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Guest zambezi15

As you say we have all been there and worn the T Shirt...its a wonderful stage of our lives, its no longer the house, the car or the business lunches..its quality of life, people and places...time to throw out what we dont need, and its so true...what someone described earlier as its just ' things'..I need her here, to help me throw out, I am a hoarder of note, do a massive clean out and still find I haven't been ruthless enough, especially with books and unusual items using excuses like..'maybe' I will need that one day, or I cant throw that out it cost so much when I got it... But realism is its time to downscale and start concentrating on what matters and not things. Keep up the motivation...all your messages are working for me. Thankyou

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I'm at the clear out stage too - being fairly ruthless for a change! Was going to hold off selling house till next year but am thinking about putting on market now (while it's tidy!!!)


Instead of saying "Am I likely to need that" as I usually do I'm now saying "Are you going to take that to Australia" - makes a big difference! Now where's that skip???



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Guest TheArmChairDetective
HI all,

Just wanted to ask a question?

Am I the only divorced lady on pio trying to find a way to live and work in australia?

I am 56 years old and I only have friends in melbourne, my son and daughter live here in scotland,and they dont want to move to oz .

I have no qualifications but plenty of experience in childcare.

IS anybody in the same situation as myself? if you are I would love to hear from you.

val .



Hi Soul,

I'm 52. We want to go to Aus, andwe have been trying for two years.

Nearly went back in 85 but stayed here for pension purposes.

Gollywobbler has been marvellous turning over ever stone possible but we still cant go.

A student visa will get you there but I'm sure thats for 12 months only.

The only way I know is to oliday there then go to NZ for a period of time then go back for another 12 months. but you cant work, if your cought your deported. You cant buy a house ..nothing.

I believe there is a special category if your famous or really really rich.


If by anychance you find a legal way to migrate, can you please let me know.

thanks and good luck.

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hi acd,

I agree with what you are saying, the student visa is very expensive and will drain the money fund, but I will let you know if I find a legal loophole that we can try.

please let me know if you find it first.


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hi sam & si

please look out for a nice man for me ,no long hair or beards and perhaps with some money of his own.

looks like I will have to join some of these web sites that advertise for a wife/ husband wanted.

just joking [or am I serious]?


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Guest TheArmChairDetective
hi acd,

I agree with what you are saying, the student visa is very expensive and will drain the money fund, but I will let you know if I find a legal loophole that we can try.

please let me know if you find it first.




I'm still looking:smile:

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hi liz,

how are your plans going? and which part of oz are you going to?

I have my first grandchild here and she is 14 months old, I would miss her very much if I go to oz, but I still hope my son and daughter will decide to go in the future.

please keep in touch.


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest zambezi15

Its never too late, I love your Spirit and with that attitude you have got to succeed. I moved to UK four years ago when I was in my fifties from Africa, on an ancestral visa, my husband is British and we are now moving to Australia. (I am Australian by descent, although I have never lived there). My family are in Africa, and what every new immigrant is experiencing in Aussie is what I experienced in the UK, missing family and friends. But eventually you adjust. Its the dark long cold winters I cant get used to, and also the lack of huge spaces. We have bought tickets for the Leeds expo, to see what type of jobs are available on offer. Have done our own spouse/partner visa application so wish us luck. I wonder if I can do any correspondence courses from here for Aussie training, to expedite employment.

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