that you were doing what you wanted to do. Take care for the future which ever continent you decide on!:wubclub:

Thanks for your post, im still fragile as it is early days, but my dad always told me how his uncle worked for Immigration and started the ten pound pom process all those years ago. he always regreted not going himself, he didnt want to leave his mum as his dad died when he was five years old. Im going to try brisbane again and if it dosent work out i can come back again, although iam getting older!!!! Thanks again hope to meet you at some point


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Thanks for your post, im still fragile as it is early days, but my dad always told me how his uncle worked for Immigration and started the ten pound pom process all those years ago. he always regreted not going himself, he didnt want to leave his mum as his dad died when he was five years old. Im going to try brisbane again and if it dosent work out i can come back again, although iam getting older!!!! Thanks again hope to meet you at some point



I know how you feel both my parents are gone and it does make you feel orphaned and there you go your Dad completely understood where you were coming from. My Mum passed away 4 years ago and it feels like 4 months sometimes, she would have been so excited for me. It still hurts that I am not able to share it with her but then again at least don't have to say goodbye we did that 4 years ago. Take care and maybe we will get to meet sometime. :cute:

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Most of the people who say negative stuff about OZ have never been there.

If OZ was too hot and crawling with deadly creatures everywhere no one would want to live here or immigrate here, there would'nt be 1 million Brits living here they would all go back home. Each year more people are killed by bee and wasp stings in the Uk then snake and spider bites in OZ. As for it being too hot look at the photos below outside Melbounre a few days ago.

The Australian - Photo galleries and slideshows - Mt Dandenong snow

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:wubclub: Thanks for your post Barab, we are going back to brisbane if we can find work for my other half. We had no luck last time. problem is both my daughters are heading back in a couple of years they loved brisbane, guess i have no one here in England now as both my parents are now dead. Hope to meet you if you are still there next year , Annemarie


Best of luck with the job situation,you should be right there's a few jobs going over here at the moment.


Thanks for the offer of meeting up,but we have booked flights and are out of here in weeks,probably never to return again.

Hope you keep us informed through this website.


Cheers Barab.

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Yes blue ring octopus's are deadly but they are rare and only kill around 1 person every 10 or 20 years. People go on like OZ is the only country in the world that has deadly animals, the USA has deadly rattle snakes, alligators, mountain lions, grizzly bears, venomous spiders and sharks all of which kill people regularly.

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People go on about the spiders in OZ but only one person had been killed by a spider bite in OZ in the last 30 years while a few people are killed in the UK by bee stings each year, so Aussies going over to the UK should be careful of all those deadly bees they have over there.

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People go on about the spiders in OZ but only one person had been killed by a spider bite in OZ in the last 30 years while a few people are killed in the UK by bee stings each year, so Aussies going over to the UK should be careful of all those deadly bees they have over there.


Thats because they are allergic to the sting.


Just like a peanut can kill someone,whereas if anyone got stung by a box jellyfish for instance, they need urgent medical attention or you'll be high fiving St Peter before you can say lammington cake.

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When we finally plucked up the courage to tell the parents it was like somebody had opened a pandoras box, out it all came, the accusations, old, old grievances, terrible back stabbing and plotting. Mother in law suddenly developed a heart condition (first time in 77 years) and my mum accused me of not thinking about my family (her mainly). I honestly thought I was going to lose the plot and was so chewed up with anger I couldn't think straight. But friends were absolutely brilliant and have all wished us well, only our best man has become a bit distant since we got here, but that's not surprising really. He's that type, doesn't like to think that we are doing anything better than him in life.


Well that's my rant over better stop now before I get all hot and bothered again.



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same here not had the negative grunt which woiuld be easier to dispell in a way. But the distance thing. All of a sudden friends dont wish to make plans with me because i will be going. They have a new circle of firends.To the extent had to make my own new circle of friends now. My best friend for 22 years no longer invites me to holidyas and tells me she is going two days before with other frinds and the excuse is she thought im saving so might have said no.Which i might have but to be asked would of been nice.

But to be fair think the defence thing prob kicking in and she should have a wider circle of friends.Because it used to be her and me all the time. Not even left and i miss her already so getting me in pratcie really.

Family have been great, although dont think mine will visit OH will and do get on with them really well.

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When we finally plucked up the courage to tell the parents it was like somebody had opened a pandoras box, out it all came, the accusations, old, old grievances, terrible back stabbing and plotting. Mother in law suddenly developed a heart condition (first time in 77 years) and my mum accused me of not thinking about my family (her mainly). I honestly thought I was going to lose the plot and was so chewed up with anger I couldn't think straight. But friends were absolutely brilliant and have all wished us well, only our best man has become a bit distant since we got here, but that's not surprising really. He's that type, doesn't like to think that we are doing anything better than him in life.


Well that's my rant over better stop now before I get all hot and bothered again.




Sounds to me like you might be getting a lucky escape especially from the MIL imagine if everything you do from now on makes her have heart problems? You do what you feel is right for you. :yes:

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Guest guest12791
Best of luck with the job situation,you should be right there's a few jobs going over here at the moment.


Thanks for the offer of meeting up,but we have booked flights and are out of here in weeks,probably never to return again.

Hope you keep us informed through this website.


Cheers Barab.


:wubclub: Hey barab, hope your flight home goes well, you might be like us and want to return in a few months. I was distraught when i arrived home and after thinking long and hard iam going to give it another go. some might say im crazy but i dont think four months was enough, plus loosing my dad didnt help. Anyway i can always come back again! bet you gave it longer than us, guess we just panicked!!!!!

take care


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