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To Take the Dog or Not?????


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Well - we finally made the decision a few months back that if and when we got our visa and made the move to Oz, we wouldn't be taking our dog with us :no:.


That was before we went to see Marley & Me at the cinema earlier today. There's not a dry eye in the house :cry: didn't help that Marley is a labrador the same as ours .


Anyway, the question has raised it's head once more. The thing that is really worrying me is how difficult is it to find a rental if you have a dog in tow? Does anyone know?


Thanks for your help


Denise x

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Guest Dionne and Rickie

Hi Denise your house sounds like ours, we all also went to see Marley and Me last week and me and the kids cryed like babies we also have a Yellow Lab called Lucy she is 10 next month and right from the word go she was always coming with us. I did put a thread on here last year asking the same question and most people said it was difficult to get a rental with a dog but not im possible, and when you look on realestate.com some houses say pets considered so we will have to wait and see other than that we will be living in a tent lol.

Now here comes the sad part we also have a 5 year old Boxer called Mollie who will not be living in the sun we cant chance her wrecking the new house no1, no2 we cant afford to take two, no3 we would really struggle to get a rental with two dogs. But we have found her a new home with a good looking young man (Boxer) called Cooper and they met each other last week we are breaking them in gently so its not too stressfull for her, it will BREAK my heart though.xx

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It is such a difficult decision. She's really part of our family, but I have heard that's it quite difficult to get a rental when you first get out there, so worried about about making it even more difficult :unsure:. I just can't imagine leaving her behind though


Denise x

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Guest gary12

Not sure about rentals and it was our 13 year old moggy cat we brought with us (convinced he would snuff it on the way home from quarantine) and I have to say that we 'ummed and ahhed' about bringing him but the moment we got him to our rental it felt like home for us all.


If you can afford it, and it is really expensive I would do it.


best of luck


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Its a hard one we left our 12 year old yorkshire terrior behind with a friend.We brought our 2 year old labrador with us.10 more days before she comes out of quarantine can't wait missing her so much.Everyone thinks i am nuts paying all that money to bring my dog but she is part of the family.It make it harder to get a rental when you have a dog and they like the dogs kept outside only we managed to talk them into allowing her inside on the tiled areas only.It only took us 4 days to secure a rental.

good luck


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Hi Denise,

I had the same problem weighing it up etc, would it be fair on the dog? would the dog make it through quarantine? Can we afford it? Am i mad? Etc etc you know!!

We have a 11 yrs old Bichon friese, being 11 i was afraid for her she had never been in kennels even when we went away on holidays my parents would look after her, so i was really worried.

But at the end of the day i just couldn't bare the thought of leaving her behind, like all pet owners will say she is part of the family.

Eventhough it costs a fortune about £2'000 all told, we immediatley felt complete when she was delivered to the house, it felt perminent.

As far as rentals go its 50/50 isn't it, some will allow pets some will not but i don't think a maybe should stop you from taking your beloved pet, what if you decide not to take your dog and then you get here (aus) and you find you could have had her after all.

My advice would be to have 2 weeks here before your dog comes out of quarentine to give you plenty of time to find suitable accomodation. The last thing you want is to regret not bringing her.

Good luck

Kind Regards

Alison x

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Guest wendy and neil

We have been in the Gold Coast for just over 3 months and we didnt bring our dogs with us and really regret not bringing them!!


But it would have cost a fortune to bring both but we couldnt choose between them as one was my sons dog and the other was my daughters.


We are on a complex at the moment and most of them don't allow dogs either! I cant wait to get out of ere so we can find a rental who will allow dogs as we have always had a dog and it doesnt feel like home without one!!


A couple we have met, brought their dog with them and they have said they didnt have any problems securing a rental!


Good luck with what you decide!



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We arrived in Sydney in January and left our black lab back in the UK, it broke all of our hearts to say goodbye but left him with a great family who keep us updated and so we know he is having fun! Saying that it is still hard, and although in some ways i feel we made the right decision in that a. our garden is full of wildlife (ducks(there is a stream at bottom of garden)/lizzards etc) and i would of been scared with how he would of reacted coming across them! also we tend to go out for the day a lot more here so it would not of been fair (imo) to leave him at home all day all the time. However we miss him alot and think about him alot. At the end of the day it is a very hard decision and it is different for everyone you just have to try and weigh the pro's and con's.......

Good Luck with what you decide though xx

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Guest Guruju

We have had 2 dogs since 1997 and rented in lots of different places due to moving with work. We bought a home in 2001 but for 4 years had no problems finding a rental that allowed pets in all that time in the NT or WA.


We have the attitude that if our dogs cannot go there, then we don't go and have never regretted it.





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How olds dog? If on his last legs, then id suggest using gumtree or local ads to find a new home. Be careful and interview people (there will be plenty of people wanting a dog), just dont be shy about asking them personal Qs.


I had to give the cat away before I left but was lucky enough to find perfect owner. Really miss the cat now though.


I moved over in Feb on a 457 with the missus. Rent scene was very tricky, but depends where you want to live. Id advise getting lots of viewings ready for your first week, buy a map beforehand, weekly tram ticket, be weary of scams on gumtree (and u cant reply/create ads on gumtree unless ur within Australia), bookmark domain.com.au and realestate.com.au --> viewings pretty much every day. However a lot of people attend viewings. Come with backup --> bank statements, job contracts, uk landlord references, character references, etc etc. The dog wont help the house hunting but not impossible... If its unfurnished, do u have to tell them?


Also if ur in temp accom to begin with, feel free to leave ur dog with us for a bit. Both love animals and would walk him/her everyday, missus at home all day and we have small garden.


Good Luck

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Guest Darwin's coming too



Taking/leaving pets is always a hot topic. It's expensive, stressful for all concerned but then who better to make you feel at home in your new home than your pooch with his waggy tail.


I'd say about 40% of the rentals i've looked at online say no pets another 40% say pets considered and the rest don't state. My sister-in-law owned some rental units when she was on NZ, she always advertised "pets considered" as she wanted to make sure the rentee didn't turn up with 10 hairy hounds in tow that weren't house trained ! I quizzed her about it last year as I was sceptical that those landlords who said "pets considered" really wanted no pets but would take a pet if they were having probs renting their property. She put me straight and said all landlords just want to know what they're letting themselves in for before they openly agree to a pet. Which is fair enough.


My hubby thinks I'm mad because I've asked my parents and some friends to write ref for our pooch - just to say he is house trained and doesn't eat things or bark excessively etc. We're staying with family whilst he's finishing his time in lock up, so we'll probably have him in tow when we view properties which I think can only be a good thing as the agents/landlords can meet him and see what a spoilt well behaved gent he is !



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Well - we finally made the decision a few months back that if and when we got our visa and made the move to Oz, we wouldn't be taking our dog with us :no:.


That was before we went to see Marley & Me at the cinema earlier today. There's not a dry eye in the house :cry: didn't help that Marley is a labrador the same as ours .


Anyway, the question has raised it's head once more. The thing that is really worrying me is how difficult is it to find a rental if you have a dog in tow? Does anyone know?


Thanks for your help


Denise x

hi denise we had a border terrier in uk called jack and we weighed up all the pros and cons,and decided as we had only had him for over 1year,we decided to leave him in uk. We miss him like mad but he is so happy with people that he knows,and can go rabbitting every day on the riverbank with his new family...it is a hard decision but i couldnt put him through the trauma of the flight as he didnt like loud noises,so we feel we made a good decision for him.Good luck in what ever you decide.. gail

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we brought our dog there was no other option as far as i was concerned ! the quarantine in oz is brilliant byford are fab, maybe its goverment as aposed to some of the private holes you can get in the uk , to my shame my dog came out looking better than before he went ... too many pigs ears ...er hmmm ...


he is 7 and was flown with golden arrow 2 weeks before we left , we also used www.dogwalks.com.au for us it was brilliant, we are renting a house in perth , that was a definite no pets , so we asked the agent and the owners asked dogs age breed etc and they ok'D this and the house is lovely and not a grot hole , so maybe like the other poster says they want to know they haven't got a terrorist dog moveing in .... we never regretted bringing our dog ... good luck , with what works for you x

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Guest jbro31

Well we arrived in Brisbane Jan, so whilst my 2 dogs and cat in quarantine we had a short term rental, we applied to one place that had a complete concrete yard perfect for dogs, didn't get it, we applied to another which orginally said no pets but the real estate (really nice peeps they are) said he would talk to the owners about having a dog (yep we lied). We did a reference for her, saying all about her what we did with her etc, did a letter from my old neighbour saying what she was like with them and what they saw we did with her (completely my work of course but they would have said it anyway I just didn't get chance to do it). So we secured a rental on the proviso she stays outside (house tiled throughout) when we leave we have pest clean (standard procedure) and we had an inspection 1 month into the rental, no probs.

I think they just need to know you aren't sloppy pigs. House fully fenced and not that easy to see round the back however next door also rents with same people and they had their inspection the other day and the real estate looked over the fence and more than likely saw our 2 dogs!!! We think anyway, but providing we pay our bills pass our inspections then why worry. I refused to be in a situation of being homeless because of peoples attitudes when I had gone through so many hoops and spent so much money getting them over there in the first place. So that's the reality of it, like yourselves they are part of my family and as we had sold our house we could afford to take them. I can't tell you how much I balled when we picked them up from quarantine, thinking will they remember us etc etc, they barked like crazy when they came out in their crates (seemed small having seen them for the first time) as the trailer went past us they barked and barked then you could see the realisation on their faces as they recognised us and the barking changed to yipping and tail wagging, I was so happy to have them back.

They had both lost a considerable amount of weight, him 5.5kg her 3.5kg, admittedly they were in sydney in 40 degrees but still I wasn't expecting that big a weight loss.

They are now settled and happy, back with their family and I don't regret it.

Hope that helps. x

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Guest ashmalog

we had the same decision to make with our westie. we did the pros and cons and decided it would be best for her to rehome her. we had her from a pup and she is 2 now, the youngest was starting to get attached to her and we decided we needed to do it now rather than later. through my best friend we found a lovely lady who was happy to have her but always gave us the option of having her back if the boys found it difficult without her. she has settled into her new home great, we get weekly emails saying how she is doing and we have even been to visit her a few times. it has been 2months now and the boys havent mentioned her these past 2 weeks. seeing her in her new home, so happy and free and loving all the attention made me realise we have made the right decision.

i still miss her terribly - i now have to cuddle up to hubby on the sofa rather than the dog so i think

he is liking life without her too!!!!

we are no closer to going to oz cos of housing market but i feel happier getting on the plane knowing she is happy.



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