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Time is standing still


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:arghh: I only have 9 weeks left and it feels like a lifetime.


At this stage when I was moving over I was reall busy(might have been all the leaving parties right enough) but my goodness am I fed up waiting.


Hope all the others hoping to come back are getting all there plans together.

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I can imagine!!!


Dont worry, those 63 days will just zip past and you will be back to sanity before you know it. Calendar and big red pen is always my solution in cases like these! Perhaps start a blog to make the time go faster.


I have to wait until April before my next trip home - at least!!!! Not counting the days just yet but it wont be long before I do!

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I can imagine!!!


Dont worry, those 63 days will just zip past and you will be back to sanity before you know it. Calendar and big red pen is always my solution in cases like these! Perhaps start a blog to make the time go faster.


I have to wait until April before my next trip home - at least!!!! Not counting the days just yet but it wont be long before I do!


I know quoll your right...theres me moaning about 63 days and some people are stuck here .


Im off to get a BIG calender and you can look through your holiday photos .

Cheers .

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Hi Jo,


I wish you and your family all the very best on returning to the UK, I was going to say I'm sorry it didn't turn out to be what you'd hoped for ... but 'sorry' is probably the wrong word as you're now optimistic about your future and no doubt you'll be richer for the experience. There are probably a lot people waiting for you with open arms back home, you may even get a welcome home party lol I'm sure like me others will want to know how your doing so please do keep popping in and keeping us updated.

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Ah cheers Ali and Stuju I really cant wait...think this will be my best Christmas ever!!!!


Aldo just leave the house and go ...thats what we are doing... after all brisbane is the most boring city in the world lol.Seriously I hope you sell it really soon....but I hope people buy mine first:yes:

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  • 2 months later...
Guest lee winspear
well jotrac,

before you know it you will be on that plane back to, in my opinion the best place on earth.


ditto. im going back friday, woohoo :biglaugh:

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ditto. im going back friday, woohoo /QUOTE]


Woo hoo indeed, how lucky are you?????????


I was reading the online papers about the lousy weather they are having in UK at the moment and weird as it may sound, I was sitting here thinking - I wish I were there, even in all that wind and rain, it would be so much better than the bland sameness of the weather here every day, sun, sun, more sun and the panic about our dam levels.


I hope your move home goes brilliantly! I am :chatterbox::skeptical: (GREEEN) with envy!

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Guest guest17301

You'll soon get sick of the bland sameness of rain, rain, drizzle, drizzle and then a bit more rain....appreciate the sun while you're still there, I guarantee you'll miss it. Just like I'll miss cold frosty, crisp winter days. We're never satisfied are we?

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You'll soon get sick of the bland sameness of rain, rain, drizzle, drizzle and then a bit more rain....appreciate the sun while you're still there, I guarantee you'll miss it. Just like I'll miss cold frosty, crisp winter days. We're never satisfied are we?


Ah but that is the point - the rain rain rain is a myth. People only focus on the rainy days. We had two absolutely glorious weeks in UK in July - super weather and it didnt matter than I had left my cardi back here in Aus. Then we had a couple of weeks where there was intermittent rain. It was a novelty for us - we have been in drought for almost 7 years and when the rain comes it comes in big dump cells which come, dump and go. I think the Poms whinge about the weather far too much!

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Guest Pocklell
ditto. im going back friday, woohoo :biglaugh:


How excited are you, lol. how excited is everybody back here in good old yorkshire waiting for your arrival . VERY. lol. See you Saturday:laugh:


And good luck to all of you who are waiting to come home to the uk.

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Guest guest17301
Ah but that is the point - the rain rain rain is a myth. People only focus on the rainy days. We had two absolutely glorious weeks in UK in July - super weather and it didnt matter than I had left my cardi back here in Aus. Then we had a couple of weeks where there was intermittent rain. It was a novelty for us - we have been in drought for almost 7 years and when the rain comes it comes in big dump cells which come, dump and go. I think the Poms whinge about the weather far too much!



But surely you have cooler rainy days in Oz too? It's just that it's the norm for the sun to shine...(unless you live where Earlswood does):skeptical: But honestly we've had a really crappy year for weather this year, can count on one hand the number of hot sunny days this summer, and the rest of the seasons seem to merge into one cool, blustery, drizzly sameness:sad:

I don't think I will miss it very much to be honest, but on the other hand not really looking forward to days that are too hot to go out either!

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Guest meganhannah
:arghh: I only have 9 weeks left and it feels like a lifetime.


At this stage when I was moving over I was reall busy(might have been all the leaving parties right enough) but my goodness am I fed up waiting.


Hope all the others hoping to come back are getting all there plans together.


I hope you don't mind me asking you this question joetrac but can you tell me briefly about your experience and why you have found oz so miserable. We are hoping to be in Brisbane by June of next year yet already I am having second thoughts, I keep asking myself is this just cold feet. I am scared. I think a lot of my pronlem is my eldest son who has just got himself a girlfriend and thinks he's in love!

I would appreciate your response as a lot of what you hear is positive on this sight I just want honesty.


Jo j

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Guest taffy 62

I can relate to that ! I just came back to Brisbane for a week and fly back to Victoria today, I cant wait, even 1 week was loooooooong!


Maybe put yourself in "Holiday Mood" and pretend that you havnt see the place before and go sightseeing all over the place and try and get a tourist point of view play a few mind games with yourself, at least it will pass the time away.:twitcy:

Have a superduper christmas and keep in touch. :jiggy:

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