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Getting a mortgage on your return


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Just wanted to put some peoples mind at rest about getting a mortgage.We had no problems and had our choice of lenders.We did put down a large deposit right enough and only being away for 2 years ment that it was easy to check our credit rating.


I have to say I was really worried after listening to all the doom and gloom about lending but if you have a decent deposit and good credit rating you should ok.


Moving into new pad end of Jan...cant wait...and its snowing today...it doesn't get any better than that :spinny:

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Guest TheBrowningFamily

We had no worries getting a mortgage either, great time to buy!!! Again though we had a large deposit courtesy of selling our home in Nov 07 when prices at their peak!

We move mid Jan...sooo excited!! We still get our 4 bed house with land even though we did not stay in Australia!!

No snow here (yet) but fingers crossed!!

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Guest Working to fish
We had no worries getting a mortgage either, great time to buy!!! Again though we had a large deposit courtesy of selling our home in Nov 07 when prices at their peak!

We move mid Jan...sooo excited!! We still get our 4 bed house with land even though we did not stay in Australia!!

No snow here (yet) but fingers crossed!!



Nice One lisa ,dav

good to hear that after oz things in the uk are going great .so oz was a great thing in all ,you sold your old house saw a bit of the world and then got a bigger house back in the uk for less money ,well done.A great story to tell all.



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We had no worries getting a mortgage either, great time to buy!!! Again though we had a large deposit courtesy of selling our home in Nov 07 when prices at their peak!

We move mid Jan...sooo excited!! We still get our 4 bed house with land even though we did not stay in Australia!!

No snow here (yet) but fingers crossed!!



Congratulations on your new house Im glad it worked out for you.


A very merry christmas in your house I take it.No doubt moving again will be a nightmare but If you are anything like us it will be the last.

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Guest TheBrowningFamily

HMMMMmmm, just heard from our sellers...they can't find anything to buy! Thought they were already in the chain!! They are saying they won't be ready to complete in Jan after all... So Stresses now, as have already given notice on our rental and other family moving in on 1st Feb!!

Not such a Merry Christmas after all, looks like in Jan I'll be 7 months pregnent and homeless with 2 small children!

Should have guessed something would balls up!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

So when you say you had a large deposit what percentage was it to the value of the house you bought? Its just i have heard that rates are now 1% and no one is getting a mortgage. Does it depend on where you are in the UK? I heard about a man who had a VERY large deposit and needed a tiny mortgage to buy a garage to park his car in and he could not get the mortage at all. This is something that really puts me off going back (besides the fact that there seems to be no jobs). We are in a quandry about whether to buy here in Brissy then if we go back at least we will have our hands in the property market here even if we had to rent in UK. Whats peoples thoughts on that and how would that work in taxation etc. We could rent it out here to cover the mortgage til things looked up and then sell it and rebuy in UK.

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We had no worries getting a mortgage either, great time to buy!!! Again though we had a large deposit courtesy of selling our home in Nov 07 when prices at their peak!

We move mid Jan...sooo excited!! We still get our 4 bed house with land even though we did not stay in Australia!!

No snow here (yet) but fingers crossed!!

Hi we are going back to uk after 16mths and will need a mortgage. We have about a 40% deposit and no loans/credit cards etc and good credit rating. We dont however have proof of income. We need to show a contract of employment and could ask friends who own company to "employ" me/husband . Not sure if that would work, any thoughts or has anyone else done that. My husband is self employed brickie and I am a nurse so will need to re reg. and get job. Just dont want to end up with our money sat in low interest account and pay out to rent. Best wishes to all Gilly:smile:

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Hi all we had a 40% deposit and no other outstanding debt.We also had an excellent credit rating and I think being away for only 2 years helped.My husband was working but had only been employed for 2 weeks and so the mortgage company sent a reference to hubbys works ...it asked annual salary ,if the position was permanent etc.


I used to be a mortgage arranger and its true that every case is different ...I would advise that you see a mortgage broker ..no fee and they have a wide range to choose from.


OH and the base rate may be close to 1% but you wont be getting a mortgage at that rate:no: but rates are alot less than what I was paying in Oz.


PS If you are returning get on the voters roll as soon as possible this will help with the application.

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