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Bristol Meet Up September 7th

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see you all in a while

im off now to sort dinner, get the school uniform s ready for tomorrow etc

i just don t know.....you lot could be a right bunch of party animals and keep me out late lol thought i best get organised for the morning now!!! (my youngest first ever day at school!!!)

lorraine x

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Guest TheArmChairDetective

THat's the first Bristol meet up that geraldine and I have attended.

We really enjoyed meeting Angie and Mark, Wendy and Colin and Lorraine and Tristan.

A fun time was had by all and more than a few pictures taken, once I, and probably Mark, have worked out how to work them I will get the ones that ca,me out intio the gallery.


We look forward to doing it again soon.

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Guest Wenders

Hi all,

Thanks for a lovely afternoon, it was really nice to meet you all and we look forward to doing it again soon.

Oh and, Bowling was good, even better, I WON, Yay!!!!!!


Look forward to the next time.

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Guest Angie*mark

Hi, thanks for a great afternoon was really good meeting u all, got another thread on here about the pics.

We must of brought u luck wendy LOL.

See u all again soon!!!! Any one got a date LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Angie xx

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Guest Wenders
i recon oct/nov time?


Sounds good to me.........have 2 weddings in November, 8th & 15th, would hate to miss the meet, be good if we can avoid these dates.........they're both on a saturday by the way.

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Guest Angie*mark

Any time in Nov is fine for me, i dont have a busy social life too busy staying in and saving all those non excistant pennies LOL.

I do vote for Lorraines sister's pub though as a meeting point.

Angie xx

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Guest Steve&Mandy

sounds like u had a good time peeps sorry we couldn't make it as we are a few thousand miles away lol. Best of luck with the next one.



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