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Young, carefree and in Melbourne?!!!

Guest Kiri Greenhill

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Guest Kiri Greenhill

Hi everyone,


This site is great, but as i read in another thread recently it seems to be mostly families that have moved over here which is great, but i was wondering if there are many younger people on here who are looking to meet other people and perhaps find a drinking buddy or 2!! I'm 23, been here for around 13 months now and do have some friends but would love to meet people from my own part of the world and increase my social circle a littlle. I love it out here but getting a bit sick of quiet weekends!!!



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Hey Kiri


I'm a bit older at almost 32 but we have no kids so don't have quite the same life as the families here. We have been here for 2 and ahlf years but most of the people I know have kids who I love but it would be nice to broaded my circle a bit.


Where are you in melbourne - we're out west?


Leanda x

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Guest kateltham

Hi both,


I've just moved to Melbourne from the UK and in the same situ, no kids and looking for a social life... I live with someone from the UK who has been here a bit longer but don't want to hijack all his mates! I'm in the middle at 28.


Would definitely be up for a few drinks sometime.



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Guest Kiri Greenhill

Hi ladies :-)


I am actually 24 but obviously temporarily forgot i had a birthday 7 months ago! Not that a year makes much difference!


I'm in Northcote, pretty close to the city really. Where are you both? We should try and organise some drinks soon, perhaps in the city? What days/ times/ places would suit you both?


Where are you guys from originally? I am from Birmingham.


Look forward to hearing back from you! xxx

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Guest kateltham

Hi again!


Hahah I've found it's better to forget birthdays anyway as you get older!!


I'm in Eltham which is about 40 mins north of the city. I can come in pretty much any time though at the moment, will be in the city on Tuesday as i have an interview, although I will be suited and booted. Otherwise, Thursday would be good for me (weekend is difficult that weekend) or any time the week/weekend after.


I have a friend, Jason, who is also a pom that may want to come along!


I'm from Surrey, although have been living in Suffolk the past few years. I was speaking to a brummie on the phone yesterday, he worked at a recruitment agency, already I am bumping into poms everywhere!


Will be great to meet you both and start socialising a bit, I have been here a week now and really want to get out and about rather than job hunting endlessly!

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Guest Kiri Greenhill
Hi again!


Hahah I've found it's better to forget birthdays anyway as you get older!!


I'm in Eltham which is about 40 mins north of the city. I can come in pretty much any time though at the moment, will be in the city on Tuesday as i have an interview, although I will be suited and booted. Otherwise, Thursday would be good for me (weekend is difficult that weekend) or any time the week/weekend after.


I have a friend, Jason, who is also a pom that may want to come along!


I'm from Surrey, although have been living in Suffolk the past few years. I was speaking to a brummie on the phone yesterday, he worked at a recruitment agency, already I am bumping into poms everywhere!


Will be great to meet you both and start socialising a bit, I have been here a week now and really want to get out and about rather than job hunting endlessly!


The more the merrier, so all good. I find that you really notice when you hear an English accent! I met a guy who came from just around the corner from where i used to live who was an inspector on the tram! Was a bit weird. Tuesday i am working in the day but free in the evening, same goes for thursday. I will pm you my number, might be easier to arrange something that way. I don't really know eltham other that it's on the same train line!!

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Hi guys


I am at the opposite of the Bridge in Point Cook so city sounds like it's best for everyone. I am working during the days but most evenings are ok.


As for bumping into poms, they are everywhere here and people will talk to you just because of the accent and you end up with the nick names to go with it - my current nick name is pom pom!


Let me know when and where


Leanda x

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Guest kateltham

Cool, Kiri I just left you a voicemail.


How would Thursday evening suit you both, in the city? I'm not sure where's good to go so I will have to leave that up to you! Will really look forward to meeting you both :)



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Guest Kiri Greenhill
Cool, Kiri I just left you a voicemail.


How would Thursday evening suit you both, in the city? I'm not sure where's good to go so I will have to leave that up to you! Will really look forward to meeting you both :)




Just got it, will give you a call back in about 10 mins :-)

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Thursday sounds good to me.


What about Young and Jacksons across from Flinders Street station as a meeting point? Probably the easiest pub to find in the city if you don't know your way around.



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Guest Kiri Greenhill
Thursday sounds good to me.


What about Young and Jacksons across from Flinders Street station as a meeting point? Probably the easiest pub to find in the city if you don't know your way around.




Sounds like a good starting point to me :-)

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Guest Jennir25


I am 25 from SE London, moved to Melbourne in January and am also looking to meet new people.

Are you meeting this Thursday? Room for another?


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Guest Kiri Greenhill

I am 25 from SE London, moved to Melbourne in January and am also looking to meet new people.

Are you meeting this Thursday? Room for another?



Always room for more :-) The more them merrier... Yes we are meeting this thursday at young and jacksons at 6.30. I will pm you my number incase you have any problems etc. Where abouts are you living? xxx

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Guest Jennir25

Yay, lovely!

I live in North Caulfield at the moment, and will soon be making the move all the way to South Caulfield ;O)


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As Kiri said, alway room for more. See you on Thurs


Leanda x



I am 25 from SE London, moved to Melbourne in January and am also looking to meet new people.

Are you meeting this Thursday? Room for another?


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Guest kateltham

Look forward to meeting you too! What a merry band of poms we shall be!


See you Thurs, Kat x

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Guest Kiri Greenhill

There's also someone called Maria (also from this site) who is gonna join us too, should be great fun :-)


I was thinking, how we going to find each other?!

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Guest kateltham

Oh cool, sounds great! Yes I was thinking that too... does anyone know the pub well i.e. is there a 'landmark' in it we could meet by? Failing that maybe we lurk suspiciously at the end of the bar looking lost and foreign. I will definitely be lost and foreign and went to the wrong Smith Street in Collingwood for an interview today, it was soooo embarrassing!!!

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Guest Jennir25

Oh no, I hope the interview went well when you got to the right place. I'd blame them for having two streets with the same names!

I've been there once but did have a few drinks so can't entirely remember. If my memory is correct though if you go in from Swanston Street (the staircase is on your right) there is a bar directly opposite which isn't huge so would be easier to spot a bunch of lost looking poms milling around.

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Guest Nic1983

Hey Im 25 and from Newcastle. Been out here about 9 months but wouldnt mind meeting some new faces. I may also drop in if not feeling too tired after work. I was in there the other day and I went in from an entrance opposite Flinders Street station. There was a bar directly opposite (not sure if its the same bar already mentioned), but then there was a seperate room just to the left of this and up a few stairs with more couches and things and a smaller bar. Might be a good place to meet in the smaller room?!? Aslong as there are a few phone numbers flying about I'm sure we will all find our way!

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This is becoming quite a gathering!!


I too would usually go in from the Flinders Street side but Swanstons street side may be a bit easier and probably a little less crowded so that sounds good to me.


Look for people looking for other people.

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I have just sent you a pm with my mobile number. Hope to see you on Thursday


Leanda xx


Hey Im 25 and from Newcastle. Been out here about 9 months but wouldnt mind meeting some new faces. I may also drop in if not feeling too tired after work. I was in there the other day and I went in from an entrance opposite Flinders Street station. There was a bar directly opposite (not sure if its the same bar already mentioned), but then there was a seperate room just to the left of this and up a few stairs with more couches and things and a smaller bar. Might be a good place to meet in the smaller room?!? Aslong as there are a few phone numbers flying about I'm sure we will all find our way!
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would have liked to have joined you for a drink but I am busy this Thursday :-( Just to introduce myself - I am Gill and I came over to Melbourne in March from Hertford with my husband Chris and we are up for meeting new people. We are living in Gardenvale. I am 32 and Chris is 34.


Maybe another time


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Hi Gill


Welcome. Shame you're busy, it's seems as if going to be a good gathering of pommy girls. I'm sure we'll do it again soon though.


If you want to meet up for a coffee or something another time, feel free to PM me and we can sort something out.


Hope you're enjoying Melbourne so far


Leanda x





would have liked to have joined you for a drink but I am busy this Thursday :-( Just to introduce myself - I am Gill and I came over to Melbourne in March from Hertford with my husband Chris and we are up for meeting new people. We are living in Gardenvale. I am 32 and Chris is 34.


Maybe another time


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