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Can anyone tell me if this is true?

Que Sera Sera

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Right we finally have all the TRA paperwork together and photocopied. Now we need the copies verified and the Stat Dec witnessed. Now no joking there must be about 50 pieces of paper that neen verifying so as you can imagine its going to cost a flipping fortune at the solicitors when and if we can get an appointment. Now I remember someone saying that we could just pop along to the magistrates court and wait untill a magistrate is free and they would do it free of cost. If this is true my OH can pop along this afternoon. Any ideas anyone?:idea:

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Guest Redaussies
Right we finally have all the TRA paperwork together and photocopied. Now we need the copies verified and the Stat Dec witnessed. Now no joking there must be about 50 pieces of paper that neen verifying so as you can imagine its going to cost a flipping fortune at the solicitors when and if we can get an appointment. Now I remember someone saying that we could just pop along to the magistrates court and wait untill a magistrate is free and they would do it free of cost. If this is true my OH can pop along this afternoon. Any ideas anyone?:idea:

I think your talking about certified copies. Certified copies all that was needed was for the official to see a copy as a true likeness of an original and confirm it. We used a solicitor, he looked at all our paperwork and treated them as a block of papers, listed each one in a typed letter and confirmed them as certified copies. Charged us 50 quid. We had loads of paperwork as well, some foreign translations. If you could find a solicitor who would do it that way it isn't too costly.


However if not, my understanding is that Authorised persons include Juctices of the Peace, Notary Publics, lawyers / solicitors, Magistrates offices and in the UK Police Officers and School Teachers or University professors. a professional person, like an accountant, a minister, a bank manager. Just check it on the www.immi.gov.au/

Hope this helps,


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Yes you can, although I think there can be a lengthy wait. We will need to get ours certified soon and our regular sols has offered to do them for £40 the lot. So think this is an ok price. Think you have to weigh up wether you have the time to sit and wait at the magistrates court or not. (OH is self employed so financially makes more sense to keep him working and get the sols to certify docs).

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Guest David1805
Right we finally have all the TRA paperwork together and photocopied. Now we need the copies verified and the Stat Dec witnessed. Now no joking there must be about 50 pieces of paper that neen verifying so as you can imagine its going to cost a flipping fortune at the solicitors when and if we can get an appointment. Now I remember someone saying that we could just pop along to the magistrates court and wait untill a magistrate is free and they would do it free of cost. If this is true my OH can pop along this afternoon. Any ideas anyone?:idea:


I phoned the local magistrates court who arranged an appointment for me. You need to inform them that there is a lot of paperwork to verfiy as being a true copy etc..... It cost me £25.00




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Guest TheHollies

Thanks David.


Spoke to a solicitors in Derby earlier, asked if they certifyed documents for emigrating, she said, yes... £60 per document!!! :shocked: Thought id misheard her so asked her again, and she said £60 for 1 document or £65 for 2!!! When I said that i had around 20 sheets that needed certifying, (although, i must admit she was shocked when I said how many papers i had) she said to ring back tomorrow to speak to someone else who may be able to give me a better price!! mmm, think i will save the phone call and try somewhere else!!


If anyone wants the name/number of this solicitor so you can get your papers certified, just let me know!!! :biglaugh:

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Guest retiringgraham

I took all mine to a solicitor. Had to go twice times as our agents took so long that we went pass the six month point and had to have some re-done. I did the copies had them all numbered and listed He charged me a total of £55 the first time and £45 for the second visit. We had over a 100 done including two affidavits.

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I rang some solicitors today for quotes and they nearly all quoted £5 per document and £10 for the stat decs....one did say she could do a bundle price if I let her know how many docs I had to do....


I rang magistrates court and it appears they dont know their arses from their elbows as they initially said yes they could certify our documents for £25, then said it was the county court who did it...so I rang them and she said yes they could but had no idea how much it cost or what the "procedure" was....she said just turn up and see if someone is free

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hi, yes we had the same thing, I rang round various soliciters because i was told by each different office that it has to be a SPECIALIST soliciter who can do it.I should of cost us £300- £500 depending on how much paperwork was involved.

Thats for the TRA Wait till you have to send in the visa, its all duplicated, i had someone from the POST OFFICE DO MINE, (Manager) but was told it wasnt acceptable so i had to get it all done again, A expensive exercise.It has to be a notry public (thats a specialist soliciter)my sisterinlaw is a HIGH RANKING Police sargent and she was not acceptable to do it so my advise to you is get it right the first time.

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Guest TheHollies

Are you in Derby? We only live in Mansfield! When and where are you hoping to go to OZ?



Hi David


We live in between Derby and Heanor, in Smalley. We were originally looking at Adelaide but have now decided on Perth. We have relatives there. Hoping to be there around Nov 09. What about you??

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Guest David1805


Small world. I used to live in Langley..... then lived in Derby.... now Mansfield. Going to Perth hopefully feb '09


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Guest diesellisle



We used a solicitor in Mansfield, who charged us £15 and also did the photocopying bit too!


Good luck with everything:)



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Guest gothicqueen
Right we finally have all the TRA paperwork together and photocopied. Now we need the copies verified and the Stat Dec witnessed. Now no joking there must be about 50 pieces of paper that neen verifying so as you can imagine its going to cost a flipping fortune at the solicitors when and if we can get an appointment. Now I remember someone saying that we could just pop along to the magistrates court and wait untill a magistrate is free and they would do it free of cost. If this is true my OH can pop along this afternoon. Any ideas anyone?:idea:


Have Pm'd you with what I did.


I got mine done for free at the magistrates court, had to wait until just before court started in the morning

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Guest TheHollies


We used a solicitor in Mansfield, who charged us £15 and also did the photocopying bit too!


Good luck with everything:)




Thats a good price, which solicitor was that?

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Guest gothicqueen

There seems to be some confusion over who can sign what here, a notary public or a JP (magistrate) or solicitor can sign your forms, police etc cant, which is a shame as brother in law is a police man.


When I got mine done my agent advised me to duplicate everything so there would be spare ones for the visa app too along with the ones for TRA. I took mine to the magistrates court, explaioned what I wanted and they signed all the photocopies, they then stamped them with 'this is a true copy of the original' along with a stamp that had the magistrates court details on. I might have just struck lucky and got them on a good day as they did all mine for free.


So my agent now has all the extra copies that we need for the visa, and the ones for the TRA went off and we passed so obv they were OK!

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There seems to be some confusion over who can sign what here, a notary public or a JP (magistrate) or solicitor can sign your forms, police etc cant, which is a shame as brother in law is a police man.


When I got mine done my agent advised me to duplicate everything so there would be spare ones for the visa app too along with the ones for TRA. I took mine to the magistrates court, explaioned what I wanted and they signed all the photocopies, they then stamped them with 'this is a true copy of the original' along with a stamp that had the magistrates court details on. I might have just struck lucky and got them on a good day as they did all mine for free.


So my agent now has all the extra copies that we need for the visa, and the ones for the TRA went off and we passed so obv they were OK!


Thats like me I think we are using the same agent, It means though that we have about 50 copies to certify and one stat dec. I naughtily did my photocopying at work. I needed the Birth certificate done though and as I was in the EA office today I cheekily asked them to photocopy that as well. Well I mean we are paying them thousands at least they could do that.!!!!!:twitcy:

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Guest helenandrob

We got our accountant to do our certified copies which were F.O.C. and a solicitor to do the stat dec for £5.00



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Guest gothicqueen
We got our accountant to do our certified copies which were F.O.C. and a solicitor to do the stat dec for £5.00




You might need to check that an accountant can do them Helen, the official paperwork I got said only notary public, solicitor or magistrate could cerify them.

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Guest gothicqueen
We got our accountant to do our certified copies which were F.O.C. and a solicitor to do the stat dec for £5.00




Ignore my last one, Ive just noticed on another post that you passed TRA! seems strange that conflicting info sent from Oz says that only certain people can sign but yours passed anyway (unless your accountant is also a magistrate!) :wubclub:

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