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Really no where is safe!

Que Sera Sera

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I have just found out that someone has been trying to lure kids form the village into their car. It has happened on two separate occasions and the Police are investigating.

Its a shock we live in a small village where everyone knows everyone and where you would feel safe allowing the children to play out.

My son is 7 and I have just started allowing him to play outside, we have openplan front gardens and there is no traffic so the kids can ride their bikes scooters up and down the paths.

The first dry day in weeks and I can't let him out to play. I am so fed up now, seriously what is wrong with this world!

Sorry but I never thought this was Eutopia but I did always feel safe allowing the children a bit of freedom.:wideeyed:

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honestly they cant do anything when theres these sickos around. You get people moaning that you shouldnt wrap them in cotton wool and then this happens. Like you said what is this world coming to...

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Hi Cath


So sorry to hear this but not shocked unfortunately, I think we can underestimate how many weirdos there are out there.:sad:


I think all you can do is try to instil in your kids some basic awareness and keep an eye out for them, which I am certain you already do.


I really think parents should have access to info stating where these XXXXX's are.


Big hugs:wubclub:


Sue xx

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I do hope they catch the person quickly , maybe you get together with other parent's who are worried to see if you can come up with a solution, maybe take it in turns to do a parent patrol .Put up leaflets on posts in the village , so who ever it is knows you are on to them.


I know it is every parent's nightmare , but you can't let this type of thing spoil your child's childhhod.


Hopefully they'll catch the slimey git and hopefully you and your nieghbours will start to feel a little more secure again.


I think because he is only seven it does make it worse for you as well Seven year olds can be fooled easily .

It is totally unfair. I do remember though , even in my childhhood 70/80s we had a number of scares and after a couple of weeks things started getting back to normal.


I would still be doubious about letting mine out though , i hope they catch it very soon.

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The problem is the laws are too soft, they get let out to do it again, in countries like Iran or China there probably arent any paedophiles because they execute them.

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Thanks all I have just been down the local Post Office (font of all knowledge) the generl consensus of opinion is that this person is using the fact its the summer holidays to just drive around areas looking for targets. Also I was advised by our post mistress (nosey but font of all knowledge) that things do get blown out of all proportion so not to get too worked up.(it aint that easy though is it?)

I have told Trav the usual don't go with strangers bit and I also told him if anyone scares him kick them as hard as he can and run home. Now bear in mind he does Tae Kwon Do I may be getting a knock on the door about assault but hey thats a risk I will take.:yes:

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Also tell your kids to to scream out as loud as possible to attract the attention of people nearby, even if the people nearby don't help just having them staring at him might frightern him off.

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Guest beermeister

Unfortunately, there's sickos in every part of the world. We love the peace of our small village and the kids play out a lot but it would be such a shame to have to curtail that. If possible, maybe you could encourage your son to play in groups with other kids so that they can at least look out for each other and I guess sickos would prefer not to have other witnesses around when they do their snatch.


Hearing of these stories makes it hard to feel sympathy for Gary Glitter.

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sad isn't it and then you get comments about them being wrapped up in cotton wool ! is there any wonder, same thing happened where we live last year coupl of men targetting girls on the way to school.. scary has it allways been this bad or do we just hear more things by radio and media now?!

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Unfortunately, there's sickos in every part of the world. We love the peace of our small village and the kids play out a lot but it would be such a shame to have to curtail that. If possible, maybe you could encourage your son to play in groups with other kids so that they can at least look out for each other and I guess sickos would prefer not to have other witnesses around when they do their snatch.


Hearing of these stories makes it hard to feel sympathy for Gary Glitter.

is there any one who does feel sympathy for that slime bag?

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Guest daren.wr9
is there any one who does feel sympathy for that slime bag?

Yeh the friggin UK government....kick the a55hole back out like everyone else has......send him to a remote island to die.

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I Don't feel sorry for Gary Glitter at all but the problem is they are mentally ill its not normal behavior and they cant help it so they shouldn't be allowed to have the chance its as simple as that its an illness like many other illnesses that cause harm or distress to others and until there is a cure they should be kept in an arena were they cant offend now hes served his time like many criminals so he should now be free to go about his life in an area (contained)were he cannot come in to contact with children or teenagers.

We had the same thing happen near us about somebody trying to get some girls into a car but without catching the culprit you dont know if its some sick stunt or something more sinister and the natural thing to do and is what i do is dont let the children out of your sight but its not fare on the kids

but its the safest option.

it has to be one of the biggest worries of any parent.

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Hitler was mentally ill so are you saying if he was captured alive he should have been not been punished for murdering millions of people, Its possible to be both mentanly ill and evil which peadophiles are.

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This dirty bstard was housed just 5kms up the road from me recently, and it really sent a shiver up my spine and I could honestly say that if i had come face to face with him i would have put my hand around his throat a squeezed until the bstard was dead. There is no place for them in this world and as soon as it is discovered they are peodophile they should be instantly taken out of the gene pool.

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Guest daren.wr9

Yes but as soon as he lands in UK he will be protected just like that ponse Ian Huntley.

I say leave em out in the street to have "the peoples punishment".


bring back stoning...lol

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