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How do you cope with the waiting???

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Guest cantwait



The wait is horrible. Because you really don't know when anything will happen you feel like you are in limbo. I'm the worlds most impatient person and I have to try and detach myself from it all or I would go mental!!




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Cath I know where you are coming from, we got turned down the first time (red tape) then had to wait for over a year before we could apply again, you always feel it's never going to happen and then one day you find yourself boarding the aircraft to start your new life in OZ.


Keep your chin up and at least you know that there are plenty of people in your position, when I did it the internet wasn't around and I thought we were the only ones going through the whole process. You have your PIO family to keep you going.:wubclub:

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Guest lynnjez

Hi Cath

I emailed them yesterday to see if they had received ours and they emailed me this morning saying no not yet..........Crap...still waiting...im climbing the walls lol


Lynn x

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It is really hard!!I found i had to keep really busy,started sorting through the house etc in preparation for going( Just having an extra tidy house if we did not!) Making the most of all the things you will miss if you go ,especially friends and family and still getting on with your life.For 6 months I would not book holidays etc but have booked xmas panto etc for my children now.


We waited a year for our 457 visa and I still feel strange waking up and not having that on my mind first thing! Now I am waiting for something else....will I sell my house?!!!!


Oh well back to being busy,tidying my house ,seeing friends and family and of course,spending far too much time on this website!!!


Hope your wait is not too long .lol pottsy x

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Guest kevinboomer

hi Mattcath


Just forget about it , and get on with life or it will torture you untill the end !


Beleive me it can turn you into a different person.


We have past caring now and are just focusing on surviving this economic nightmare and selling our house.


Take it in your stride. And relax don't let it get you down.




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Guest Scamp1976

Strangely , I was biting my nails at the ACS assessment... I was biting my nails until the meds... I was biting my nails until everything was sent off, then... I had this feeling of "Well... it's done now... nothing I can do" And I started painting the house, doing other things. I still think about Australia , but I'm not worried about it anymore like I was before. We can only wait now. It's a REAL good feeling when you finally sent off everything. From that point on , you'll start relaxing and doing things that really matter ( sell the house, sell the car, sell the furniture, prepare the tax office byebye, cancel TV subscriptions etc etc.. )

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Guest Angie*mark

I fully understand cath, we havnt been able to start the process yet and the wait is driving me bonkers, god knows how i'll feel when we do actually start submitting things.

Angie xx

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Yes I know how you feel, Ive just passed my TRA, thank god!! and im going to lodge my visa application at the begining of October, my agent reckons on 9 months then, then I have to sell my house!!!! and the kids are getting older, then its a case of will they still want to go after the long wait???? just wish it was quicker myself!!!:swoon:

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Guest mandisfam
Strangely , I was biting my nails at the ACS assessment... I was biting my nails until the meds... I was biting my nails until everything was sent off, then... I had this feeling of "Well... it's done now... nothing I can do" And I started painting the house, doing other things. I still think about Australia , but I'm not worried about it anymore like I was before. We can only wait now. It's a REAL good feeling when you finally sent off everything. From that point on , you'll start relaxing and doing things that really matter ( sell the house, sell the car, sell the furniture, prepare the tax office byebye, cancel TV subscriptions etc etc.. )



Totally agree with the above. I think this is the best way to handle it. We are currently waiting for our agent to prepare our visa application. Im bit anxious about it, because I just want to get it done and submitted and then start the wait..........once its submitted I will be able to relax and start getting the house ready to go on the market.....



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