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chicken clicking dried up!!!!!

the hutchies

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Hi all...!


My computer's been down for a couple of days and I was beginning to get severe PomsinOz withdrawal symptoms but all's well now... thank goodness!


Managed to click the Hutchies, Emmaroo and LX_RV86!


Dan xx :emoticon-signxmas:

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Morning managed to click on emmaroo, welcome back Dan thought it had been quiet on here without your input, hope your getting ready for Christmas

Tania X


LOL Thanks Tania! We're ready for Christmas here now! How about you? Hope you're well! I've been meaning to PM you so will do tonight hopefully!


Take care,


Dan xx :emoticon-signxmas:

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Morning managed to click on emmaroo, welcome back Dan thought it had been quiet on here without your input, hope your getting ready for Christmas

Tania X


LOL Thanks Tania!


Dan xx :emoticon-signxmas:

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Wow, manged 3 today, hutchies, emma and wards - been a while!

Liz x


Hi Liz!


Thanks for the click! It's much appreciated!


Take care,


Dan xx :emoticon-signxmas:

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LOL Thanks Tania! We're ready for Christmas here now! How about you? Hope you're well! I've been meaning to PM you so will do tonight hopefully!


Take care,


Dan xx :emoticon-signxmas:

We're nearly ready for Chrimbles now, just the food shopping to do, as i have already ate the roses and drank the baileys. I'm just hoping i will have some pine needles left on the tree, as it is nearly dead, at least it still looks nice in the dark with the lights on, you can't quite see the brown bits. Anyway the children are excited so thats the main thing, whats Santa bringing you?????

Tania X:wisemanxmas:

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i have already ate the roses and drank the baileys.


LOL That doesn't sound too healthy Tania... but hey it's Christmas!


I'm just hoping i will have some pine needles left on the tree, as it is nearly dead, at least it still looks nice in the dark with the lights on, you can't quite see the brown bits.


Sorry to hear about the tree... atleast it looks good in the dark!


Anyway the children are excited so thats the main thing, whats Santa bringing you?????


I'm glad your children are excited! I just asked for a surprise this year as I really didn't know what to get! You...???

Take care,

Dan xx

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No clicks again, I will PM you Marie, taking more papers to court again today

I'm not expecting alot this year Dan as finances a little bit tight, but friends and my clients always buy me nice things

Tania X


Sorry to hear that Tania... atleast you have plenty of friends/clients


Take care,


Dan xx :emoticon-signxmas:

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