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2012 Off to a good start...NOT!

Que Sera Sera

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Yep here we go. The Olympic committee for 2012 showed during the promotional video a picture of Myra Hindley. This must have been a tiny second of it because I missed it but I ask you someone, somewhere was paid a huge amount of money for that bit of PR and whoever it was thought that it would be a good idea to show to the worlds stage a picture from the Tate Gallery of one of the most nastiest vile human beings who as ever walked our shores. It doesn't bode well does it?:wacko:

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Guest Brickie

My God, I was 12 when she and her other half were doing their deeds, I went past the gypo fair that they stole a girl from to later rape and torture and tape the pitiful screams from the girl.


It still brings shivers to my spine......:wacko:

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