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Melbourne - advice

Guest mixi

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Hi there


i have just moved from the UK to Melbourne and am working at Deakin University. Colleagues at work are great but would like to meet people outside of work. Has anyone any good ideas about the best way to go about this.


I see there are a few planned meet ups which look good but other that that how did the rest of you manage??


Would appreciate any advice or recommendations.



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Hi Maxine


We are in Melbourne, since Sept this year.


This has not really been a problem for us as we came over with family already here, but I am starting to feel the need to have some interaction with other people LOL


I suppose the usual advice would be get yourself out there - join a club for something you enjoy, my Dad has made a good circle of friends through golf and bowls clubs.


I think we are going to try to make a meet up as a starting point.


interested to hear what others have to say



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