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Guest ness 74

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Guest ness 74

Hi Everyone.


My family and I moved over from Bolton Lancs to Wakerley near Manley on the 1st Jan 09. We are now in week 5, gone very quickly. My husband Simon (31) started work in Brisbane CBD as a Cost manager/ Quantity Surveyor nafter 10 days of getting here. My daughters Olivia (9) and Caitlin (5) started Redlands College and are in their 2nd week now. I am 36 years old and worked as a school Nurse back in the UK but I am having a good career break for at least a few months until the girls feel settled and happy. I love it here at the minute but have recently started to feel a bit down in the dumps and miss them all during the day.

I would love to meet up with any of you ladies in the same position or similar to me and also to make friends with families who have recently moved here too.

Hope to hear from you soon and maybe arrange to go for a coffee and a chin wag.


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Guest sssazzzz

Hi Ness 74,


Wow it is uncanny but have just read your thread & seems like we are in a very similar situation. We moved here 31st Dec, just one day before you & are also living in Manly.


My hubby is working in Sydney CBD & I have two daughters (aged 12 & 9) who are also just organised in schools.


Like you, too it has just hit me how much I am missing my pals from the UK. Again, I am loving the lifestyle (& of course the gorgeous weather!!) But it's not the same when you are home alone & know no-one except your family!!!


contact me if you fancy meeting for a coffee & some girl-talk (or at least to compare experiences of moving a family halfway round the world!!!!!)


Hope to hear from you, Sally x

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Guest ness 74

Hi Sally


What a shame I think we are in the Manly in Brisbane and you I presume are in Sydney cause your hubby is workin in the CBD in Sydney. Is that right?? Cant believe it that would have been lovely to catch up and compare and experiences. Typical hey!!!! Been havin a bit of a down day today, Olivia said she had no one to play with at break today,it breaks your heart. How are yours getting on??? What you been up to anyway. I have joined weight watchers today and after school We went to ther Canine coffee shop for girls tea and to buy dogs bed and lead and other bits and bobs. she arrives in brisbane next Monday from Sydney Quarentine Station. We are very excited. That should def cheer me up, having my little pooch to cuddle, instant remedy!! xxx

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Guest sssazzzz

Hi Ness,


Do you know as soon as I'd replied to you earlier I thought, hang on I think she said Brisbane CBD, so there must be more than one Manly!!!!! Was hoping that you'd written Brisbane instead of Sydney......bizarre of me I know!!


Anyway, hey doesn't mean that we can't still chat like this & hopefully help cheer each other up. Sorry to hear about your daughter's day & yes it effects us I think, more than them. I'm sure she'll be fine tomorrow & keep my fingers crossed. My youngest has had a tough time at school too as she was initially put in one class & made 5 friends, then they have re-sorted the classes due to over-subscription & she's not with any of her original friends.....why do schools do that, especially with new kids who don't know anyone else in the school!!!


You must be REALLY excited about seeing your dog again (we had to leave our cat behind & I miss her dreadfully & would do anything for a cuddle with her).


We've just been out for a walk to join the kids up at the local library (& to get Georgia, my 9 year old a replacement copy of "Charlotte's Webb" as hers went mouldy due to her leaking water-bottle). I also looked at a dance class going on & am wondering if I've got enough courage to join!! Would be another good way to meet people though so will see.


It's such a shame we are in diff states, as our situations seem so similar, nevermind!!!


Anyway, you can contact me anytime for a chat.


Your Aussie Mate, Sally x

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Hi Ness


We moved here last year and live not far away in Thornlands. I'd really like to meet for coffee sometime. I noticed your children are at school in Wellington Point. Mine go to school in Ormiston, so not far away. There's a really nice Garden Centre in Wellington Point which is good to meet at, and of course there is the cafe up by the Water in WP as well.


Hope to hear from you soon



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Guest ness 74

Hi Daphne

Lovely to hear back from you. Would be lovely to catch up for a coffee one day. Let me know when you free. My mobile is 0410917565. No plans next week up to now I dont think so let me know time and place and I'll be there.

How old are your children, boys or girls?? When did you move over and from where?

Are you happy here and settled?

Speak soon.



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Hi Vanessa


Good to hear from you again. I will give you a call. I have 3 girls of 12, 9 and 6. We moved away from the UK in 2002, spent a year in Singapore, then another 5 years in Sydney and then moved up to Brisbane last year. We were living in Hampshire when we were in the UK.


I am loving living here in Brisbane, but really miss my Sydney friends. Despite that I do feel more settled than I have in years.


How are things going for you? Are you enjoying being here. It's been pretty hot and sticky weather since you arrived!!!


Hope to meet up next week




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Guest ness 74

Hi Sally

Hows your day been. Had two more replys on forum for meets and having coffee with them on Monday. Wish you could be there too. Have you sent message out like mine. YOu never know your luck. Sure you will have lots of replies. Was invited for coffee at a friend who used to live down the road but has bought a lovely house. I then went to Big shopping centre for few bits for girls. Nearly couldn't find the car in car park after. Panick!!!

Had my first big spider incident today when going into garage for car. Huntsman I think. Rang hubby at work to jokingly ask him to come home to sort it but you can imagine his answer. It was huge! Caitlin youngest was much braver this morning at school. phew!!

Had a swim at local pool after school with girls. They really enjoyed it.

What you been up to??


Your Aussie mate Vanessa xx

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Hi Vanessa,


I sympathise with you, it can be difficult trying to settle down and feel at 'home'. My name is Jan and I have been in Oz since October, we moved to Cleveland in December. My husband has yet to find work but we remain hopeful, I am hoping to not have to work just yet until all the family is settled. We have a son Ryan who is 11 and a daughter Caitlin who is 6, they both go to Thornlands primary. Ryan has settled in well but Caitlin is struggling a bit, she's been crying saying no-one plays with her, which is heartbreaking. She was so settled at her school in the UK with lots of friends, which makes me feel guilty for bringing her here. Fingers crossed it gets better.

We had a bbq on the front at Manly over last weekend, there were lots of families out, it seems a really nice place, Cleveland is about 20 mins away. I am free anytme next week if you want to meet up for a chat.


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Guest ness 74

Hi Jan

Lovely to hear back from you. Cleveland is just up the road from the girls school and near to Wellington Point. I presume you have probably been there. There is an alright Coffee shop there and I have been in touch with a few others who have replied to. I have arranged to meet them on Monday any time after the school drop off around 8.45/9.30 am. As soon as you can get there really. Hope you can make it. I have been in the same position with my 5 year old, Caitlin!!!. She had lots of friends back home and now is struggling a bit but she seems to be taking it all in her stride as she usually does with most things. The 'leaving me' bit in the morning has been a nightmare, lots of tears but that has been better the last few days. Both myself, school and the eldest Olivia have decided that she is better suited to year 4 than year 5 which they put her in 2 weeks ago so she is moving dowm on monday. Hope that doesn't start more problems ,sure she will be fine though. Less pressure for her which she doesn't need along with the stresses of missing home etc. Really hope you can make Monday but if not I can do any other time next week so let me know. Such a full diary you see!!! Anyway enjoy your weekend. Might go to Australia Zoo Sunday. Have you been? MY mobile no is 0410917565 but i have rubbish reception here so if I dont get your call leave a message and I will ring you back.

Love Vanessa


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Guest ness 74

Hi Bex

Great to hear back from you.

Gosh you only arrived 3 weeks ago ,I thought I was a 'newy', arriving 5 weeks ago. How are you feeling. Are you still in holiday mode. I am coming out of that now and reality is setting in!!! Crying a bit. Need to get a grip. I have been in touch with 'Daphne' too and we are meeting up on Monday with a few others too hopefully. Do you fancy that? Hope you can make it. Would be nice to all meet up together. We are meeting at Wellington Point after school drop about 9am ish. Have you been there yet? If not have you got the ye old faithful sat nav, I wouldn't have got anywhere this last few without mine. Are you here with your hubby or do you have kiddies too. Boltons not far from your home towns hey!!

Anyway my mobile no is 0410917565. Reception is bad at home though so if I dont get your call , leave a message and I'll call you back. Hope you can make it.

Love Vanessa


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Hiya Ness


Have texted you. I have two little ones who are desperate for nursery...but we both arent working yet. They are two and four and are drivin me nuts.


I have sat nav but not that confident about getting about....i get lost easily, my sense of direction is pants!!!


Monday would mean id have to bring the monsters along and dont think id get much chance to talk with em.....the two year old has no sense of danger and tries to escape my clutches at every opportunity. Will see.


Been in Manly since the 20th Jan. We arrived in Aus day after you 2nd Jan and were homeless...the guy we rented off did a moonlight flit...ended up renting expensive in Carseldine. Now it appears the landlord is marketing our place to sell....so it is likely we may be homeless again soon....rather fed up to say the least!!




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Guest heligan2005

:radar:wow..think manly is where i'm going to be heading when i get out there. i'm oringinally from swinton manchester, lived in atherton in my teens currently living in westhoughton bolton. looks like a good northern girly get together.:laugh:hugs linds x

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Guest yvetteb1

hi there, I am in Manly, NSW (acutally we are in Freshwater - but its not far). Been here since June with my husbanbd who works in North Sydeny. Not doing alot at the moment as i am nearly 7 months pregnant. could meet for coffee if you like, send me an email as i don't check this site much anymore; yvette_spaghetti@hotmail.com

Look forward to hearing from you, Yvette

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