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Migrating with less than £10k!!!!

Guest sarahjustwishing

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Guest guest17301

Yeah we could stay in the accomodation reserved for Drs for a few weeks but TBH it will probably not be suitable for a family!

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Guest earlswood

You can live cheaply if you need to for the first couple of years…no eating out, brew your own beer (I AM SERIOUS) booze is very expensive…Coopers do home brew which is good



Homebrew, Coopers homebrew beers and ales. Mix, brew, bottle.



….get bikes to get everywhere when a car is not needed…do not buy new furniture or appliances get second-hand stuff, take your jumpers so you do not use to much heat when it gets really cold….it can be done…:cute:

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Guest sexkit001

I am so thankful that this thread has been rebumped to the front page (so to speak)... I was starting to panic about funds but as others have said it has given us fresh hope.... I'm going with the mind set that you don't much furniture in a house as long as you have a bed and something to sit down on thats it (white goods obivously).... good luck to us all, I know we can all do it as we are on here making the move for what we see as our better life and however it starts it will probably the best part of the adventure so far.. xxx

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Guest sarahjustwishing

Hi All,


Thanks to everyone who has commented on this thread, it really does go to show with a bit of positive thinking and a lot of determination we can acheive anything! Its also reassuring to know there are people in the same boat.

We have had a bit of good luck since I posted this- hubby and I were assaulted last year, and then out of the blue we have had a cheque from the CICA, for compensation! so good things do happen, what goes around comes around!!


All must stay positive...... NOW WHERES MY BLOODY VISA!?!?!? LOL


Good Luck to everyone




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Guest hazel and dave

This thread should be permanently number one. It is the most positive and upbeat collection of posts I've ever seen. I have a job (I start teaching 6 days after landing - ouch!) and we have bought a house, but we were worried about car costs, health costs, mortgage payments, furnishing etc. Reading this thread has really made us count our blessings and realise that we are so lucky - not only in our financial situtation compared to some, but also to have this totally amazing opportunity to fulfil one of our dreams and start a new life in Australia.

Many thanks to all who have posted and shared their stories........ it's made us feel really positive, upbeat and well.... pink and fluffy!!

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Guest katypritchard

I think this thread just shows how determined people are to start a new life and howimportant it is to them! After being let down very badly by our migration consultant we are ready to start the whole process again (must be mad!) and I am very graeful that I hav theis site to "let of steam."

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Hi all,


Well we will be going with just a few hundred pounds and no furniture as we wont be shipping are stuff over. I must be totaly mad doing it with 2 children but if we dont we will never make it to oz. We all start with nothing in life, we all move out of home with nothing and we all managed. My hubbys uncle and aunt moved to oz many years ago with just there suitcases think they where £10 poms and they made it. They love life and will never come back to the uk. But once we get there we will be staying with them till we get on our feet so atleast we wont be homeless.

Saying that the way uk is going most people will be homeless and i would rather be homeless in oz than uk anyday.



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Guest lovediving


I came here last year as a single mum with my 2 kids aged 8 and 9. I had a job to come to on a 457 visa. I came here with 10 suitcases of clothes , about $2000 and had to start work 3 days after i got off the plane. Luckily my parents live about 4 hours away so when i got off the plane , we went house hounting the next day, took 1st house I seen in bayside nesr beach , the kids went to my parents for a few weeks while I started work, bought furniture, enrollled at school etc.


I now have a nice rental , all my furniture, a better job , passed my test and got a car albeit an old one but hey it just shows that anyone can do it so dont be nervous or scared, lives too short !!





I just want to say reading through this thread I feel embarrised. I came over to OZ with a lot of money, sold my house and basically ended up getting depressed because I missed everyone, lost my mum and thought that nothing would work out. If I had the same attitude as you guys do when things started going wrong I think I would be in a lot better position now.


You guys give me inspiration and I really should stop feeling sorry for things that went wrong last year and think more like you guys as you are so right that determination is what makes things in life and if you are determined enough you will succeed.


There is always the worry that if things go wrong you end up with nothing but if you don't try then you will never know and always look back saying, should I of, if only.


Good luck to you guys and well done for being so brave it reminds me of who I am when I came here, thank you.

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Guest prettyinpink

When we left the Uk, we had agreed a price on our house, and so thought it would complete quickly - Wrong!

We landed at Perth with less than $1000 in our pockets. Luckily my hubby had a job already and we were crashing with my brother, but we felt so embarrased at being unable to pay our way. My brother has always said "get yourselves out here and we'll worry about the other stuff when you're here".

Our house took 3 months to complete, so we had to wait that long before we could get ourselves cars and regain some independance.

However, we made it through the first 3 months, with very little money and a little tougher for it. Now both hubby and I have jobs and we are finding we can save at the mo too.


If you want it bad enough, you make it work. Whatever challenges there will be for you, and we all have them no matter how different they are, you can get through them.


I have moaned about some of mine on here........and you guys always know the right things to say!

Thanks to a great bunch on PIO!

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We landed with $5000 oh did not start work for a month I had no job not for the want of trying Seeik (pants) ,if we had a house to sell would have taken a lot lesss worry off us, we have got on with it and are now gittin on our feet as it were would have loved to have come knowin a wedge was goi9ng to follow. Startin again from scratch is apain at 50 wish i had a rich parents but they are in the dreamland or whatever the natives calli it. Its hard to start with but it does get better hope the fishing does the same



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Guest TheHollies
This thread should be permanently number one. It is the most positive and upbeat collection of posts I've ever seen. I have a job (I start teaching 6 days after landing - ouch!) and we have bought a house, but we were worried about car costs, health costs, mortgage payments, furnishing etc. Reading this thread has really made us count our blessings and realise that we are so lucky - not only in our financial situtation compared to some, but also to have this totally amazing opportunity to fulfil one of our dreams and start a new life in Australia.

Many thanks to all who have posted and shared their stories........ it's made us feel really positive, upbeat and well.... pink and fluffy!!


The thoughts of many on this site!! we have had a right sh**ty few years (thanks to certain family members), we dont have vast amounts of money to take with us but reading these posts proves that determination is worth more than money!


This site is brilliant, lots of brill people sharing their experiences and support!!


Wish everyone lots of luck and happiness!!



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