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Coming back- why so many??


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OK its expensive here for some things but:

1: Private schools are much cheaper

2: Rates, electric, gas, petrol is much cheaper.

3: Aus is not in the same economic mess as UK / Europe / USA and is recovering

4: Its better for children here and they have a future

Yes no decent pubs, shops, etc but so what!

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Guest guest57588

So come on lets have some sensible reasons people or maybe even just an admission that maybe Aus just wasn't the place for you instead of blaming it being boring (laughable) dead, too costly etc, etc


But aren't some of the reasons why people ultimately decide that the place isn't for them precisely because they find it boring, dead and/or expensive to do stuff?. They sound like legitimate reasons to me.

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It's just about percentages, does not matter what you are talking about, smoking, relationships, emigrating - there will always be some who get a smoking-related illness, whose relationshp falls apart, who does not settle in the country they are migrating to.


I don't know if I like the odds regarding cigarette smoking or relationships, but as far as Australia is concerned, the percentage who come back (and STAY back) is, and always has been, low.

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OK its expensive here for some things but:

1: Private schools are much cheaper

2: Rates, electric, gas, petrol is much cheaper.

3: Aus is not in the same economic mess as UK / Europe / USA and is recovering

4: Its better for children here and they have a future

Yes no decent pubs, shops, etc but so what!


Come to Sydney, there's no problem here.

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OK its expensive here for some things but:

1: Private schools are much cheaper

2: Rates, electric, gas, petrol is much cheaper.

3: Aus is not in the same economic mess as UK / Europe / USA and is recovering

4: Its better for children here and they have a future

Yes no decent pubs, shops, etc but so what!


Hmmmm. I was ok with this until I got to point 4. Facts are helpful and I am happy to accept points 1 -3 as data and comparisons are relatively easy to check out. But point 4 “its better for children here and they have a future” is something of a sweeping generalisation I think. It may be true for some children, but I really don’t believe that children in the UK have a worse quality of life and no future simply because they live here. There are good schools in the UK, there are nice areas to live, there is a lot to be said for regular contact with extended family, there out of school activities that don’t cost a fortune (scouts, cadets, Duke of Edinburgh, sports clubs, music workshops, dance/ theatre groups..to name but a few). I know the media would have you believe that the youth of the UK are all delinquents ready to riot and loot, but that is incredibly insulting to the vast majority who are decent kids, working hard and happily getting on with life. Some children may have a better lifestyle and opportunity in Australia, others will simply have a different lifestyle and set of opportunities IMHO.

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Guest SupportPants
This has to be the most surreal thing I have read on here in ages - reminds me of the film 28 Days Later..


I know! But it's true - in FNQ you see about 3 a day walking around town. May be as they wear less clothes than other places but probably more due to the extreme sun.

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Guest rrwilky
Hmmmm. I was ok with this until I got to point 4. Facts are helpful and I am happy to accept points 1 -3 as data and comparisons are relatively easy to check out. But point 4 “its better for children here and they have a future” is something of a sweeping generalisation I think. It may be true for some children, but I really don’t believe that children in the UK have a worse quality of life and no future simply because they live here. There are good schools in the UK, there are nice areas to live, there is a lot to be said for regular contact with extended family, there out of school activities that don’t cost a fortune (scouts, cadets, Duke of Edinburgh, sports clubs, music workshops, dance/ theatre groups..to name but a few). I know the media would have you believe that the youth of the UK are all delinquents ready to riot and loot, but that is incredibly insulting to the vast majority who are decent kids, working hard and happily getting on with life. Some children may have a better lifestyle and opportunity in Australia, others will simply have a different lifestyle and set of opportunities IMHO.

The problems start when they have completed their education, have loads of gcse's, a levels and a degree and still cannot find a job. I have loadsnof my ex students coming to see me who are in this situation and also debted up to the eye balls, what hope have they?

Last year my local university produced 24 teachers in one subject and only 1 got a job! Teaching used to be a guaranteed career, not any moe in this country!

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Children and the future.

My kids were involved in swimming, brownies, church, lovely little rural primary school etc in the UK.

But the social /media presures in the UK were immense for them to grow up fast and to be "spenders" and almost the mentality of do what you want. We also found attitudes to families and going anywhere with young children pretty horrible.

Try sitting down in a restaurant with young children and watch the glares and hear the comments, and thats with well behaved children.

The attitude to family life, tolerance of children in public, the fact that the kids are under less pressure here to grow up fast, the equivalent Australian 11 year old is at least 3 years behind in "streetwise maturity" on the Sunshine Coast. There is far more emphasis on getting your children into activity, be it sporting or arts orientated. And there is coaching for just about everything - and its affordable!

Just look at the Nippers / surf safety run by every surf club on the Coast.


With regards their future. Schools have not been dumbed down here, universities are excellent, graduates do not have the same levels of debt, there are jobs for graduates usually in their fields, and its a growing country that has barely been touched or developed.


Looking at the mess in Europe and the UK economically I would say thay Australia is a safer place for your kids future both socially and economically.


You may disagree but that is how I see it and I'm here! Take care.

In Aus, particularly on the Sunshine Coast

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Guest SupportPants
The problems start when they have completed their education, have loads of gcse's, a levels and a degree and still cannot find a job. I have loadsnof my ex students coming to see me who are in this situation and also debted up to the eye balls, what hope have they?

Last year my local university produced 24 teachers in one subject and only 1 got a job! Teaching used to be a guaranteed career, not any moe in this country!


Australia produces a glut of teachers too - in fact I thnk they are changing the course times now to produce lower numbers as there isn't enough work.

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Hi Emma


High numbers?


Compared to the numbers that move over to Oz, the amount of families who return to their homeland are a miniscule minority, litterally a drop in the ocean!



Yeah well it seem that many will say ANYTHING to justify their being here,after 25 years i have seen the light + many trips HOME.We will join the trek home.if we can sell up.I wouldn't like starting a new life here in this country,it's liveing on borrowed time it's just a Quarry and gas fields now a very unhealthy place to live.90% of Qld farmland is being mined,It was so much different here 25 years ago,it was the LUCKY COUNTRY.I paid $32000 at auction for our house to live in in a nice area,and $40,000 for an investment property.It's so exspensive now,and all those that bought 5 years ago are in negative equity.Many poms i know have lost thousands of $ to get back home as it's getting worse,according to the stats.48% of poms that arrived in 2009 have returned home.NOT a drop in the ocean.and how many just can't get out?Half the country is in recession.If your not in mining it will get grim.

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Guest guest57588
The long term future for everyone in the UK is very bleak, that imuch is obvious....


For everyone?, but poor old Wills and Kate have just got wed. Does this mean that they're gonna have to start their married life in a council flat in Dartford?. Poor buggers. I suppose Her Maj is probably gonna have to let out a few rooms in Buck Palace now. I can just see the ad on Gum Tree - "Must be animal-friendly as owner has corgis." I can imagine Big Phil as the landlord from hell, dressed like Rigsby from Rising Damp, constantly banging on the ceiling with his walking stick when the asylum-seekers in the room above are playing their folk songs too loud. Charles could always augment his mum and dad's inadequate diet with some veggies from his allotment, but otherwise they'll be stuck on the couch all day sucking Werthers Originals whilst watching Countdown and waiting for the meals on wheels lady.


How the mighty have fallen :sad:

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Guest usernamecharlotte

Well today's Daily Telegraph (the uk one) says that 60% of immigrants from Britain between 2005 and 2010 have returned to the UK, which is quite a few drops in the ocean. They cite the heat, boredom and being closer to family as the principal reasons.

As for me I miss the changing seasons (here in FNQ we get wet and hot or dry and hot, that's it) and the huge network of public bridleways and footpaths where you can ramble for hours. Impossible to go for a walk here, unless you do a major bush-hike.

Property here in FNQ is very cheap compared to where I come from (Surrey), wages/salaries are quite high and the quality of life is great so long as you like outdoor sports.(The 'culture' as in theatre/arts is an hours drive away in Cairns, so not too handy)

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Guest rrwilky

Think everyone has to just do plenty of research and do what feels right for them, none of us have a crystal ball no matter how much we would like one?

You must have felt the same at one point or you would not have gone out there, why discourage others from having the adventure you had even if your dreams didn't come true?

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Well today's Daily Telegraph (the uk one) says that 60% of immigrants from Britain between 2005 and 2010 have returned to the UK, which is quite a few drops in the ocean.


Not sure how they've arrived at a figure of 60% unless they've factored in people on vacation, on WHV's & temporary visas :eek:

Between 2005 & 2010 approx 107,000 new settlers arrived from the UK.

Between 2005 & 2010 approx 30,000 UK born people left Australia. Of this 30,000, approx 60% returned to the the UK while the other 40% left to go to another country. Therfore you're looking at around 18,000 returning to the UK between 2005-2010 which makes that around 17% of the numbers arriving


Source: http://www.immi.gov.au/media/publications/statistics/


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Guest usernamecharlotte

Not trying to discourage anyone, just saying what I like and what i don't. It's up to the individual to make their own minds up. And even then, you can always change your mind anytime if you are a citizen of both countries

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The long term future for everyone in the UK is very bleak, that imuch is obvious....



why is that then?, just have to try harder, same here jobs dont land in your lap and at the moment people or wives are taking up jobs to help pay the bills due to high cost of living here, my partner sent off over 50 applications and 3 bothered to reject her app the rest not bother but i know a lot of jobs have many applicants, i admire the indian or pakistanis in the uk who own the corner shops, they stay open longer and later than most of those who are british and earn more through hard work,take abuse for being successful doctors from these countries do extremely well in the uk as they train and work harder, quals gained in the uk are still worth a lot and are a bonus, richard branson etc didnt sit back and wat for it to happen, they made it happen work garder try harder and if it aint happening change tack and keep trying, no-one said its easy.



there are bludgers here in oz too. :notworthy:

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The problems start when they have completed their education, have loads of gcse's, a levels and a degree and still cannot find a job. I have loadsnof my ex students coming to see me who are in this situation and also debted up to the eye balls, what hope have they?

Last year my local university produced 24 teachers in one subject and only 1 got a job! Teaching used to be a guaranteed career, not any moe in this country!


You make a good point, and it would be foolish for anyone to suggest that life in the UK is rosy at the moment. As with the rest of Europe, the country is working through one of the toughest economic down turns in decades, and to a greater or lesser extent that affects every citizen. Youth unemployment is something like 20% which makes grim reading and is soul destroying if you are part of that statistic.


However, the point I was trying to make (although probably not very well) is that despite all the difficulties, life in the UK s not dire for the entire population and the vast majority of children are not being raised in a vacuum of despair……despite what you may read on a regular basis. It is still possible to have a decent and happy life here and as this is the MBTTUK forum maybe it is useful to some folk to know that. The key is perhaps to put as much research into your return as you did into your move to Australia in the first place. Some areas are definitely struggling more than others, jobs are generally less secure at the moment and no-one can assume a guaranteed career.....but despite all that, for a lot of people it is 'home' and where they are happiest.

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Its all too easy to run the uk down when yu are about to move to oz or wherever, I did first time, came right round and bit me on the bum, never realised just what i had when i got to oz 8 yrs ago, i was a bit cocky armed with uk certs etc, found i was nothing, had no network of contacts had to do things hard way, very easy to say when you are sitting in lounge with family in uk or discussing it with pals in pub, i felt a huge relief getting home after the year, dont knock it til you been here a while, when i say home, i mean the uk. i dont like it being knocked,

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They can only go on what people put on their departure cards as well so they will miss many who go, not expecting to stay! That will be true for both me and my son, for example - he extended his gap year to at least a gap decade and I only came on holiday but family circumstances are keeping me here (thank goodness!). There are loads of reasons why people dont return even when they have expected to!


That is true

I put on my departure card I was returning to the U.K for a holiday it is looking like it will be a tad longer than the original few months.

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Looking at the numbers of replies and views on today's posts at 1115pm I added up the numbers on four different posts which I felt seemed to be for people in favour of moving to OZ -


Electricians 1,188 replies 75,000 views

New Cat 4 1707 replies 68,000 views

HR Apps 1,300 replies 56,000 views

Spouse Visa 4,400 replies 251,000 views


Moving back to the UK 240 replies & 12,000 views.


So, 8,500 and 450,000 in favour v 240 and 12,000 against.


There's your answer to your question - Coming Back - Why So Many?







There you go Then, this thread just decided the big debate, silly :no:


oz is not better, uk is not better, they are different, just suits different people,


I suggest you change your thread title to - Coming Back - Why So Few?


I am not criticising those who go back to the UK by the way. I went back for twelve years and I wish in some ways I had stayed BUT I simply wanted to answer the question.



There you go Then, this thread just decided the big debate, silly :no:


oz is not better, uk is not better, they are different, just suits different people,


I wonder at people who go all out to prove these things with so called stats, who are they trying to prove to. the number of people returning total in their thousands, to me thats a lot of people no matter how many come here

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