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Hello Port Macquarie! Friends required!!!

Guest toniclare

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Guest toniclare

Hiya, is anyone here in Port Macquarie? We arrived in beautiful Port on 3rd January this year and we are loving it so far. I'm here with my husband and 17 year old son, I'm studying hairdressing at TAFE, Zac (my son) is studying graphic design at TAFE and hubby Chris is still looking for a job!


We're loving Port but would be good to meet some like minded people. I'm 35, hubby is 44, we're living in Lighthouse area and enjoy a good BBQ (obvioulsy!).........is there anyone else out there in the same position?


We've left a lot of friends back in Hampshire in the UK and they are more than happy to tell us what they're upto on facebook.....theatre trips, murder mystery evenings and skiing trips to name but a few, so we're missing our friends :-(


Would be great to hear from anyone.......

Toni :-)

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Guest colandsue

Hi Toni,

I wish we were still there ,we would have loved to have met up with you guys for sure.

We lived there for four years, in the Lighthouse area too.

We moved on for various reasons,but really really miss the place.We hope to return maybe next year fingers and toes crossed.

I am a teeny weeny bit older than you and have a son also wanting to get into graphic design he is 16 and currently doing his cert 2 in IT.

What a shame, I would have let you practice on my hair......maybe lol.

I am hoping to come back for a holiday, maybe then you can throw us a snag on the barbie.

Keep in touch, would be nice to hear from you.

Take care Sue x

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Guest kazbright

we have just moved to port were living in lighthouse area. We have two kids daughters one 17 the other 5. Were a bit worried about finding work at the mo, any tips would be welcome.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest littlebigsue

Hi Toni


I've just arrived here in Port Macquarie. I'm 34 and single. I'm desperately trying to find friends too! So if you fancy meeting up, then let me know. I'm living the other side of Port, near Coles shopping centre.





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Guest The Dickos

He guys - we are moving to Port at the end of June this year.

We are both near our 40's and have 3 girls (16/13&10), would love to meet up when we get there. We are lucky, as my sister lives in Lighthouse, so we have family to go to and more importantly, stay with (even tho she knows we will drink all her wine).


We fell in love with Port when we last visited my sister in Xmas 2007 - we had already started the visa process, but we werent sure where to live.


I would be good to hear from anyone out there, so please get in touch.


Lee and Anya

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest joendeb

Hi fellow port macquarians!

It seems like theres a few of us poms living the hermit lifestyle here...we've been here a couple of months now I'm 33 and my wifes a spritely 38 (dont tell her I told you tho!), we've got no kids (but dont hold that against us:wink:) and we're living in the sherwood rd/lake innes area....a bit far from the beaches i know but we were just chuffed to get accepted for a rental place while we were unemployed so we took the first one we were offered!

we'll have to organise a few drinks down at finnians sometime and we can all swap moving stories (not the emotional kind-just about immigration!)

Joe and Debbie

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Guest toniclare
Hi fellow port macquarians!

It seems like theres a few of us poms living the hermit lifestyle here...we've been here a couple of months now I'm 33 and my wifes a spritely 38 (dont tell her I told you tho!), we've got no kids (but dont hold that against us:wink:) and we're living in the sherwood rd/lake innes area....a bit far from the beaches i know but we were just chuffed to get accepted for a rental place while we were unemployed so we took the first one we were offered!

we'll have to organise a few drinks down at finnians sometime and we can all swap moving stories (not the emotional kind-just about immigration!)

Joe and Debbie


Hi Joe and Debbie, It would be great to meet up at Finnians, I'm having my first trip there tomorrow with the girls from tafe for the quiz night, I've heard it's a great place to go.


When would be a good time to meet up?

Toni ( and hubby Chris!)

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Guest joendeb

Hi Toni and Chris

We've never tried the quiz night so we'd love to come along....so long as you dont mind a bloke crashing your girlie night out?! I've had a look at finnians website and it says the quiz starts at 730 so how does meeting up there just after 7 sound?

We're quite easy to spot- I'm 6'5 shaved head and glasses and debs is about a foot shorter than me with brown hair.

If any of the other posters in this thread fancy coming along it'd be great to meet you too, the more the merrier! we could even have a pommy team to take on the aussies at the quiz....and we could continue the great english tradition of losing horribly!!

Joe and Debs

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Guest toniclare
Hi Toni and Chris

We've never tried the quiz night so we'd love to come along....so long as you dont mind a bloke crashing your girlie night out?! I've had a look at finnians website and it says the quiz starts at 730 so how does meeting up there just after 7 sound?

We're quite easy to spot- I'm 6'5 shaved head and glasses and debs is about a foot shorter than me with brown hair.

If any of the other posters in this thread fancy coming along it'd be great to meet you too, the more the merrier! we could even have a pommy team to take on the aussies at the quiz....and we could continue the great english tradition of losing horribly!!

Joe and Debs


Hi Joe and Debs, Sorry crossed wires, I'm meeting a few girls from college tonight at finnians but it would be great to meet up another time, Chris isn't coming tonight as still getting to know girls from college and we're having a 'team buidling' night!

Sorry if you mis-inderstood, but maybe during the week next week at finnians? hope you get this message in time????

Toni & Chris

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Guest joendeb

ello again toni and chris. No worries about the crossed wires, maybe we could meet up for next thursdays quiz night instead? That way if any of the other people from this thread want to come along too theyll have time to see this post.

have fun with the girls tonight- good luck in the quiz!

joe and debs

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Guest toniclare
ello again toni and chris. No worries about the crossed wires, maybe we could meet up for next thursdays quiz night instead? That way if any of the other people from this thread want to come along too theyll have time to see this post.

have fun with the girls tonight- good luck in the quiz!

joe and debs


Thanks, I'll let you know if it's any good, defo on for next week though!

Toni & Chris

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Guest joendeb
Thanks, I'll let you know if it's any good, defo on for next week though!

Toni & Chris


woops!....just found out that debs has a check up at the docs on thurs at 615 so we may be a little late depending on how good the healthcare system here is on keeping to schedule...note to self-always check with the boss before organising stuff!

we will defo still be coming along tho.

see you thurs

joe and deb

ps. how did it go last week toni- did you win a slab of beer for the hubby?

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Guest toniclare
woops!....just found out that debs has a check up at the docs on thurs at 615 so we may be a little late depending on how good the healthcare system here is on keeping to schedule...note to self-always check with the boss before organising stuff!

we will defo still be coming along tho.

see you thurs

joe and deb

ps. how did it go last week toni- did you win a slab of beer for the hubby?


Hi Joe and Deb,


Not to worry we might me a little late too, I'm cuttently working in a hair salon in Horton Street but my boss has advised me today that she might need me to stay on a bit later on Thursday, typical! We will defo be there, the latest I could be working is 8pm....at the very latest!

As for the quiz last week, completely rubbish! So I hope your full of general knowledge! I don;t think I'll make a career out of it hehe....good fun though.

Best tell you what we look like....I'm shortish with long brown hair (I'll be dressed in black which is the uniform for the salon) and Chris has short brown hair and brown eyes.....probably wearing jeans and a t-shirt.

See you Thursday

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Guest littlebigsue

Thanks for the email Joe and Debs. I normally go Latin Dancing on a Thursday, so possibly not tonight, although, I might get out of it, and come down. If you need someone very bad at quizes, I am definately your woman! I'm fairly easy to spot....as I'm probably the shortest person in the pub at 5ft and brown hair. I may have a group of foreigners tagging along with me, as I stay in a backpackers, but if that's the case, we'll make our own team, but I'll come and say hi, if I hear any English accents! Or come and say hi to me, if you recognise me!





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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest dellaandrikki

hi we've just moved to port end of jan.... living in lighthouse beach near the pub!!!!! Anyone fancy meeting for a beer!!? Keen to meet some friends .... maybe at the weekend ??

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Guest dellaandrikki

HI we've just moved to port, lighthouse area we should all meet up... tacking point tavern?

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Guest dellaandrikki


Rikki and I have moved from Sydney to Port... finding it hard to settle, find work and meet people, we've been in Oz a few years Riks fron Essex, I'm from all over!! Keen to make some friends and invite you for a barby!!! I'm a hairdresser Riks a cabinet maker love surfing and a few wines and beers.... We live lighthouse beach near the tacking point tavern anyone fancy meeting up?? cheers della

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Guest dellaandrikki


sorry for all messages thought you send them to individuals...... computers I'm useless!!! hope to hear from you all!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest joendeb

hi della and rikki (and anyone else who fancies coming along!)

myself and debbie are meeting up with toni and chris for a few drinks next sat (20th) at finnians on gordon st (theres a band playing and they know one of the members), so if you guys would like to come along you're more than welcome!

not sure what time they're on exactly, but we've been there on a few sat nights in the past and the music usually starts around half 8 i think...we'll prob rock up about 730 or so ourselves....as mentioned in previous posts, look out for a coupkle with about a foot height diff between us- u cant miss us!

look forward to meeting you if you can make it.

joe n debs

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest The Dickos

Hi Guys,


We have just arrived in Port from the Wirral and apart from being tired, we ahve all enjoyed our first full day in Oz.


Our family consists of myself - Lee 38, my wife Anya (just about to turn 40 in Aug) and our 3 girls - 16 / 13 & 10.


We would love to meet up for a few cold ones with anybody as we love to socialise. In fact, I have all ready been to Hocket trg just off Ocean Drive to meet up with the guys from Taching Point Hockey Club.


We are currently living with my sister in Crestwood and would love to hear from anybody out there.


Anyway, heres hoping !!!


The Dickos

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Guest joendeb

Hello The Dickos

Congratulations on making it to Oz, and welcome to Port!

Its a bit last minute i know, but me and debs are meeting toni and chris again tonight (thurs 25th) at Finnians for the quiz....we managed to come second last time which we were all rather surprised by (!) and you never know with your help we could beat all the ozzys on their home turf!

We should be there from about 7pm i reckon, so if the jet lags not too bad come down!


J & D

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Guest The Dickos

Hi Guys,


Thanks for the invite, but we have already been roped into babysitting the nephew this evening.


But, if this is a weekly quiz, we would love to come out next week - it would be really good to meet up.


We are living with my sister at the moment (she married an Oz) and moved out here a few years ago), so our Pommie numbers seem to ever increasing in Port.


Thanks for getting in contact and we hope to meet up soon.



Lee and Anya

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Guest toniclare

hello and welcome to Port Macquarie, glad to hear you've enjoyed your first day, I hope it wasn't one of our 'rainy' days? you missed a good night last night at the quiz night, we did terrible this week so really could of done with some extra help!!!

Joe and Deb are off to Brisbane for a week or two and we'll probs make the next quiz night at finnians in a couple of weeks if you fancy it? would be great to meet up, we live in lighthouse so we're not too far away from you in crestwood..........we'll keep you posted on the next night out.....enjoy the sunshine :-)

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Hi Toni and everyone.


I live in Macksville about 1 1/2 hours drive north of Port Macquarie but I am coming to Port Macquarie on the 13th of September for a few days holiday.


I am staying in a motel for 5 nights which is situated in Hastings River Drive, I have my own car. Would love to meet up with some of you whilst I am down there say for lunch or dinner in the evening. If interested leave a message here or email me and suggest a time between Monday 14th and Thurs 17th September.


Thanking you in anticipation.

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Guest toniclare

Hiya, sounds good, you will need to remind me your coming nearer the time so we can organise something....we've been known to visit the local irish bar on thursday for the quiz night!

Talk to you again soon :-)

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