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Bunbury Area - socialising and new friends

Guest BunburyEmma

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Guest BunburyEmma

Hi All


Having moved to WA in January, me and my husband have found ourselves living in Dalyellup near Bunbury in the south west. Now we have managed to find jobs, house, car and generally our way around the area we are now keen to make new friends.


I am really missing my girlie chats and meet ups. I recently joined bootcamp to meet people and get fit, of course!....... but I still havent found any girlfriends to meet and socialise for drinks, lunches etc.... I am missing my girlfriends back home and would really like to make some new girl friends, so any one who would like to get to know a 30 yr old, sportyish! primary school teacher living in the bunbury area, im keen to meet up.



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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Tabz83

I'm Tabitha,I'm 25 and I'm in the same situation as you.I've lived in bunbury for about 2 yrs now and still havent managed to find any girlfriends to meet up with either.I miss the girlie chats too haha.So what sort of thing do you like doing when you aren't working or busy with your hubby? I'm a very talkative person and I'll talk about almost anything haha.I love music,and catching up with friends and family. You sound like a pretty friendly person and it would be good to chat with you and see if we would get along well.Hope to hear from you soon and have a great day :)



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Guest BunburyEmma

:spinny:Hey Tabitha


So glad to hear Im not the only one living here unable to make new friends, I like to think i am outgoing but I guess i can be somewhat shy but once you get to know me I think I am a good friend and I defo like to gossip about everything from real life to what has happened on an episode of desperate housewives! Do you watch Grey's Anatomy? I could talk about Mr McDreamy all day (dont tell me hubby!! hehe)

Well, im nearly working full time during the week and at weekends when my hubby is off mountain biking I just enjoy some time for me. I am pretty much up for anything really, since being here I have been enjoying getting outdoors, walking, jogging, sunbathing! I really enjoy the cafe culture here, looovvvveeee Henrys and Dome for the cake and drinks!! causing me endless problems with my diet...lol! I would definately like to meet up or chat via email more if you prefer....What do you do for a living? boyfriend/hubby? Do you have family locally or have you moved here too? You sound lovely and I hope we can get together sometime.


See ya Em:hug:

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Guest Tabz83

How are you? I can't say I watch a lot of tv hey,I work nights in a pub and I don't get much time for it,and let's face it,daytime tv sucks haha with only 3 channels to choose from. But that being said I will watch tv when I'm not working or doing something else,obviously haha.

I'm definitely more of an outdoors person, whenever I can I try to get out of the house and that's why I'm trying to find friends because it's kinda boring most of the time by yourself...I walk my dog Marley everyday almost,he's a big dog and has sooo much energy it's unbelievable.Yesterday I walked him for 2 hrs and he still wanted to play haha.But I love him to bits even as crazy as he is :)

Well as I mentioned above,I work in a pub casual at the moment,at the Eaton tavern actually.It's a quiet locals pub and I enjoy it most of the time,but like every job it has it's moments when you just feel like going home haha.I just separated from my boyfriend a week ago of all things and it's still a bit raw but that's another reason to get out and get on with life I guess. The only family I have living here are my brother,sister in law and my niece and as much as I love them,they have their own lives and I want one too lol. Well I would love to meet up with you,I'm definitely more of a face to face person,maybe we could go to meet up for coffee somewhere or a beverage of some sort anyway.Pretty much everything wreaks havoc with the diet these days,if it doesnt it probably has zero flavour ha ha.

Well I have saturday and sunday during the day off,I have to work the nites,so if you would like to catch up then let me know. Hope you had a great day



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Guest BunburyEmma

Hi Tabz


thanks for getting back to me, cant believe you have a dog, soooo jealous! Ive wanted a dog for ages but coz of move and renting we cant, fingers crossed the owners will let us here but still no reply as yet.

Meeting sounds good. Saturday day maybe better, Sean on his bikes in the forest, so, not my thing, so a fab time to meet and get to know each other. Im pretty easy with anything...what ever for suggest..I suppose a drink somewhere in Bunbury would be cool.


Let me know wot you'd like to do.


See ya. Em :jiggy:

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest sellynelson

hi emma n tab,,,


i juz moved to dalyellup bunbury,,looking for friends n job now..

im from indonesia, hope we can b friends,,



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Guest wayniexagt

ok speaking on behalf of my gf we hopefully should be in bunbury in the nexted 4 wks. shes a 29yrs old german girl with perfect english. been in the uk for 10 years. going back to uni in bunbury fingers crossed !!

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  • 1 year later...
Guest mandy brunning


I've been living in busselton for a couple of years now and am trying desperately to meet new people. I'm 37 and ave a partner of 18yrs and don't have any children so finding friends is very hard. If your interested in catching up for a chat over a coffee, lunch or anything else please let me know!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Jen and Rob

I've been living in busselton for a couple of years now and am trying desperately to meet new people. I'm 37 and ave a partner of 18yrs and don't have any children so finding friends is very hard. If your interested in catching up for a chat over a coffee, lunch or anything else please let me know!


Hello Mandy, We're moving to Busselton on 10th Sept and would love to meet up. Will PM you with contact details :biggrin:

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  • 8 months later...
Guest johitchy

Hi all,


I'm not sure if this thread is still active at all so maybe nobody will read this....but my hubby and I are planning to move to Bunbury in a few weeks and it would be really great to meet some new people and get a social circle going when we get there. I've just turned 30 and I'm expecting my first bub in August (a fact that still hasn't quite sunk in yet!). when I'm not pregnant I enjoy having a few drinks, catching up with mates, and having fun. Anyone interested oin catching up?

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