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Guest michellematthews2005

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Guest michellematthews2005



My name is Michelle and am hoping to move to Aus next year, I,m married to Steve and have a son aged 11. My son is the problem at the moment, can't seem to get him excited about going. My parents are also quite unsupportive, does anyone have the same problem. We are hoping to go to Perth in the Rockingham area, is anyone going there, it would be great to talk you all of you on here, but I expect we would be on here for days. If anyone is moving to Rockingham, please let me know.


Take Care guys

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Guest nuttycaz

Hi Michelle

I have a daughter of 13, to be 14 at christmas who at first said we were ruining her life, her brother who is 9, spend a few minutes headbutting the settee!!! I told my husband to expect an explosive response to our 'hopeful' plans and that is exactly what we got. We remained very calm and didn't rise to shouting lol lol lol

As the weeks have rolled by she is still eating, sleeping, communicating and hugging lots....she has even taken to sitting with me while I nosey at all the people on the forums and what they have to say!!

We haven't pushed too hard for any feedback from her and her brother, who now can't wait to go, but have made sure we have told them we are hoping that this will be a positive move for us all and what an amazing opportunity we can't afford to miss out on.

Good luck

You are not on your own.

Chat soon


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Guest michellematthews2005

Hi Cazzy

What stage are you at for moving over there, as everything seems so daunting. I realise it's going to take about a year, but what If we can't sell the house.....Also, have you found out yet what the visas will cost. If it's ok with you, can I give you my number so maybe we could chat sometime.



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My name is Michelle and am hoping to move to Aus next year, I,m married to Steve and have a son aged 11. My son is the problem at the moment, can't seem to get him excited about going. My parents are also quite unsupportive, does anyone have the same problem. We are hoping to go to Perth in the Rockingham area, is anyone going there, it would be great to talk you all of you on here, but I expect we would be on here for days. If anyone is moving to Rockingham, please let me know.


Take Care guys


Hi Michelle,


We're taking our three kids with us - two boys (10 and 7) and a girl (5 today!). Our oldest was excited about it from the word go and the other two are now (three months on) equally excited - all for the same reason. In the words of my oldest boy, 'Australia is just stuffed full of interesting creatures'. If you have access to sky, get them watching cheesy nature programs like 'the Crocodile Hunter' and so on. Seems to have worked for mine :)





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Guest Heathertoes

Have you actually been to Oz? Our 8 year old wasn't really looking forward to the move as he didn't speak Australian!!! But a visit this Easter put his mind at rest and that although it will be different its not like moving to the moon!!


Some of the forums have chat areas esp for the youngsters, maybe that might help!


Good Luck!

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Guest Chardonnay Girl

Hi I'm Debbie and we are looking at emigrating to Manurah, WA next year. We have been for holidays - most recently in August where we had the wonderful winter rain - it didn't put us off. Ideally we wanted to go to Sydney, but due to a lack of points we have gone the state sponsor route and last week we were giving the great news that the government of WA approved our application. Yipppeeeee


Now we are sitting around waiting to hear from the DIMA and requests for medicals and police checks. After speaking with our agent, it looks as if we should (if everything now goes according to plan) be on our way over by May!


Wow everything is so overwhelming, our boys don't know too much yet - they still think we are "thinking about it". But the youngest - 7, is worried about missing his friends, the eldest is also struggling - the promise of a dog works wonders (oh and a pool - but we will have to see how far the money goes".


Haven't told the parents just yet - but they do know that we have been thinking of going for a few years now.


Think I've waffled a bit too much - just very excited. :lol:

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Guest nuttycaz

Hi Debbie

It is all a bit mad but very exciting!!!!

We are hoping to hear over the next two or so weeks, meds hav gone, visa lodged, just waiting....

My two children are quite chilled bout things at the mo, spose nerves will settle in when we recieve more news - hopefully positive news!

Hope all goes well for you!

Cazzy :D

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Guest julieann

hi michelle,


Im julie , hubby tom and kids 14 and 16 by the time we apply and get approved they will be mini adults. My son is fine about going to australia but my daughter is not keen, hoping she will warm to the idea. We are not sure where to settle.

The whole process is scaring me to death. When your visa finally comes through how long do you have to settle in australia or do you just go over to activate the visa, I am worried if our house does not sell or some family thing crops up in the meantime, could you put me in the picture please, thanks

julie from Lancashire.

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Guest michellematthews2005

We are not sure how the system works completely, but we think it's different for each Visa. We are going over on a Compnay sponsor visa, whats yours?

You shouldn't have to activate the visa, as that is already done when your visa's have been accepted. The visa we are hopefully getting, is a four year contract, and in which time we can apply for a permanat visa.


Still don't understand alot of things, but hey, enjoy the ride, it will all come good in the end, and everything will be explained fully.


Speak soon

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  • 4 weeks later...

:lol: hi my name is nikki and im married to andy who is a fireman /brickie. we have 2 children son(10) and daughter (7)

we hope to move out to secret harbour b4 june 06.

go for medicals on thurs. our son is well excited about moving but im not sure if he can understand how far it is. He loves swimming and has won many medals and trophys so this interest will hopefully help him setle in.

Both our parents dont talk to us about it much they just sweep it under the carpet and think that it will go away. until our for sale sign goes up thats when it will hit home !!

looking forward to xmas and cant wait to start the new year

im bored here now.




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