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Feng Shui or dumb blonde?

Que Sera Sera

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O.K. I decided to do the red envelope trick today (I know but its worth a try !) anyway I put some wood in from a skirting board and a nail in from the wall and some soil from the garden in a nice red envelope I had made out of a piece of red paper.

I had to drop my son off at Tae Kwon Do so I thought I would drop it in the river on the way home.

I stopped at the nearest river and was about to drop it in when it occurred to me :idea:


This bit of river runs directly into the sewage works. Now I am no Feng Shui expert but surely that is not good luck to have your red envelope and wishes swimming with piles of s**t!


So off I went to the next closest river and the bridge is very narrow so I had to be quick before a car came, so I threw it over and guess what? It ended up on some weeds on the side! Now again I am no Feng Shui expert but surely that would mean that your hopes are just sat on the weeds and until it can float free that would mean the house would not sell. So I got a few stones and started throwing them at the envelope trying to free it , now this is a rural country lane but would you believe it about 6 cars had to pass while I was doing it, God knows what they must have thought!

I knocked the letter off the weeds where it promptly sank, so it is probably sat on the riverbed as we speak. What does that mean? did it work or are all my wishes now sat at the bottom of the river along with me hopes of selling the house?

Cause if so I make have to do a bit of paddling when it gets dark!!!!!!!:biglaugh:

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Guest Jaynie

Now Cath...calm down, deep breaths and except your fate........this will be fine, you have done your upmost and I am sure that the Feng shui chief will be very very proud of you for going to all this trouble. Think positive thoughts, you have done what has been ordered of you, how do you know what happened to Lui and Angelcakes envelope after they threw theirs in the River? See what I mean, everything is fine in your household, you have good vibes and this house will sell, tell me I'm wrong in a few weeks, but I don't think you will, you will be saying "It worked the Red envelope did the trick".:notworthy:


Now what these strangers thought of you chucking stones over the bridge I don't know, they may have you committed soon, so wait for the men in white coats to turn up!:biglaugh:


Go the Red Envelope I say!

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Hi Cath,


I did my red envelope thing on Tuesday spent ages trying to find a bridge where there was an actual river then when I threw mine in it got stuck on the bridge structure so it definately won't work, I spent the next two days worrying that someone had seen me and taken my car reg and the police were going to knock on my door and arrest me for littering I even went in the loft to saw a bit of rafter off. Now I am just waiting for the roof to colapse!!


Hope it works for you.



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Guest Jaynie
you have now 3 things to do before you can sell you house


* paint the skirting board where you took the wood from

*Polyfilla the hole in the wall where you pulled the nail out of.

*An fill in the hole in the garden where you removed the soil from !




I think Cath's dog saw her dig up the soil and then proceeded to make the hole bigger from one of her other posts!


Hopefully he never saw her do the other things otherwise she will have to renovate as he is a Labrador!:cute:

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I think Cath's dog saw her dig up the soil and then proceeded to make the hole bigger from one of her other posts!


Hopefully he never saw her do the other things otherwise she will have to renovate as he is a Labrador!:cute:


Do you know you are sort of right I actually used the soil the dog had dug up! The lawn ( I use the word lawn but that is actually grander the the postage stamp that it is!) has now got a big pot whole in the middle. Maybe the dog is psychic and was helping me out! :biglaugh:

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you have now 3 things to do before you can sell you house


* paint the skirting board where you took the wood from

*Polyfilla the hole in the wall where you pulled the nail out of.

*An fill in the hole in the garden where you removed the soil from !




I have a husband , you know the saying why keep a dog and bark yourself!!!


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