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Scrummie Mummy's on the Gold Coast???

Guest Mrs C

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Hello Ladies,


I am getting excited about tomorrow afternoon it looks like there will be about 10 of us here so far. I might need to buy an URN if we get anymore interest and some paper cups........lol


Looking forward to meeting you all.


April x

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Well that went well!


Just wanted to say how great it was to meet all of you ladies, and i must admit we are all Scrummie Mummy's aren't we??


Thanks for coming over the next meet is arranged for either WED or Friday at Paula's house will e-mail you the details


Have a Scrummie Weekend



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Guest paula+Pat

Thanks April for having us all.


What a great group and what a laugh. Really enjoyed it. Can't wait for next week.


Paula x

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Guest paula+Pat

sorry we won't see you again this week.

Don't work to hard. Just keep thinking about that cake.................................................yum yum


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Hello all,


I hope you dont mind me gatecrashing your thread... Im also a mum on the gold coast looking to meet others.

My name is Anne and i have a little girl who is 13 months. Im originally from Ireland, lived in London for 10 years and moved to the Gold Coast 3 years ago.

I havent met many people and it would be great to get together with people from my part of the world, thats if you don't mind a paddy intruding?

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Hi Ladies and welcome to you Anne,


The next Scrummie Mummy meeting involves ~Tupperware and it is at Paula's house this Friday 28th at 12.30.


The regulars should know the address but for anyone who would like to join us let me know and I'll pm you the address. (hope you don't mind P xx) lol


Looking forward to seeing you Scrummie Mummy's


Luv April xx

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Hello Ladies


it is me again, sorry but there has been a change of plan for Friday as Paula has got herself a job so won't be around for the meet, never fear the tupperware party has been postponed not cancelled.


#so it is at my house on Friday 12.30 if you fance a coffee and a natter come and join us. Send me a pm for the address if you don't allready have it.


Ta Ta for now



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Ok Ladies


Just to let you know that Coffee is still at my place on Friday at 12.30... AND the Tupperware party is at Paula's house on Friday nite 7.00pm.


I have sent out e-mails but just wanted to double check that you all got the message.


C U Soon


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Guest james,jus,feebs

Hi there

My name is Justine and I have a 2 1/2 year old girl, my husband James is a gas fitter, we have lived here on the Gold Coast since April 2007 and love being here.

Hope you don't mind me contacting you but I would love to meet people from Blighty!!

I work part time, but have Monday and Fridays free, so as long as you don't mind I would love to come along to your next social gathering?

Look forward to hearing from you



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You might say that but I had a party last Sunday and ordered $200 plus and I only have to pay $2.00 because I got $210 commission.


So it might be expensive but not if you have a party at your house...lol


The rep happens to be a friend of mine and although she has a nice rectum, i don't think it would suit a Tupperware container.


Perhaps you could buy a cheap one from Kmart and stick your beak in somebody elses business. If people like you don't have anything positive to say please do not post on one of my threads.


That is me being polite............

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The rep happens to be a friend of mine and although she has a nice rectum, i don't think it would suit a Tupperware container.



That is me being polite............




Well Ive had a really boring day packing stuff away and finding the right boxes for the cd's that those boys of mind just stick in any box arghhhh



AND then I read this, well sorry Mally but you have to laugh dont you ! April certainly doesnt mince her words and what a funny reply :biglaugh:


Hey Mally lucky you dont live in Brisbane as your might be very fitting!:twitcy:

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Put the Tupperware up the reps rectum its dayloight robbery and blackmail




mally if you had a problem with tupperware didnt you listen to your rep it has a life time guarantee so all those cheap market specials you have brought over the yrs to keep the salad fresh it may have worked out better for a tupperware one and they do great colours.


you are not forced at gun point to buy :mad:

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Hello Everyone


I`m Alison and have arrived on the Gold Coast 2 weeks ago. Would love to meet up with you all some time to make some mates. We have just secured a rental at Pacific Pines and I will be working full time at Gold Coast Hospital but on a shift pattern so I maybe able to make a few of your meets if thats Ok.

Mrs C - we should of met you at the Bobbing Apple way back but my 3 year old was ill. I`m from the Isle of Sheppey - well my husband is, for his sins.

Look forward to meeting you all soon

Ali X

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So this is the famous friday group I've heard about! No broadband for a few weeks and you miss out on EVERYTHING!

We moved to Park Lake (behind Pac Pines) a few weeks ago from Runaway Bay; my kids are 5, 4 and 2, NONE yet at school:arghh:. Hope you have a good time tonight, hopefully meet some of you soon (already met Paula!),

Jo x

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Guest paula+Pat

Hi to all the new scrummie mummys , sorry i havn't been about due to getting a job. Well i deffinatley found something im good at and gassing allday!!!!!!!(and getting paid for it). Hope we catch up in the evening soon as now i'm working just don't get the time. To Kat hope you've finished unpacking? hi Jo nice to see you on here, you'll love it it's great to meet so many people in the same boat as us. To Mally, maybe keeping opion's to one's self would be a good idea! Sue i hope to catch up with you all this weekend and anyone else who is going to the meet up. Andrea i hope things are working out? Hope you had a ball in Sydney? and good luck with the new job.

All take care


Paula x

And thanks to all that came to Tupperware Party what a laugh and loved catching up with you all.

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