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PMV processing times - let's twiddle our thumbs in the meantime!


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Guest lilunoz


we are posting ours in the next day or two! has anyone applied before christmas and heard/not heard? just trying to guess or see how long its taking at the mo and if they are backdated! im being impatient i know, but can ya blame me!!? also we are both in uk at the mo, my celebrant reckons that she will scan and email the letter to confirm our noim has been lodged, will this do? i asked her to send the hard copy in the post too coz im sure they will request it!


Hi ya


Posted my appl on the 14th Dec. Case officer emailed on the 16th req medicals. Meds originally booked for the 31st Dec but due to panel doctors change this was moved to 5th Jan. Email from C/O today that we meet all the requirements and my visa will be proccessed in due course.


As far as the NOIM form goes, given that they request copies of everything not the originals I think this will be fine


Good Luck




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ah well done you! thanks for that, wow thats quick at the moment. Just out of interest are u both in oz, uk or one and the other? we are both in uk and not heard many ppl like this, I have Oz residency but am living here with him till he gets it

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Guest lilunoz
ah well done you! thanks for that, wow thats quick at the moment. Just out of interest are u both in oz, uk or one and the other? we are both in uk and not heard many ppl like this, I have Oz residency but am living here with him till he gets it


No, I'm in the UK and OH is in Oz. Its killing me! Not seen him since sept now and can't wait to get back.


I was really surprised as well. Give that I sent the application a week before xmas I was expecting payment to be taken then not hear anything until the New Year so really happy. I think there is a few ozzies with uk spouses/partners on the forum. Kat was one of them and they got the ok 1 week after the medical. Its now been 1 week and 1 day but at least we know we tick all the right boxes


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ah good for you, im pleased for ya! just a bit worried coz not really heard many cases of both of them being here in the uk and both british born (as i am- i just hold residency not an actual citizen) fingers crossed tho! thanks for your insight and happy celebrating!!

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Good luck with speedy processing times for your visas carla_Simon and Lilunoz. Having got my PMV after just a 2 week turnaround of being allocated a CO, we then went on to have a lovely wedding and then applied for the temp spouse visa which took about 10 days in Melbourne. As long as you can try to frontload all your documents, it makes the CO's job easier and therefore gets processed quicker.


Let us know how you get on



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Guest lilunoz



Just wanted to see how people got on while they were waiting for an answer? I'm finding it really hard to relax and not think about it. Every day when I log into my email and the inbox is still empty is breaking my heart. We have heard from our CO that we meet all the requirements so it is being processed, but she stated that this could still take 3-4 months. I have heard of quite a few people getting responses within a week, so its killing me that it has now been 2 weeks.


I think everything happened so quick at the start I was expecting an immediate result. Plus I'm missing my fiance BADLY. It was 4 months yesterday since I arrived back in the uk without him and I just want to get back :(


Sorry, I just needed to sound off


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Hi Lilunoz


I reckon you will get a response in the very near future. I was told it can take up to 6 months (applied in May/June 2009) and got a reply about a week or 2 after being assigned a CO. I know how you are feeling - I started to think it would be about 1 - 2 months so didn't check my mail so much and all of a sudden I saw the almighty email lol.


Married life is going well and lovin' life in Oz.


Let us know how you get on


Smiler :biggrin:

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Guest lilunoz

Thanks Smiler and Carla. I went to bed that night and thought oh no I shouldn't have posted that! It has only been 2 weeks since they would have even have got the medical report so I am being a bit unfair. Just had a lot on that day, then not seeing the email etc...you guys know how it is. Was half expecting someone to tell me to quit whining...I told myself! I also suffer from a severe case of lack of patience which doesn't help.


I just miss my fiance so much. Silly thing is I know full well once I get the email I'll be crying coz i have to leave my family behind. There just ain't no pleasing some people is there? ha ha


How long have you been married for Smiler? Any advice?



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stay strong you! I cant say I know how you feel as im with my fiance at the mo, i have english and Aus passport so im here in uk with him while we wait, cant wait to get back there to be with my folks but at least I have him! you'll be right, just hang in there and soon enough itl all be worth it. take care x and no you werent whining or being impatient, your just human!!!


my fiance recieved all his evidence back in the post today, they literally received our app yesterday, emailed straight away asking for meds and posted our evidence back in the same day.... anyone had this, im guessing its a good sign?

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Guest lilunoz
stay strong you! I cant say I know how you feel as im with my fiance at the mo, i have english and Aus passport so im here in uk with him while we wait, cant wait to get back there to be with my folks but at least I have him! you'll be right, just hang in there and soon enough itl all be worth it. take care x and no you werent whining or being impatient, your just human!!!


my fiance recieved all his evidence back in the post today, they literally received our app yesterday, emailed straight away asking for meds and posted our evidence back in the same day.... anyone had this, im guessing its a good sign?


Yea I got mine back the following week. It was so quick. They didnt send my police certs back tho and I forgot to get copies so might have to re-apply for them darn it.


Have you got the medical booked ok? There has been so many problems with them on here xxx

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yeah but couldnt book our medicals anywhere near us we are right in the middle of the south coast, between brighton and portsmouth, gotta drive to birmingham to get it done! cant believe it they said the day we called to book was the day they couldn't book anymore coz everything changing, so road trip on monday! lucky we dont work full time!

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Guest lilunoz
yeah but couldnt book our medicals anywhere near us we are right in the middle of the south coast, between brighton and portsmouth, gotta drive to birmingham to get it done! cant believe it they said the day we called to book was the day they couldn't book anymore coz everything changing, so road trip on monday! lucky we dont work full time!


Oh no that sucks! I had mine booked for a week then they called me and told me that they couldnt do it anymore. So I went from being able to walk to my appointment to having to go up to London. It was a nice day out and I met Kat off the forum but what a pain!!! It's the quickest £232 you'll ever spend thats for sure! I got in at 3.30pm and was out by 3.55. That included the x ray! :eek:


Mind you the doctor was darn cute! He was irish and not that old. I was most disappointed when I didn't have to take my top off :biglaugh:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi guys,


Just wanted to check in and see how things are going with everyone.


My fiancee enquired about his application and received an email back from his case officer stating that his application was in queue and would be assessed around 8 weeks after it had been lodged. It was lodged at the end of November so the 8 week mark is around now. Word of advice to anyone else - expect a long wait if you lodge in Washington DC USA. It looks like London should have been the way to go. We've been sitting here for the last 2 months apart and noone has even looked at his application yet. Frustrates me to say the very least.


Hopefully others have some better news which might give me some hope? It's been one of those days I think lol :arghh:

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Guest vintage

hi all

Just joined

I sent off for a PMV ...they recieved it 08.02.10..took money same day ...email recieved asking for meds and police check and form 80 ..09.02.10

meds were done on 08/02/10 and police checks had been applied for in advance as well and sent direct to london..evidence received back 13/02/10 ..


like the rest of you ..just sitting back waiting .lol

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Hiya All,


We are just about to collect all our evidence together for a PMV and was wondering if anyone had a list of what they sent with their appilcation. I have read up on what's needed on the immi site but thought a more personal list might be available somewhere...


Thanks for any help people can give us.



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Guest monkeyskin
Hiya All,


We are just about to collect all our evidence together for a PMV and was wondering if anyone had a list of what they sent with their appilcation. I have read up on what's needed on the immi site but thought a more personal list might be available somewhere...


Thanks for any help people can give us.




Hi Heather, I've not long been approved my visa (flying out Tuesday March 16th, yay!) so here's what I sent with my application:


Certified copies of my passport and birth certificate

Certified copies of OH passport, visa and citizenship certificate (she was born in China)

Statements from both of us detailing our relationship

Statutory declarations from three of her friends attesting to our relationship

Two tenancy agreements with our both our names on from when we lived together in the UK

Water and has bills with both our names on from the same time

Happy Engagement cards addressed to us

Additional statements from her family and friends

Flight invoices and e-tickets from travels we took together over the years


Details of where we will be living

Phone records showing our contact when apart

Heaps of photos of us together - I've heard that photos of the two of you in a group shot with others are the best to supply if possible


Hope this helps!


Also, my timeline for anyone interested:


8/12/09 - Posted application

10/12/09 - CO assigned, meds and police requested

15/12/09 - Meds taken

31/12/09 - Meds and police certificate sent off

12/1/10 - Confirmation of receipt from CO (said he had everything rrequired and would be in touch shortly)

10/2/10 - VISA GRANTED!

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Wow, thank you very much, that was so quick. I'll mail it to Stu and see what we can do, fingers crossed. Good to know it is taking about two months also, doesn't seem too bad considering some of the other processing times.

Hope all goes well in Australia for you, have fun.


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  • 2 weeks later...

just to let everyone know we got our PMV today!!! and its my birthday today so what a great present!! applied 22nd Jan, did meds straight after we applied as requested, so 25th Jan, got the email today (march 3rd)! 5 and half weeks! xx

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Guest lilunoz
just to let everyone know we got our PMV today!!! and its my birthday today so what a great present!! applied 22nd Jan, did meds straight after we applied as requested, so 25th Jan, got the email today (march 3rd)! 5 and half weeks! xx


Ah well done! When do you move back to oz?


I got mine on the 16th feb, but not had 5 mins to post on here as been crazy busy sorting everything out. I move to perth next Saturday!!




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Guest attusa

Hi guys,


My fiancee has received an email requesting meds and police checks, which we have forwarded to the case officer. Hope all goes well after this.


Can anyone tell me if they were asked to provide anything else after this stage was passed?


I can't wait to have him back here!!!

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Guest monkeyskin

Hi attusa,


After they received my meds and police checks I simply got an e-mail saying they had everything they required and would be in touch shortly. Four weeks in and I get my visa!

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Guest JustinM

hey guys - an agent just told us that the PMV processing times are to increase after Feb 10 due to some change in regulation. anyone heard of this? we are hoping to submit ours in July in London - we are so hoping it's no longer than 2 months if we get our application spot on first time - this fella said 4 months min, even out of London. is he smoking crack or is this true??

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Guest attusa

Hi guys!!


My fiancee's PMV got granted this morning!! Finally!!


To JustinM, it has taken us four months to get it approved, but my fiancee lodged his in Washington DC and for the first 2 months we heard nothing. After an email to the head office, we discovered that our case officer had been changed. Once the new officer had been in contact wiht us it was a rollercoaster ride and everything went very quickly!!


We were first advised, however, that the processing time was 4 months, both by the embassy in Washington and DIAC in Australia. It is a long wait but it is definitely worth it in the end. Hopefully yours runs much more smoothly than my fiancee's did! Good luck!

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