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Dog needs a home-Can anybody help?

Guest guest17301

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Guest guest17301

Hi Wic, emailed Dogs Trust but they say we need to contact nearest rehoming centre to see if there are any spaces. Followed up a link from Spotty Mercedes and awaiting a reply. Doing posters to put up in vets etc over next few days. Thanks so much for asking xx

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Is you dog a pedigree? I only ask because most breeds have good rescue organisations who will help you if needed.


If she is a cross breed, maybe try The Dogs Trust, they do say they never put a healthy dog to sleep. I would personally avoid The RSPCA.


Sorry I can't help as I breed Great Danes, so not much room left in my house. I do hope you sort something out, I know how upsetting this must be, if we ever manage to find an employer to sponsor us (hubby's job not on SOL & not enough kids out there to give balance of family) we will have some tough decisions to make.



This has just bought a tear to my eye. We had our Blue Great Dane (Marshal) put down on Boxing Day last year as he had a heart attack. He was only 6 and a half so he quite litterally left a whole in our lives. We decided to go for a Labradoodle to chear ourselves up and thought that he might last a bit longer than a Great Dane. Then we decided to go for Australia and our house price dived so much we just didnt have the funds to take the Labradoodle. He had also become quite destructive and as we were moving into rented, we had no choice but to rehome him. We chose Labradoodle Rescue as they were a well known organisation and he has been rehomed with a young family who already have another Labradoodle. Still miss both terribly so can understand your predicament. If you decide to breed Great Danes in Oz make sure you give us your details we may be in touch!

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Guest spottymercedes

I was just checking the thread to see if you had any luck Fiona but I guess your still busy trying.

Keep trying, it will come good in the end, crossing my fingers for you. xxx

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Guest Clarabelle

Just an idea. I wonder if there would be enough of us to pledge $50 each (or 20 quid) say (although I know times are hard) to raise enough money for Fiona's dog to come out? I know how heartbroken I would be to leave my dog behind. Anyone else had similar thoughts? sorry if it's a dumb idea but I would love to be able to help.

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Just an idea. I wonder if there would be enough of us to pledge $50 each (or 20 quid) say (although I know times are hard) to raise enough money for Fiona's dog to come out? I know how heartbroken I would be to leave my dog behind. Anyone else had similar thoughts? sorry if it's a dumb idea but I would love to be able to help.


Count me in!




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This is a last ditch attempt to find a good home for our lovely 7 year old dog. We have been searching for the past 6 months and have been let down by family and friends who promised to have her then changed their minds. If I had known before we started this that we would struggle to find her a home then we wouldn't even have started.

I am starting to not want to go and I can't even look at the poor dog. We have had her since she was 12 weeks old and she is the most gentle and placid loveable dog imaginable. There is no way we can afford to take her with us and due to her sensitive temperement I think it is kinder to find her an alternative home if possible.

If we can't rehome her soon then she will have to go to the dogs home...I am dreading this because I think it will be too much for her and make her go mad. She has only been in kennels once for a week and was traumatised by the experience If any one has any ideas I would be glad to hear of them.

One of the hardest things about coming out here was the fact I had to leave my white boxer in the UK with a new family. My wife and I did our level best to find a solution we thought about getting a loan to get him out here so off we went to vets to start his passport when the vet then informed me that with his pigmentation he'll probably develop skin cancer,So after convincing me wife that the vet was wrong we got a second opinion. Bloody vets the next vet said pretty much the same,so that was it I wasn't coming!!!! Well till I realised that the dog will be ok if I can find the right family.the problem was the dog spent 24 hrs a day 7 days a week with me as I was fortunate enough to be able to take him to work. This meant that when I met potential new owners I would make excuses why they could'nt have my dog.This happerned for weeks till I realised I was the one being selfish and that as long as he is fed and walked he should be OK. Eventually I found him a loving home and I had to hand him over now as a hairy arse scaffolder I'm not ashamed to say that I cried my eyes out I was totally gutted, I have a picture of him as my screen saver and every now and then I get choked,But now I am here even if I had brought him he would not have coped with the heat,that would have killed before the skin cancer......So the vets were wrong!!!!

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Just an idea. I wonder if there would be enough of us to pledge $50 each (or 20 quid) say (although I know times are hard) to raise enough money for Fiona's dog to come out? I know how heartbroken I would be to leave my dog behind. Anyone else had similar thoughts? sorry if it's a dumb idea but I would love to be able to help.

What a lovely kind thought, i'm sure Fiona will really appreciate your idea. I would pledge some money to, although we don't have alot.

Tania X:emoticon-signxmas:

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Guest spottymercedes
Just an idea. I wonder if there would be enough of us to pledge $50 each (or 20 quid) say (although I know times are hard) to raise enough money for Fiona's dog to come out? I know how heartbroken I would be to leave my dog behind. Anyone else had similar thoughts? sorry if it's a dumb idea but I would love to be able to help.


I would love to give some money to help too, but somehow I don't think there are going to be enough of us. But you can definitely count me in if we do get a fund started.

What is the dogs name by the way?

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Guest guest17301
Just an idea. I wonder if there would be enough of us to pledge $50 each (or 20 quid) say (although I know times are hard) to raise enough money for Fiona's dog to come out? I know how heartbroken I would be to leave my dog behind. Anyone else had similar thoughts? sorry if it's a dumb idea but I would love to be able to help.



Clarabelle and everyone else who has agreed to pledge money...that is the kindest, most thoughtful thing ever! I think I would struggle to accept such generosity though even if we could find enough. Perhaps be an idea to make a small donation in lieu of sending christmas cards to your chosen dog rehoming charity?


A quick update.

Already posted about what Dogs Trust said. No reply as yet from a small locally based charity who specialise mostly in rehoming cats but do have some dogs.

Put up some posters at work on Wednesday, just as I was about to put one up..the hospice chaplain asked what I was doing and said he had been on the lookout for another dog since he lost his yellow lab. I then went into hard sell mode, lol, not difficult as she is such a genuinely lovely girl, her name is Lola BTW!. Anyway he says he will speak with his wife and get back to me. Everything crossed as he lives out in the sticks and is a vicar (what more could I ask for!) Watch this space.


I have tried to attach a picture to this message.


Thanks so very much to all who have responded to this thread xxxxx

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Guest spottymercedes
Clarabelle and everyone else who has agreed to pledge money...that is the kindest, most thoughtful thing ever! I think I would struggle to accept such generosity though even if we could find enough. Perhaps be an idea to make a small donation in lieu of sending christmas cards to your chosen dog rehoming charity?


A quick update.

Already posted about what Dogs Trust said. No reply as yet from a small locally based charity who specialise mostly in rehoming cats but do have some dogs.

Put up some posters at work on Wednesday, just as I was about to put one up..the hospice chaplain asked what I was doing and said he had been on the lookout for another dog since he lost his yellow lab. I then went into hard sell mode, lol, not difficult as she is such a genuinely lovely girl, her name is Lola BTW!. Anyway he says he will speak with his wife and get back to me. Everything crossed as he lives out in the sticks and is a vicar (what more could I ask for!) Watch this space.


I have tried to attach a picture to this message.


Thanks so very much to all who have responded to this thread xxxxx


That would be great for Lola to go to him Fiona. I'll be keeping everything crossed for you! She is beautiful by the way, looks a lot like our old dog Toby.

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I really hope it all works out we know exactly how you feel as we can no longer take our black labrador (who is just spoilt rotton) with us. We had planned on taking him but due to the massive drop in price for house sale and the fact we now have to rent first for a year in Sydney we came to the heartbraking decision to leave him here. We have also been let down by friends and now time is ticking and its so important that he goes to the right place, we are putting up pictures in our vets and spreading the word through the people who walk dogs with us so fingers crossed. i hope the vicar and his wife come through for you xxx

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Guest juliemtaylor

Try Burford Oxfordshire as they have a large Blue Cross Centre. I know here in Gloucestersire we have an animal rescue place called Teckels. Banbury also has a Dog rescue place I think.


Lots of luck for you both, we are hoping our 2 old cats will be able to go with us in a year's time...


Julie x

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Guest Clarabelle
Clarabelle and everyone else who has agreed to pledge money...that is the kindest, most thoughtful thing ever! I think I would struggle to accept such generosity though even if we could find enough. Perhaps be an idea to make a small donation in lieu of sending christmas cards to your chosen dog rehoming charity?


A quick update.

Already posted about what Dogs Trust said. No reply as yet from a small locally based charity who specialise mostly in rehoming cats but do have some dogs.

Put up some posters at work on Wednesday, just as I was about to put one up..the hospice chaplain asked what I was doing and said he had been on the lookout for another dog since he lost his yellow lab. I then went into hard sell mode, lol, not difficult as she is such a genuinely lovely girl, her name is Lola BTW!. Anyway he says he will speak with his wife and get back to me. Everything crossed as he lives out in the sticks and is a vicar (what more could I ask for!) Watch this space.


I have tried to attach a picture to this message.


Thanks so very much to all who have responded to this thread xxxxx


Wishing you every bit of luck with what seems like a pefect solution. What a tough thing you have gone though.

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Originally Posted by Clarabelle viewpost.gif

Just an idea. I wonder if there would be enough of us to pledge $50 each (or 20 quid) say (although I know times are hard) to raise enough money for Fiona's dog to come out? I know how heartbroken I would be to leave my dog behind. Anyone else had similar thoughts? sorry if it's a dumb idea but I would love to be able to help.



Count me in!





Me too.


Ali X

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count me in too !!!


I've been to Byford today to visit our two dogs and the cat today, they are coming out on Friday and I cannot wait.


We left one of our Beagles behind because we heard so much about not being able to have three dogs. Luckily for us my son is in the UK and Barney is with him - the one thing that would make being here complete is for both of them to come over. I'm going to speak to our local Ranger next week in order to get approval for Barney to come too, having spoken to a number of people here, including people at Byford, its not as difficult as I was lead to believe. I think my son is going to be a lot harder to convince to come over to stay (even for a couple of years) - but I won't give up on him either.


Hope you manage to find a good home for your dog soon, it is heartbreaking having to leave them behind, I know I'm lucky, but I really do feel for you.


Karen & Mick x

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Guest nfowley

Oh I'm really sorry to hear of your difficulties finding a home for your dog. My parents have a collie, 1 year old, and had a cross collie/lab before that. Would the dog get along with another young dog? I'm not sure if my mum and dad would take another dog on but I could ask them. Also you said she hasn't been spayed, is that the same as dressed? Can this be done at this stage in her life? Sorry I'm no good with these things.



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Guest guest17301
Oh I'm really sorry to hear of your difficulties finding a home for your dog. My parents have a collie, 1 year old, and had a cross collie/lab before that. Would the dog get along with another young dog? I'm not sure if my mum and dad would take another dog on but I could ask them. Also you said she hasn't been spayed, is that the same as dressed? Can this be done at this stage in her life? Sorry I'm no good with these things.





Hi Nicola, thats's so kind of you to think of us. I think you are a long way from us though! Spaying is the same as neutering, ie can't have puppies. I'm not sure what 'dressing' is?

Fiona x

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Guest juliemtaylor
This is a last ditch attempt to find a good home for our lovely 7 year old dog. We have been searching for the past 6 months and have been let down by family and friends who promised to have her then changed their minds. If I had known before we started this that we would struggle to find her a home then we wouldn't even have started.

I am starting to not want to go and I can't even look at the poor dog. We have had her since she was 12 weeks old and she is the most gentle and placid loveable dog imaginable. There is no way we can afford to take her with us and due to her sensitive temperement I think it is kinder to find her an alternative home if possible.

If we can't rehome her soon then she will have to go to the dogs home...I am dreading this because I think it will be too much for her and make her go mad. She has only been in kennels once for a week and was traumatised by the experience If any one has any ideas I would be glad to hear of them.


any update on your dog homing? Did the Vicar have her?


Julie x

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Guest guest17301

Hi Julie...no luck yet. The vicars wife doesn't want her apparently. Lots of interest but nothing concrete. Lots of people saying 'I'd have her if I hadn't got a cat/other dog/allergy etc!' Not sure what we'll do at this stage. Keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best seems the best option. After xmas hopefully we will get her sorted. Thanks for asking x

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Guest DJorgio

I just wanted to say i feel for you also, I had 2 Jack Russell's that i had both from 8 weeks old, they grew up with my Daughter who is now 3, i got no where with finding any organisation to take them even the dogs trust, i could not give them away either so i flew them out to my wifes side of the family in the Philippines and they are both very happy there, (and i will get to see them again one day) not suggesting you do the same but i cared for them so much they caused me a lot of concern during our migration so i can relate to how difficult it is for you. I hope you come up with some solution soon.

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Guest the mitchell family
This is a last ditch attempt to find a good home for our lovely 7 year old dog. We have been searching for the past 6 months and have been let down by family and friends who promised to have her then changed their minds. If I had known before we started this that we would struggle to find her a home then we wouldn't even have started.

I am starting to not want to go and I can't even look at the poor dog. We have had her since she was 12 weeks old and she is the most gentle and placid loveable dog imaginable. There is no way we can afford to take her with us and due to her sensitive temperement I think it is kinder to find her an alternative home if possible.

If we can't rehome her soon then she will have to go to the dogs home...I am dreading this because I think it will be too much for her and make her go mad. She has only been in kennels once for a week and was traumatised by the experience If any one has any ideas I would be glad to hear of them.

We have just had to re-home our 2 year old dalmation, the most heart renching thing i have ever had to do. Be patient it will all come good in the end. the mitchell family moving to Perth 29th December 2008.

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Hi Fiona


I really feel for you. We're taking our 2 dogs with us, but I will be in the same position with my cat. She's 16 now and has never been in a cattery, so she just wouldn't cope. It is one the hardest things to do, they are part of your life so much its heartbreaking. I really hope you get things sorted, wish you all the best. Big hug.



Kim x

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hi fiona , good luck with your dog please be careful who has her and that she will be loved ( my neighbour had a boxer from sunyside kennels by me which is owned by battersea the best u would think) they do not look after it properly she is never walked, thin and locked in a flat kitchen ie tiny all day with no bed crying and scratching. the kennels or the rspca DO NOT WANT TO KNOW. I put food out for her as she jumps into my garden it breaks my heart :cry:

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