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SUMMARY: Spouse Visa Processing times OFFSHORE-UK. Please add your Stats.

Guest sr1992

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Hi All,


I am British and live in Malta. I have applied for a De Facto Visa as my Fiance has Australian passport. We have been living together for over 2 years but we want to go and live in Brisbane.


Thought I would add to this great list - THE WAITING GAME......


I had to apply for the visa at Berlin so sent by DHL on 11th February 09. 16th February cheque was cashed and contact was made with case officer.


We had all documents required and I am still waiting!!!! Being a Londoner I wish I applied in London but thought best to abide by the rule as live in Malta and have to apply at Berlin. Very anxious and nice to meet you all in the same boat......Great support.


Wish you all luck xx

It's horrible, we applied in Berlin and it has been over 5 months now!


Annnnnnnnnnd to make matters worse, I sent a chaser e mail after not reaching my hubby's C/O on the phone and we got an out of office e mail - his C/O will be off for 5 weeks!


How can we not have been informed of this? He e mailed us on the 19th of August telling us he wanted one more doc (military clearance), that our paperwork is in Australia at the moment for final assessment and he failed to mention that he is off on 5 weeks holiday!


So a decision could have been made already and we have no clue! I have sent an e mail to the general address and also a fax and no one has responded yet!


And we front loaded the application (except for the medical which my hubby did in June) and so they have had everything for 5 months!


This is really exhausting. I just want to go home (have been living in Switzerland for almost 7 years now).

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Application Submitted: 15.04.2009

Case Officer (C/O) Email: 29.04.2009. C/O was then changed a few months later due to workload.


Visa Granted:


We front loaded my hubby's application with everything except for the medical. He did the medical in June.


Every second month I'd sent a follow up e mail with no replies.

I called Berlin last week because we didn't hear anything since August and left a message. I sent an e mail yesterday following up my call and got an out of office message from my husband's case officer.


His c/o will be out of the office from the 16.09.09 - 18.10.09.


So I sent a fax and e mail to the general e mail addresses and asked for someone (anyone) to get back to me as soon as possible.


When we received our last e mail from the C/O requesting one more document, he informed us that the medical paperwork is in Australia for final assessment.


My husband does have a medical history but is stable now. We have been married for 7 years now (together for 9) and have assets in Australia together.


I just want to talk to someone, to have someone give me some sort of info. Does anyone know who the medicals get sent to? An MOC sure, but who?

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I can't believe how long you've had to wait for Berlin to get in touch. We had Michelle Taynor in London, and she even replied to my email thanking her saying I was very welcome. No questions, no interview, and visa granted in 5 working days. Unbelievable.

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Oh dear, so frustrating Giota!! The whole process is stressful enough without them making you wait forever! It's these public servants, they just go on leave whenever they like - I know that's what I do... but when you've got people relying on you, surely you'd at least send a courtesy email and say, hey, sorry, you're going to be waiting x amount of weeks, at least then you'd know. I hope we get some news sooner rather than later - too soon yet, but will be getting worried after a couple of weeks of nothing - I don't have the patience!


Good luck all, especially those in other countries, I think it must be a lot harder and slower than submitting to London or in Aus...

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BTW, re. processing times (from London anyway) - cute happy dude at the High Commission who I handed my fiance's app to told me it was abou three months processing time, and I said I'd heard a lot of people had theirs approved in a matter of weeks and he sort of side stepped that and muttered something about 'depends on the cirucumstances' then smiled and looked like some cute famous sportsman... :-) ha ha I think a lot must go on behind the scenes there, he probably wanted to say, 'it depends on whether you get one of the slack COs' but obviously couldn't say that... fun stuff!!!

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Ha ha... you're getting married!! Hee hee...


Gosh, there was a miserable lady there when I went, which is why I thought it would take so long and had prepared myself for the long wait. Also, wasn't sure if the financial evidence and the fact we'd been apart for 4 months would effect the decision... I must have been granted the loveliest CO! I did put in 60 pictures of us and soppy emails and cards, so maybe she felt sick and just granted it, ha.

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Ha ha ha LahLay, yeah, well I'll justify it by saying this guy reminded me of my fiance! :-)


60 photos - wow - I had four A4 sheets with four photos on each, so I guess that's 16... hmm... I thought about putting emails in, but a lot of the ones we've sent to each other are probably waaay too much information, ha ha! Ah well, you were very lucky, I'll say it again, amazing stuff!

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Can’t believe it, in complete shock! It’s been months of planning, organising, stressing and waiting and we’ve finally got it!! It’s the oddest feeling!! So excited, but its now hit me we’re actually going!

We fly back to Brisbane on 11th November.

Just wanted to thank everyone who has posted info on the 309 application process, we had a complicated case, with limited evidence, and i’m sure that without you guys’ posts in this forum there’s no way we would have got it!

Good luck to everyone still waiting! If anyone need any help with their application, just message me.


22/8/2009- Submitted application- front loaded

24/8/2009- money taken

05/09/2009- request for Australian police certificate

28/9/2009- Police certificate received

30/09/2009 VISA GRANTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Laylay - quickie, did you send in original cards? i.e. birthday.

/christmas/valentines day or did you photocopy? Thing is we could have easily jusgt written these now .....i have heaps and was going to just send in a sample and christmas cards from parents for us both etc and put in a stamped addressed envelope to get sent back? All my stuff has been certified now in oz, my boyfriend had to do some digging to find out when he arrived in oz as he was a baby and his family emigratred !! he is now 33! anyway all on its way back to london so should be submitting in next two weeks finally and hoping for a quick turnaround a i want to resign from job first week of december and obviously cant resign until i get this. getting nervous now....


Ha ha... you're getting married!! Hee hee...


Gosh, there was a miserable lady there when I went, which is why I thought it would take so long and had prepared myself for the long wait. Also, wasn't sure if the financial evidence and the fact we'd been apart for 4 months would effect the decision... I must have been granted the loveliest CO! I did put in 60 pictures of us and soppy emails and cards, so maybe she felt sick and just granted it, ha.

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Guest LahLay
Laylay - quickie, did you send in original cards? i.e. birthday.

/christmas/valentines day or did you photocopy? Thing is we could have easily jusgt written these now .....i have heaps and was going to just send in a sample and christmas cards from parents for us both etc and put in a stamped addressed envelope to get sent back? All my stuff has been certified now in oz, my boyfriend had to do some digging to find out when he arrived in oz as he was a baby and his family emigratred !! he is now 33! anyway all on its way back to london so should be submitting in next two weeks finally and hoping for a quick turnaround a i want to resign from job first week of december and obviously cant resign until i get this. getting nervous now....


Hey Sin, send in 3 or 4 birthday cards from each other, with dates I'd written on the back, but no other 'official' proof like stamped envelopes. I printed off emails we'd kept dating back from 2006 to present day, as we're still apart. You'll be fine!! Good luck x

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Guest Katc78

Hi all


Just thought I'd give an update - haven't been on here for a while (think I was so relieved at having finally submitted the app that it was good to have a break from visa stuff!) Not much to say really - we submitted on 22 Sept, money disappeared 24 Sept and still not a peep from the High Commission in London... :-( My fiance is stressing, thinking we've got one of those 'slow' COs who take 4 months or whatever...


We're going to ring them today or tomorrow, as they guy I spoke to at the HC when I hand delivered the app said we should ring if we don't hear within 10 days, and tomorrow will be 10 working days, so high time!


Aaah, I wish they'd just do it, how hard can it be?!! We put everything in, except the meds which the doc refused to do until we have a CO... waiting, waiting, waiting...


Well done, miacat, by the way, that was quite quick!! :-)

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Hi all


Im quite new to this website, have been reading all your emails and brilliant news to everyone that has recieved their visa so quick.


I put mine in a couple of weeks ago and just waiting for my Australian police check to come back, I was asked for a couple of extra bits of info which I now have ready to send. My payment was taken out with 2 days of sending app and had recieved notification from CO that a few extra documents were needed.


I hear that some of the case officers are not that quick, I hope this is not the case as we have our flights booked for the 1st Jan as the OH has a job to go to...

Good luck everyone

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Guest janie1

Hi All


I am applying for a Subclass 309 De Facto Partner Visa, Offshore. This is my first post on this forum but have been checking it regularly and would like to thank everyone for all of the valuable information, it's been a great help!


Myself and my partner completed the application last night and I went to Australia House this morning to hand deliver it (We live in London). Unfortunately I neglected to check whether it was a bank holiday in Oz and of course it is....Labour Day. What are the chances! Anyway, going to have to head back into town tomorrow morning and try again. Can't wait to get it submitted now, it will be a huge weight off my shoulders.


I am submitting with Medical check and Form 80 front loaded. I have applied for my police check (a month a go) and payment has been taken just waiting on that to come through and I will take to Australia House as soon as I have it. Unfortunately the postal strikes in London have been causing major delays in receiving inputs for my apllication.


Anyway, hopefully I will submit tomorrow and I will keep the forum updated of the progress. Hoping to have it granted by end of Novbember in time to tie things up here and be in Oz in January. Fingers crossed for a quick processing time!

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Keep telling myself we're nearly there. Had my medical Monday, the doctor was lovely, told me he had no issues with my having epilepsy and he was going to say so on the forms he sends back. He said they are looking for those who wont be able to work, I do and have done even even before I had surgery and the epilepsy was much worse. And who's medical care will cost a lot. Well I've had brain surgery here in the UK so Aus wont have to do it which has made things much better:smile:


Got my xray fri, had some problems getting a date and my police check arrived this morning got to pick it from the post office in the moring. Got a ton of bills addressed to DH to mail with the police check, then we wait.

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Guest Nadjez

Hey Shel : ) that's suppa duppa news : ), im glad everything is coming together, wont be long now hun : ). I went to oz house yesterday to get my visa label put in passport, and they gave me back all my photos, reciebt of payment and most of my photocopied evidence back i didn't even ask for it they gave me back my official certified copy from entry in birth registery book which i thought they would have kept but oh well saves me ordering anotherone online for next part of application hehe.i leave in 8 days i can't wait, it's been 7 months that Shane and i will have been apart this time. im stressing about my packing though haha. Keep us posted Shel : ) x

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Guest colodie

Hi all, thought I'd throw my stats in the ring. Our application for permanent spouse visa was received at the high commission on 3/10/09. We needed to supply form 80 and medical checks then, which is where we have run into problems. My husband has a genetic bone condition (which causes him absolutely no problems, it just is there) which has meant our medicals have needed to be sent to Australia for final approval. So it may take some time - however...we have a holiday booked to Australia in four weeks with the intent for my husband to enter on a tourist visa, and our CO has informed us that he may be refused entry to Australia due to the medicals not being cleared. So crossing my fingers and hoping that the medicals (and visa) might come back before then.....nothing like a bit of stress!

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Hi Guys and welcome Colodie


Just wanted to say i recieved by Australian police check today ( from the Australian Federal police recieving this document to it being completed and arriving on my doorstep it took 11 days in total thats to the UK) so they are turning this around quicker than the 15 day processing time :)


I have just sent this certificate off with the couple of extra documents the CO had requested paid for Australian High commissiont o recieve this by 9am tomorrow... keep fingers corssed i hear and answer soon, the case officer i have has been mentioned on this thread so would be interested to see how long it takes


Colodie, I hope all goes well with the medical, i have had my fair of stress recently with this application as has many to the point i was nearly getting aniexty attacks haha...


Happy Lass, I hope all goes well for your medical im sure it will, unless you have serious underlying problems you will sail through it. good luck, with my medical they did mine and my daugthers that day and was sent the following day to Australia house so can be done quite quick.


Good luck Shel, sounds like you are at the same point as me sitting it out and waiting for decision


keep us posted on everyones progress



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Guest Nadjez

helloo every one, and welcome new people to poms in oz : )


hey happy lass how did ur medical go today? where did you have it done?


urmm no not packed yet , nearlly it's really stressin me out actually haha i keep putting it off haha



Nadine x

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hi nadine


sounds like you off soon, when and where are you going, we have our flights booked for 1st Jan just waiting on decision now for visa to be granted.... all in all how long did yours take and did they ask for additional info... if so once you had supplied this how long after did it take to get approved..... ive never known anything cause this much anxiety hahaha...

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Guest Nadjez

hahah LJJ , urm ok have been granted prospective marriage visa.


i sent off my application 13th August i think and my visa was granted 2nd Septmeber, but it wasn't all cmooth hehe.

i gave a fully frontloaded application, with police checks, meds and form 80. i never ever recieved any email from immi!!!to state i had a case officer and confirm that my application had been recieved, only way i knew was beacuse could see the payment had been taken . so i rang immi, they told me i did have a case officer and by the looks of it they were going to send me a letter asking for my letter from marriage celebrant!!! i had sent it with my frontloaded complete application!!!!! lol so rang i couldn't leave a message she was away on holiday wouldn't be back for a week!! oh and that was after having to wrong number for her haha. so somewhere in between ihad left a message on some persons voice mail, .


A while later immi rang me i had missed it so rang them back. it was my original case officer who had handed my file to this other woman whilst she was on holiday she told me she gone through my paper work and found my letter from celebrant!! and would be finalsing y visa in the next 2 days!! i thought wow yay it sounds good. i still hadn't herd anything for like 5/6 days after so rang her back she had granted it day after i spoke to her but had the wrong email address for me!!!!!!!!


hahaha all was sorted and finaly sent me my first and last email from immi haha


im flying to perth next thursday yippeeee


hey i don't think it will be long to you know : ) good luck and keep us posted



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my goodness, sounds like you had a nightmare with it all... still you have it now and off very soon you lucky thing... i keep saying to myself all this stress and anxiety will be worth it the minute my backside is sat on that plane taking off from heathrow haha


good luck and will keep this post updated its such a useful thread


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Best wishes and luck to you and your husband, Colodie :smile: I hope you get the a-okay on the medicals really soon and with luck that positive decision before you fly :D


The medical turned out to be really straight-forward and everyone there was very friendly and put me right at ease, which I am grateful for. I'd had my chest X-Ray and HIV test on Monday and got the results just before I went in for my medical. I was a bit worried about it because I have a couple of accidents in my medical history that caused me to spend a bit of time in hospital - something I'm fully recovered from now (other than a grouchy back if I do something silly), but was worried it might be cause for referral and I hadn't thought to bring a letter with me from my GP. After taking my history and seeing that I could certainly touch my toes etc. the Doctor made a quick phone-call to Melbourne (I think he said Melbourne) to ascertain whether I would need to be referred and came back a few minutes later with good news :)


We're almost ready to apply and if everything comes back in time we'll be flying off to Auckland in a week or two to apply. I'll then be (hopefully) coming back into Australia whilst our application is assessed. Well, that is if I ever get this blardy form 80 completed... about 1/3 of the firm's I have worked for over the years have gone bust or been bought out so I'm having a fine old time with my work history part of that form. :twitcy:

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