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Coming back- why so many??


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maryrose every post seems to be rinsed through the rose tinted glasses you write. seems you cannot post without some sort of dig. australia is not for everyone and a lot ( we dont know how many) return. its obvious you love aus, good for you i love both and can live in both.


you remind me of the hoff


Thanks for not pulling me up for a spelling error ('minory!) I really should be using my spell checker although that is very much discretionary for others too.


I love both countries too and was just stating a fact - it may be a lot but, as a fraction of those who move successfully, it's not - no more than 1/6, more probably 1/8.

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and just how do you reach this rather precise figure, and just why do u need to justify it all the time, no-one knows who stays and goes. many here who settled and never been on pio, those who return same. and frankly WHO CARES! as long as they are happy, since someone dare to say why so many return you been on a mission. far more are returning now than a few years ago, will no doubt be other way round in future. your real name not julia is it :laugh:

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Thing is with the uk, you may live 1.5 hours from london if you live in york but you have to spend a months salary to go and then when you do stand up on the train all the way because its too crowded. Thats the point most going back people seem to miss and i think is the main reason why british try to get to Oz in the first place - the constant stress to do anything as its too crowded and everyone is stressed and angry. Just try driving in the Uk.

people freek out in shop que's these days - totally impatience everywhere. A scene from falling down will occur

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Thing is with the uk, you may live 1.5 hours from london if you live in york but you have to spend a months salary to go and then when you do stand up on the train all the way because its too crowded. Thats the point most going back people seem to miss and i think is the main reason why british try to get to Oz in the first place - the constant stress to do anything as its too crowded and everyone is stressed and angry. Just try driving in the Uk.

people freek out in shop que's these days - totally impatience everywhere. A scene from falling down will occur


I guess this can happen anywhere...... things like this don't just happen in the UK, nor do they happen all around the UK. Where I live its a little more civilised :)

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Thing is with the uk, you may live 1.5 hours from london if you live in york but you have to spend a months salary to go and then when you do stand up on the train all the way because its too crowded. Thats the point most going back people seem to miss and i think is the main reason why british try to get to Oz in the first place - the constant stress to do anything as its too crowded and everyone is stressed and angry. Just try driving in the Uk.

people freek out in shop que's these days - totally impatience everywhere. A scene from falling down will occur


....and if you live in Brisbane it's of course as cheap as chips to fly to Sydney/Melbourne/Adelaide/Canberra/Darwin.....and much less stressful than getting the train to London/Edinburgh/Bath/Leeds/York.......:wacko:

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Thing is with the uk, you may live 1.5 hours from london if you live in york but you have to spend a months salary to go and then when you do stand up on the train all the way because its too crowded. Thats the point most going back people seem to miss and i think is the main reason why british try to get to Oz in the first place - the constant stress to do anything as its too crowded and everyone is stressed and angry. Just try driving in the Uk.

people freek out in shop que's these days - totally impatience everywhere. A scene from falling down will occur


I love driving in UK! Everyone around here and in the 3000 miles I drove since September have been incredibly courteous - very few tailgaters either which is a pleasant change. I havent encountered the angry stress I must admit, people have been friendly and chatty in supermarket queues, shop assistants have actually been helpful and getting Travelodges for £19 a night have been amazing. It's been wonderful to see the playgrounds so well peopled with kids actually playing, mums chatting and big kids looking after little kids. Isnt it weird that we all see different things, probably tinted by whatever specs we happen to be wearing on the day! So far I can see very little difference between Sydney/Melbourne/London/Bristol etc - they are all big cities.


I will definitely let you know when I see someone freaking out in a shop though!

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....and if you live in Brisbane it's of course as cheap as chips to fly to Sydney/Melbourne/Adelaide/Canberra/Darwin.....and much less stressful than getting the train to London/Edinburgh/Bath/Leeds/York.......:wacko:


It actually can be these days as most people have the airlines linked to their site and just take up the offers and they are very very good these days in Aus.


My friends got "free" flights to Hawaii recently, they visited Darwin for under $100 and take up all the offers.


Business people who fly of course are not worried about the price its just a business expense. Hour to Sydney, meeting hour back to Melbourne.

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I dont find travel here that cheap, obviously you get cheap deals but i priced train tickets for us to go down to manchester next week and its £118.00 and that was supposed to be on a discount site. Then the hotel on top of that so it doesnt turn out that cheap. Decided just to drive down and up in the same day instead, even the petrol money would be a lot cheaper

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I think that at the end of the day, one will be happy/would want to live where he/she feels 'home', irrelevant how much expensive is, or hot or cold or whatever...


If you feel home and your heart is in the UK, then that's where you'll be happy and same for OZ. Your perception about life in the country depends on this.


Then there are also those unfortunate who are 'forced' to live in a country where they don't feel home. That's life.



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I dont find travel here that cheap, obviously you get cheap deals but i priced train tickets for us to go down to manchester next week and its £118.00 and that was supposed to be on a discount site. Then the hotel on top of that so it doesnt turn out that cheap. Decided just to drive down and up in the same day instead, even the petrol money would be a lot cheaper


The train travel in Australia is much cheaper than here, however you cannot go from state to state by train and each state only has one 'Major' city. My point is the accessibility due to the vastness of the country. Before we left we were going to go from Bris to Cairns both in Qld for a holiday by train (my husband was an exec at Queensland Rail so got free travel) we were very excited until we saw the journey time was 23 hours.....:huh:


It is not a fault it is how it is but the inaccessibilty effects lots of things midsets being one...

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Interesting this subject , I think its a bit of everything ,


some may think that theyre going to live in a big house with everything they want and need only to find its all very expensive ,


some people who have never realy spent time away from theyre home and friends/family think they'll be ok but then i hits them hard .


with families theirs the added pressure of one partner not realy getting to grips with the new life or the kids who act completely devistated because they miss hanging around town centres in the cold , dark and fog with theyre " mates" and cant see the weather , beaches and wonderfull future Oz has on offer for them.


Im an ex squaddie and obviously im quite used to being away and a million miles from " normality" before that my dad was a prison officer for all of my childhood so we up sticks , said good bye to everything we knew and re located every 2-3 years . ill miss stuff but i doubt very much ill be truley home sick


I have some realy good friends and ill be sad to say bye but im mindfull of everything that is to come before me , Its a pro's and con's exercise almost . I love my parents and my sis , but weve never lived in eachothers pockets and because of this again im not going to feel like i have no control .


I work for myself and its bloody tough , scratched a living JUST !!! for paqst 2 years tho i still never have time for me . working for someone else for more money , half the hours with no responsibility and the chance to go surfing every weekend is not going to be " brill " or a " nice change " its going to be purley epic , ill be going from a no future business , a mounting debt thanks to our incompetant government, a house in negative equity , a shot to pieces pension and the bloody cold to sand , sun , sea , no real stress , a carreer , a dream :-)


To me i have no illusions about oz , i will be keeping my head down , working hard , playing the game , having an adventure , not being resentfull cos things are more than the uk or sad cos i havnt seen my mate Ben for a beer .


C'mon people , dont dwell on the past , look to the future , dont be sad of what u dont have , be greatfull for what u do have ,



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Thing is with the uk, you may live 1.5 hours from london if you live in york but you have to spend a months salary to go and then when you do stand up on the train all the way because its too crowded. Thats the point most going back people seem to miss and i think is the main reason why british try to get to Oz in the first place - the constant stress to do anything as its too crowded and everyone is stressed and angry. Just try driving in the Uk.

people freek out in shop que's these days - totally impatience everywhere. A scene from falling down will occur


I have experinced impateince and tailgating in london and the M25 but rest of the U.K

driving is far less stressfull.


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Interesting this subject , I think its a bit of everything ,


some may think that theyre going to live in a big house with everything they want and need only to find its all very expensive ,


some people who have never realy spent time away from theyre home and friends/family think they'll be ok but then i hits them hard .


with families theirs the added pressure of one partner not realy getting to grips with the new life or the kids who act completely devistated because they miss hanging around town centres in the cold , dark and fog with theyre " mates" and cant see the weather , beaches and wonderfull future Oz has on offer for them.


Im an ex squaddie and obviously im quite used to being away and a million miles from " normality" before that my dad was a prison officer for all of my childhood so we up sticks , said good bye to everything we knew and re located every 2-3 years . ill miss stuff but i doubt very much ill be truley home sick


I have some realy good friends and ill be sad to say bye but im mindfull of everything that is to come before me , Its a pro's and con's exercise almost . I love my parents and my sis , but weve never lived in eachothers pockets and because of this again im not going to feel like i have no control .


I work for myself and its bloody tough , scratched a living JUST !!! for paqst 2 years tho i still never have time for me . working for someone else for more money , half the hours with no responsibility and the chance to go surfing every weekend is not going to be " brill " or a " nice change " its going to be purley epic , ill be going from a no future business , a mounting debt thanks to our incompetant government, a house in negative equity , a shot to pieces pension and the bloody cold to sand , sun , sea , no real stress , a carreer , a dream :-)


To me i have no illusions about oz , i will be keeping my head down , working hard , playing the game , having an adventure , not being resentfull cos things are more than the uk or sad cos i havnt seen my mate Ben for a beer .


C'mon people , dont dwell on the past , look to the future , dont be sad of what u dont have , be greatfull for what u do have ,




Stop being so positive about Australia!!!!

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To me i have no illusions about oz , i will be keeping my head down , working hard , playing the game , having an adventure , not being resentfull cos things are more than the uk or sad cos i havnt seen my mate Ben for a beer .


C'mon people , dont dwell on the past , look to the future , dont be sad of what u dont have , be greatfull for what u do have.



You sound like the type of person we Aussies are happy to see come and live here :yes:

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You sound like the type of person we Aussies are happy to see come and live here :yes:



thanks freckleface ,


Ive worked all over , been the newby countless times , been subbordinate and untill i find my feet i certainly know my place in the pecking order . Theirs a fine line between confidence and arrogance , ( spelling ) Im so greatfull to be let into Oz , some seem to think that Oz owes them a well paid living and a wonderfull life !!! I know im going to havto earn it . for me i want to prove to " australia" that i was a good choice , integrate , pay my way and hopefully give more to Oz than take


Just my thoughts lee

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Hi Emma


High numbers?


Compared to the numbers that move over to Oz, the amount of families who return to their homeland are a miniscule minority, litterally a drop in the ocean!




That is simply not true. A high number if people return to the U.K each year because to most the dream is simply unattainable.

The cost of housing is beyond the reach of all but the fortunate few. The cost of living had quadrupled in recent years making it impossible to compare your weekly shop to the cost of the U.K.

You find yourself having to retrain to do a job you thought you were already qualified to do and in my case (air conditioning engineer) was told by the TRA that I had been classed as already qualified to do. And then when you have overcome those obstacles you find that most aussies don't want you there anyway and the few poms that have settled there, mostly because they managed to buy property when they were virtually giving it away and enjoy huge equity, look down their noses at the new arrivals trying their best to get along!

Not that I am bitter, ha ha.


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About 1.2 million. I suppose it depends on your definition of "few".




never make the godzoners see it,


amusing that a lot of those who wont have anything said aginst oz never lived here yet, bless em.


why not keep this site useful for those coming here or going home, aus is not better than uk and vice versa, its just different, get over it ffs

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