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prospective marriage visa


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Hi all


Would anyone be able to answer my query please? I would like to apply for the prospective marriage visa to join my fiance in Oz. I will shortly be sending in my application but I wondered will I definitely have to have a health check and police check for this visa? If so, can I apply before I send my application form to speed up the process?


Any help would be much appreciated



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Hi Smiler,

Yes, you will need to have a medical and a police check, which you can have done up-front or when requested by your Case Officer (once you get one of those).


Health Requirements for Visa Applicants


When you're ready to have your medical, you'll need to visit one of the nominated Panel Doctors to have this done. You can find the list here:


United Kingdom - Panel Doctors


If you search this forum, you'll find lots of information and anecdotes on what to expect when you have your medical. From what I've read so far, it's pretty straight-forward: X-Ray, blood tests, blood pressure etc.


The British Police certificate is obtained from the acpo.police.uk site: http://www.acpo.police.uk/certificates.asp


Do remember that your medical and your police certificate are valid for 12 months, the official processing time for these visas is 3 months via London, and you have 9 months from the date your PMV is issued to get married and apply for the spouse visa. If you front-load, there is a possibility that these might expire and you may need to get these done again. Front-loading certainly seems to save a lot of time though so you might feel that it's worth doing.


Good luck :smile:

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Guest lilolme

you will need a medical check and police check but you cant do anything about that till you put your first lot of paperwork in becoz they will give you a file number that needs to go on it. so all you can do is raise the money for it and wait. you get 49 days to get them done once you have got your number.

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You can get both done without having the file number although for sanity's sake it's usually better to wait until asked. Then again, if you're having to live apart whilst you await for your application to be approved, you'll want to get it done up-front - also for sanity's sake:smile:


As I understand it, the principle reason for recommending that you wait for them to request it is because there is no guarantee as to how long it will take to process any visa application. Family visas (spouse, PMV, de facto etc.) take much less time to process than the skilled visas but even these could take a much longer time than the official time for a varied amount of reasons such as an incomplete application, missing paperwork, DIAC staff workload - each person's circumstances are different.


If your visa happens to take longer than you anticipated to process then you run the risk of having to pay to redo your medical and police checks again. This is something that particularly matters to those applying for the PMV because you must also apply for the spouse [820] visa once you are married.

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Thanks for your info. Yes Happy Lass you are right that I can do the medical before I submit my application. Around the same time that you responded I got a reply from Australia Immigration saying it is possible to do this. I rang an approved doctors and have booked one in the near future but the receptionist seemed to be certain I should have a application ref but I put her right (she seemed a bit short with me but I will show her my proof so she doesn't mislead other people.)


This may be a silly questions but on the med form it asks for intended occupation/activity in Australia - I''m assuming I just put 'to get married'? or do I also write my occupation.


Also it asks 'how long do you intend staying in Australia?' and the option is permanently or temporarily (with the latter you write for how long) - as a prospective marriage visa applicant, which one do I choose seeing that it is a temporary visa but I am intending to live with my future husband in Australia if approved.


Thanks :spinny:

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This may be a silly questions but on the med form it asks for intended occupation/activity in Australia - I''m assuming I just put 'to get married'? or do I also write my occupation.

Since it's for a PMV, I'd definitely say you are moving to Australia to get married but I don't think it would hurt to state your usual occupation.


Also it asks 'how long do you intend staying in Australia?' and the option is permanently or temporarily (with the latter you write for how long) - as a prospective marriage visa applicant, which one do I choose seeing that it is a temporary visa but I am intending to live with my future husband in Australia if approved.


I'd put permanently unless you only plan to stay for a short while.


Best of luck with the medical and the receptionist!:smile:

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Thanks Happy Lass


I have completed both my medical and x-ray this week and have also sent off my police check. Now I am just going to get my fiance to send over the proof we have of living together and then I will give in my application - I think I am right in believing that it is only the ID items eg passport and birth cert that need to be witnessed (proof such as letters addressed to both of us, photos, etc don't have to be witnessed - if you know different then please let me know. Can the photos be unwitnessed colour photocopies?


With regards to emails - do you know if I can print out the folder list of emails that I have received from my partner (just showing subject, date, senders name)?

Do they want to look at the content of each individual email I have on my folder list? We have emailed eachother ALOT so it would mean alot of paper being used. :)


You have been a great help up until now but I don't expect you to be able to give your input on everything I ask but it is good to get any advice you may have.


Chat soon



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Guest Nadjez

that's an interesting question about the emails because i printed out all of ours and like u say its a lot, i thought you did so they can see they way you communicate with each other what you talk about, wording etc if it's informal or informal, it may even help match up with your ersonal statments of ur relationship. but yeah if anyone else knows it would be great

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I'm still preparing my application myself so I'm learning along with you :smile:, however, I know what you mean regarding the sheer volume of e-mails! After looking at our e-mails, I think we'll just supply copies of the romantic ones and the ones that mention the practical stuff.


Best of luck :hug:

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It's good to know there's someone going through the same stress as me, lol.


Did you get stat decs from family and friends in Oz/Uk? We don't have to do we?


With things like bank statements, photos, phone bills, are you getting yours witnessed? Immigration said I only had to get ID witnessed but it's useful to know how others do it.


I have just realised I have to do an Aussie Police check aswell as a UK one as I was in Oz for over a certain time period - so that will slow things down waiting for that to be processed.


Are you doing the PMV too? If so, when are you intending to marry? When did you begin doing your homework for all of this? I'm sure all of this is ageing me! lol



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Guest Nadjez

hi smiler, yes am applying for the pmv . started studying and researching january 2008, and shane and i getting married in december 2009 in oz. like you as well i was in oz on 2 year working hol(where i met shane) and have to do ozzie police check. so yeah that takes like amonth so have to bear in mind if you want to front load etc.


yes you have to have at least 2 stat decs from ozzie citizens and if u would like ur parents or family in uk to help they can do a support declaration(simular as stat dec but not official doco i think).


when are you getting married?



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We're hoping to get married in mid September so we are up against the clock now. I just sent my fiance my completed part of the NOIM and will get him to fill his part out and give it into the marriage registry.


I was concerned about how long the police check could be. Say approx 10 days in total for post back and then then the AFP say it can take about 15 days to process. I was hoping of handing in the application tO Oz Immi at the end of the month but what do you reckon is the best - to wait for the Oz Police check to come back and then submit all papers together? (I saw one thread on this site saying that Oz Immi don't really like if you give in your documents in drips and drabs so this may make the process slower) or do you reckon I should give in what I have and say the Oz police check is en-route?


Yeah I was unsure about the stat decs from Oz - whether it was just for the spouse visa. Suppose it's better to do them no matter what.


Have you submitted your application - if not, when are you planning to?


Chat soon



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