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Girls Night Out Ten Pin Bowling, Rockingham W.Aus

Guest Guruju

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Guest Guruju

Official Report


An excellent night was had by all with 23 PIOers in attendance taking over 4 lanes at the AMF Bowling Centre in Rockingham. It appears that alcohol played a part with the scores improving as the night went on (more relaxed bowling techniques).


Hot food was brought to the lanes so play stopped and funnily enough silence decended as people ate (bit like it does in the Simpsons). As soon as the food was finished, the chatter sprung back into life and the games were continued.


At 10.30am the scores were printed out and certificates awarded to the Best Team score (LondonGal's mob), the Best Individual score (well done Alex) and a special award for the most interesting bowling style which went to Jo who managed to get the ball to zig zag its way down the alley, not once but 4 times - amazing.


Bobsi took loads of photos so I am hoping she will get Tim to post them in due course.


Some people were keen to go bowling again and the alley has some good social things on over July where winning teams can win $500 in a friendly environment. Anyone keen to go again, let me know.


I had a great time - thanks for turning up despite the bad weather.





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Guest jackie Macdonald

thanks for a great night! Everyone enjoyed themselves and it was nice to have a good old natter with all the girls. Excellent food/wine and company.


Thanks again.


jackie xx

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Guest LondonGal

Thanks Julia for arranging the night, it was a great fun!!:notworthy:


I have to thank Alex and Sue for our team winning, it certainly wasn't my effort LOL!!


See you all next time.

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Ok you look like you all had a great time and loved the photos ....but one question.


Just how cold is Perth at the moment? what is it with the jumpers and scarves?


I wasnt going to bring any with me I was going to give them all away, judging by those photos I may have to have a major rethink!:biglaugh:

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Guest guest17301

Cold enough Mrs C! I've had to resort to jeans and jumper today for the first time since we arrived! I found it hard to believe till we got here and experienced it first hand! However...when the sun comes out you do feel overdressed and there's a lot of heat in it still. Bring your jumpers and PJs/slippers/blankets etc if only for the cold nights.


Sorry for the thread hijack, sounds like you had a great time, bit too far for me hope you have the next one closer to Perth. Xmas in July sounds great...

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Guest Misty

It was a great night - thanks Julia for organising it. We need to go again sometime - I need all the practice I can get with my bowling skills!


Cheryl xx

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Had a great night , thanks Julia ....Sharon ... i do hope you are making plans .


Com'on girls, where are the rest of the pics that were taken ..post them on :wink:


Thanks Terri , good luck Jackie , Alex , hope we haven't put you off ..lol!


Xmas in July sounds fun ... look forward to meeting more of you x

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