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everything falling into place!

Guest angela sykes

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Guest angela sykes

Hi guys,

We have been in Perth 3 weeks now and i have to say im loving it alot! It has been hard work getting everthing set up but can now see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Leon started work yesterday with Western power and he really enjoyed his first day and i went to sign for our house(cant wait to get out of this apartment!). We are moving to Tapping near Joondalup, the area looks really nice so cant wait, and to top it off Brandon my 11yr old will start at Tapping primary on monday!!!! Not all good though as i cant get Brett my 5 yr old in as there are no pre primary places so looks like i will have him home till January :chatterbox:.

Just wanted to say hi to everyone in the area and hopefully we will meet up with some of you soon .


ang,leon, brandon(10) and brett(5) xx

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Guest angela sykes

Thanks alot i hope this rain holds off though still not over the rain in England!!



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Guest angela sykes

well it was forecast for this week so everyone keeps telling us but i hope not i havent brought an umbrella so im hoping not!! its not looking like it anyway lol, i have noticed the cold and i have only been here 3 weeks!!

ang x

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