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Fancy a natter on the Central Coast?

Guest Jill Millward

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Guest Jill Millward


We're Jill and Graham, both 45, with two lovely girls Ashley and Hannah 14 and 16. We're renting in North Gosford at the mo, waiting for our house to sell in dear old blighty...could be a while me thinks. Any how.., we moved to the Central Coast September last year, my husband and daughters have settled really well, I'm struggling a bit coz I'm short on friends and looking for work, not been successful yet but "the glass is half full.." does that make sense or am I burbling..?


Should any one like to meet up for a cuppa tea, pint (make that a schooner..) or chinwag or any combination of the above we'd be more than happy to meet up.


Jill x

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