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Coming back- why so many??


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Guest dastott
Yes Oz has lovely beaches and sunshine but I firmly believe that the trade off is huge and until you've ived it you cannot even begin to comprehend it.


I am just wondering what the trade off really is though, aside from missing friends and family?

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Maybe because there is so much more emotion in MBTTUK, than fact. The other forums people are asking for factual advice. Whereas MBTTUK seems to focus more on "I hate Australia because"...





mbttuk is not 'I hate australia' section, there we see the mis perception already

its for people who dont see aus as being their future for whatever reasons, some of those who love it here fail to see their views and love it so much they spend time on the mbttuk site trying to justify their own reasons for staying, and disagreeing with those who love the uk

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Guest guest57588
I am just wondering what the trade off really is though, aside from missing friends and family?


They're pretty big trade-offs for many people I guess. There are others, as many as there are returnees I suppose.

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Guest guest57588
mbttuk is not 'I hate australia' section, there we see the mis perception already

its for people who dont see aus as being their future for whatever reasons, some of those who love it here fail to see their views and love it so much they spend time on the mbttuk site trying to justify their own reasons for staying, and disagreeing with those who love the uk


Beautifully put. Posters returning to the UK may have negative views on Australia, but it doesn't necessarily mean that they hate the place. Often the more emotive posts on MBTTUK are born out of frustration or disappointment that it didn't work out for the respective poster, and I think as a reader you have to bear that in mind. To try and put things in context as it were. There was a time on this forum when posters who were unhappy in Oz or who were critical of the place were castigated for saying so. Thankfully that's not so much the case now, and the forum is all the better for it.

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Guest Pete the Feet

I've been om Australia for a long time now, the place has gone down hill fast. Cost of living has gone throught the roof, Australians are sometimes one of the most ignorant race on the planet. Some of them are lucky enough to be able to put their shoes on in the morning. There are some on the other end of the spectrum who are very savy and make a lot of coin. I'm going back to England where I belong, a place where you can get a decent pint instead of a crappy scooner, a place where you can go to the supermarket and get everything you need without being ripped off. Was looking at the prices of cars online today on the Australian Web site Carsales.com.au, 3 grand for a 1990's car with over 300,000 Kms on the clock, the same type of car in the UK would be a 100 quid. If your a trades person comming over here, you'll be spanked stupid on the cost off tooling, do yourself a favour and stay in the UK.

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The thoughts behind MBTUK were to allow those people thinking about returning/or having decided to return to discuss it and to gain support from people in a similar position. All too often these threads are hijacked and turned into a UK V Aus debate. That premise still remains, so if you aren't intending to return to the UK or are unable to support those that are then my suggestion is give this section of the forum a miss.


Totally agree to this comment, I feel some pop on here just to argue instead of support.

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We are just embarking on shipping quotes to move back to UK after 7 years. The quote from OSS was $13k - being 1 container full and being an early Jan - a premium time to move. We're excited about the move but very challenged about finding new schools for the children - 2 boys (9 and 7) and a girl (5). Typically the mid year application means we take pot-luck - and because we'll rent for 6 mths - have no idea about how to time things correctly before we arrive as we have no address in the catchment areas. The expression 'too easy!' doesn't exist in the UK!




I am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=-33.841144,151.084657

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I am just wondering what the trade off really is though, aside from missing friends and family?



I think the trade off is huge. As I've said time and time again the very basic fact that Australia is so vast that accessibility is very limited. This has an effect on products, services, choice & attitudes.


The whole of the UK can fit into Oz 32 times and has a population of 20 million, this is similar to half of the population of leeds scattered around the UK and also set adrift 1000's of miles from anywhere. There simply isn't the infrastructure to enable easy accessibility. We like to go to concerts and theatres of course this is possible in Australia but the choice is so limited.


To get from one state to another you have to fly and it is an absolute fortune! In the UK you can get a train from nearly any village to any town and on to any city.....


We didn't return to the UK because of friends or family-indeed our family are in Australia- we moved back because the UK simply offers us more choice & variety.


We have just celebrated Halloween, Guy Fawkes and now counting down to Christmas...it is grey and cold but for us it is real.

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Guest sh7t man no way

Australia is sold very well 2 the poms--perhaps its not what it says on the tin:swoon:perhaps some people realize this,and return--somewhat poorer but wiser

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mbttuk is not 'I hate australia' section, there we see the mis perception already

its for people who dont see aus as being their future for whatever reasons, some of those who love it here fail to see their views and love it so much they spend time on the mbttuk site trying to justify their own reasons for staying, and disagreeing with those who love the uk


The justification could be the other way too. See the same people who come back and confirm how happy they are in the UK. Most people just move on if they are truly happy and leave forums.


Australia, UK are inanimate objects its not these countries fault if we are unhappy its us that have to fix it. However we should not need anyone to agree with us and our views of either are our views.


Its only natural that people have differing opinions but sometimes the info given on this particular forum is a little bit swayed for our newer members thinking of coming to live here. ie air fares between capitals are now much cheaper than they used to be and you can pick up a really cheap fare these days cheaper than taking the train in UK.


I hope everyone who returns is happy but remember so are the people who stay.


If all the Brits in Canada, South Africa, USA, Aus and NZ suddenly decided to be like the people in this forum where would UK be paying for them all, five million arriving suddenly :laugh:

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Guest dastott
I think the trade off is huge. As I've said time and time again the very basic fact that Australia is so vast that accessibility is very limited. This has an effect on products, services, choice & attitudes.


The whole of the UK can fit into Oz 32 times and has a population of 20 million, this is similar to half of the population of leeds scattered around the UK and also set adrift 1000's of miles from anywhere. There simply isn't the infrastructure to enable easy accessibility. We like to go to concerts and theatres of course this is possible in Australia but the choice is so limited.


To get from one state to another you have to fly and it is an absolute fortune! In the UK you can get a train from nearly any village to any town and on to any city.....


Interesting perspective, thanks. I don't live a consumer based-lifestyle of needing a wide range of such things so I never thought this was an issue. However, surely living in one of the bigger cities offers enough products, services and choice. After all, Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth are bigger than all UK cities aside from London. For me, the best things in Australia are free - the amazing variety of birdlife, the beaches, the weather, beautiful parks with amazing facilities (BBQs, tennis courts etc.) which either don't exist in the UK or are much harder to find.


Good for you for being happy in the UK. For me it just seems so cold and grey when compared to Australia.

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After trying to emigrate to Australia for many years, now I'm here I would go back too, what an overrated expensive place live. With just as many problems as the UK, I am doing the same job as the UK where I was well paid and now in Oz I am struggling to make ends meet and yes I would go back tomorrow but can't afford to!

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Australia is sold very well 2 the poms--perhaps its not what it says on the tin:swoon:


That is no excuse in this day and age. That is like looking at a holiday brochure and believing that you too will have jewel blue seas and cloudless skies and bikini clad companions every day of your holiday, or looking at a sales brochure for a new car and believing you too will score that beautiful blonde if you buy the car.

Surely nowadays, when we are deluged in advertising, we are wise enough to look and analyse the reality behind the hype?


The internet and other media are awash with information about any place you want to move to. You only have to read the local paper online to grasp the reality of day to day living there - social problems, activities of local importance, prices of everything... not to mention other info available such as weather statistics, traffic cams, forums about any subject under the sun, documentaries etc. etc.


That's not to say people won't experience situations they hadn't anticipated - missing family and friends more than they expected, feeling isolated from the rest of the world, missing the diversity of retailing or the seasons or not adapting to heat or humidity or the distance between places.


To say you were conned by the hype would have been reasonable in 1948 but not in 2011.

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That is no excuse in this day and age. That is like looking at a holiday brochure and believing that you too will have jewel blue seas and cloudless skies and bikini clad companions every day of your holiday, or looking at a sales brochure for a new car and believing you too will score that beautiful blonde if you buy the car.

Surely nowadays, when we are deluged in advertising, we are wise enough to look and analyse the reality behind the hype?


The internet and other media are awash with information about any place you want to move to. You only have to read the local paper online to grasp the reality of day to day living there - social problems, activities of local importance, prices of everything... not to mention other info available such as weather statistics, traffic cams, forums about any subject under the sun, documentaries etc. etc.


That's not to say people won't experience situations they hadn't anticipated - missing family and friends more than they expected, feeling isolated from the rest of the world, missing the diversity of retailing or the seasons or not adapting to heat or humidity or the distance between places.


To say you were conned by the hype would have been reasonable in 1948 but not in 2011.




In that case why spend all the money on advertising etc, much easier nowadays to make people believe, and lets face it those comong going or buying a car see what they want to see and the advertising companies play up to this.

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sorry but rubbish, i have been here over a month bought a 1000 dollar bike, saved over a 1000, gone out every weekend, eating well renting a property, paying bills, on 65k in manly!!! yes its expensive but not twice, i struggled to live in the uk,



i landed with 480 dollars in my pocket thats all!!!


When comparing cost of living in the U.K compared to Australia.

you will get a different answer depending on what part of the U.K you are comparing

with which part of Australia.


The cost of living is less in Doncaster U.K compared to henly on thames U.K


so some one who has lived in Doncaster will find perth very expensive

some one who lived in Henley on thames may not find much difference


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After trying to emigrate to Australia for many years, now I'm here I would go back too, what an overrated expensive place live. With just as many problems as the UK, I am doing the same job as the UK where I was well paid and now in Oz I am struggling to make ends meet and yes I would go back tomorrow but can't afford to!


You have to cut your coat according to your cloth. There are many ways to have a cheap lifestyle in the Aus, buy fresh food at markets and small shops. Cook meals, give up take away food, make your own lunch for work. Have a barbecue in a park. So many ways and the weather as well makes it possible to be cheaper.


I found when in the UK last year for a longish stay that English people spend way too much on processed foods, ready made meals etc. You can buy them here too and they are about the same price because being on holiday we used them but we do not use them when at home. We cook. Eating out can be reasonable or expensive.


As I said do not blame the countries look we have to look at ourselves and why would Australia be the same as Britain, its Australia and vice versa.

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I think people come here thinking they will work less and have a better standard of life. But you have to work just as hard here to make ends met as you did in the uk.And without the support network of your family and life long friends.i love it here and have no intention to go back but thats not to say one day i may change my mind.We have to work hard but i have a better house and life style than i had in England. My daughter is in private school could not of done that in England. Today i have been to the gym then home for a swim laid in the sun by the pool now that is worth all the hard work we have to do to pay the bills.

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Thats nice, i think you all are aware about the famous destinations in the united kingdom, can any one suggest me the best way to travel and visit...?

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Interesting perspective, thanks. I don't live a consumer based-lifestyle of needing a wide range of such things so I never thought this was an issue. However, surely living in one of the bigger cities offers enough products, services and choice. After all, Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth are bigger than all UK cities aside from London. For me, the best things in Australia are free - the amazing variety of birdlife, the beaches, the weather, beautiful parks with amazing facilities (BBQs, tennis courts etc.) which either don't exist in the UK or are much harder to find.


Good for you for being happy in the UK. For me it just seems so cold and grey when compared to Australia.


I don't live a consumer lifestyle either...?! My point is that in the UK you don't have to live in a major city to have the choice. We live in the country but can access various towns and cities easily. We too love the things that are free,we love castles and churches... coves and beaches. We are 30 mins from York and can be in London in 1 1/2 hours by train. We can also access the lake district and the dales very easily.


We are going to a winter wonderland this Christmas and have the choice of many....


The parks in the UK are beautiful too as are the stately homes. The weather obviously doesn't lend itself to having BBQ facilities, but we have had many a good picnic /bbq at the park.


It's horses for courses but like I say too much of a trade off for us.

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Australia is not for everyone; For most people from the UK it is of course, but a minory cannot settle.




maryrose every post seems to be rinsed through the rose tinted glasses you write. seems you cannot post without some sort of dig. australia is not for everyone and a lot ( we dont know how many) return. its obvious you love aus, good for you i love both and can live in both.


you remind me of the hoff

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