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Drink's in the city after work - Wednesday 29th

Guest Cara Kimber

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Guest Cara Kimber

Hi Guys,


Do any of you fancy meeting for a drink next Wednesday (29th) after work. I guess the city would be most central for people. Was going to put it as a singles thing but hey we wont hold it against you if your not! I don't really know the bar's so any suggestions. I did go to a nice bar on Murray St. I am suggesting Belgian Beer Cafe(close to the city) - www.belgianbeer.com.au or The Vic - www.the-vic.com.au (Subiaco) Any other suggestions just let me know. I would go straight from work, so be there about 5:30 - 6ish. Anyone wants to do anything different just suggest it.


Hope to meet some of you next week,



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Guest prettyinpink

Hiya Cara, I'd love to come but can't make it at the mo. Have a great time though and hopefully I'll get to one soon

Janette x

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Guest Cara Kimber

Never mind Janette, next time. Was lovely to meet you at the weekend, hope the drink in the city is half as successful as your meet in the park, what a good turn out.

Thanks again,


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Guest Cara Kimber

So the plan is to go to the belgian beer cafe on 347 Murray St. I will be there from around 5:30, so hopefully wont sit there feeling like billy no mates for too long. Be great to meet up, looking forward to meeting you Tony and Ben, now we just need a few more to join us.


Spead the word!

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Guest kazza65

Getting extremely anxious about coming over now - 2 weeks and we'll be on our way, but knowing that there are people like yourselves around that are genuinely interested in meeting up makes it a little easier. Hope to meet some of you when we me and my young 'un finally get out there. x

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Guest Cara Kimber

Hi Guys,

Well thanks for Wednesday night, what a great turn out and was really fab to meet you all. Very much looking forward to the next one. Keep in touch and let's do it again soon.



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