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How to Meet People

Guest smd

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Guest smd

Hi All


Well I have been in Oz now for a year with my wive and 20 month old daughter. It has been a hard year for me as in the UK I had many very good friends, I am finding it incredibly hard to meet like minded people.


The guys at work are all settled into their lives, my wive isn't findong it hard as she is Australian and has her circles her already.


I am sure one thing that is making it hard is having a young child as it restricts the amount of time you get to be out and about.


Anyone got any ideas on the best way to meet people??


Thanks SMD

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Guest gino

I'm 24, i'm french and i'm in Sydney for 2 months. My main goal here is to learn english but i haven't met many foreign people yet to practice my English (too many French). Let me know if you would like to meet up, it can be great...


See you soon.


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Guest snow white

we are on gold coast sorry cannot help if your ever this way feel free to call in


lesley x

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Guest guest17520

Hi SMD, you sound in a very similar situation to me. I also have a 15 month old daughter and find it very hard to be reliable and spare time to meet the few friends i have in Sydney.


It would be good to get to know people who have the same "problem"...

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Heres a few child friendly ideas for you,,


Does your child attend daycare or school? We have met lots of friends via the children, where possible its good if mum and dad can alternate collecting the child this way you both meet different people, dont be afraid to say Hi and start a conversation with other mums and dads i have found most aussies will quite happily take 5 mins out to chat with you.


Also think of doing a play date,, basically ask the teacher which children your child plays with and invite them and their parents round to yours for a few hours (abit like a birthday party without a birthday,lol) the kids play and parents chat.


Do you have a local swimming pool nearby or even a kiddies park, take your child there and again try to strike up conversation with other parents explain your new to the area and dont know many people.


Have a read of the local papers for free family activites, fun in the park days etc


if all that fails, bite the bullet and ask mum to babysit whilst you visit the nearest bar,lol , maybe enquire with the bar staff about joining a sports team ,darts team etc.

Good Luck

Cal x

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Guest Livvy

I agree that your best bets are either through the kids, or through sport.

There are loads of social sports teams around Sydney where the focus is more on having a good run around and meeting people rather than the competetive aspect, so even if you're not particularly sport oprientated, it could still be beneficial.

Perhaps you could do touch rugby one day, and your wife could do netball on another night? Once you've got to know people a bit better, you can invite them over to your place to avoid the babysitting problem, and I'm sure that will be reciprocated, the aussies are pretty good at home entertaining.

I live in Newtown and I could give you some details of some sports teams if you're interested.

Good luck!


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Sydney Poms

Have you looked at the group called Sydney Poms, it's an information & social group for poms living in Sydney. There is a monthly meet up which is posted on the Events & Meetups page on this website or you can get more information at www.sydneypoms.com

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