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TAX There I said that horrible word but.....

Que Sera Sera

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Would anyone be able to give me a rough idea how much tax someone would have to pay if for instance they were earning $60,000 are year? Is it like the British system in that you pay more the more you earn or is there a fixed rate also if you were to earn vastly less is there a tax free amount like here?:huh:

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Guest Pinhead

Assuming you're a permanent resident in the tax year 08/09 you would pay $12,000 of tax on $60,000 plus medicare levy of $900. So your effective tax rate would be 21.5%.


Tax in oz is the same as the uk system where by you get a $6K tax free amount and the tax rate gets higher the more you earn.


This site gives you the rate for the next few years

Tax Rates

Medicare levy is 1.5% on everything at the $60,000 level.

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One fairly material difference in a tax context between the UK and Australia is the relative ease with which in Australia you can claim expenses incurred in deriving assessable income as a tax deduction, reducing your tax bill as a result.


The law allowing tax relief on such expenses in the UK is much more restrictive.


A good tax accountant should be able to guide you on this subject - it may well be worthwhile seeing one soon after you arrive in Australia to get a better understanding of the receipts and other details you should retain for future need.


Best regards.

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Guest Badger Brock

This is an interesting thread, and the replies very useful, but could someone please tell me if the UK State Pension is included in the calculation of $6,000 or only work pensions? I am moving over to Oz on the Parent visa and will only have my pensions to live on and am hoping I wont be worse off.


Cheers, V

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It depends on your visa subclass, V.


If you are granted a subclass 143 visa - yes the UK State Pension is assessable income in Australia, but with a 8% deduction available for what is called the Undeducted Purchase Price.


If you are granted a temporary - ie a subclass 173 - visa - probably not assessable.


See also UK Revenue form FD2:

HM Revenue & Customs: UK/Australia Double Taxation Convention (2003)- Forms Available To Claim Relief


Best regards.

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Guest Badger Brock

Hi Alan, sorry to hijack the thread. My subclass is 103, so Im guessing my pension will be assessable. Thanks for the info. V

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