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Seeking Some New Friends

Guest Bareham

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Guest Bareham

Hi all,


We have now been living in Australia for 15 years. We emmigrated after spending a year here as backpackers inthe early 90's. We have two kids, both born here, and could not imagine going back to the UK. A few years ago, we met another very like minded family who had recently come over from the same part of the UK as us (near Brighton). We have formed a very strong bond with them, especially as their kids are around the same age as ours (one boy, one girl), and we have all formed strong individual friendships as well as a family bond.

This family recently returned from a visit to family in England, and have now decided that they miss their families so much that they are going to move back to England.:sad:

Now, we are looking for a replacement family!!!!! Yeah, OK, i am kind of joking i suppose, but if there is anyone out there who has just moved over, or is about too, and would like some advice from a couple of old hands we would be happy to help.

And if there is a family out there (late thirties/early 40's) with a 13 year old girl and 11 year old boy, moving to the Gold Coast who like the outdoor life, barbies, cold beer and sport, give us a call.


Mike & Alison.

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Guest proud2beaussie

Hi Mike and Alison,

Welcome to PIO,what's kept you !

Good to hear that you are enjoying Australia,it's been my home for 44 of my 48 years on this planet and I love it even though my GF lives in London and I have to fly 12000 miles to see her.

My name is nigel (surprising heh? bet you would never have guessed !) and I'm one of the moderators here,I try and control the rabble that is PIO (only jokin !) but seriously PIO is like a family,we don't always agree with each other but we all like to make new friends and that is what PIO does best-help people make friends.

Sadly I'm in Victoria so can't quite come to meet you but there are heaps of PIO members up your way and I am sure they would love to meet you.

What I might do is move your post into the socialising and meet up section and I am sure you will soon be overrun with offers to meet up.

Welcome again,i hope you enjoy PIO.



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Guest proud2beaussie

If you don't mind I might also change the title of the thread so that it does not seem like you are going back?

Maybe something like 'Seeking New Friends"?

is that ok with you?

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Guest ragdoll annie

Hi Mike and Alison

Sorry to hear about your friends,we know a little of how you feel...we left good friends in Sydney to come to the Gold Coast 2 1/2 yrs ago(been in oz 5yrs now)....where on the coast are you?

We are both 43 with 15yr son...hubby fits the sport/outdoor requirements of your post...i fit the barbie/cold beer...and son ....well....he a bit geeky really lol, but gets on with kids of all ages.

We are in Helensvale by the way....

Annie x

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Guest snow white

hi welcome to poms in oz

sorry to hear your good friends are moving back but theres always the chance on here to make some more

we have been on gold ocast for 2 years currently on pacific pines have 19 year old girl, 13 year old girl 12 year old boy 8 year old boy 5 year old girl and a 3 year old boy we are definitely up for a beer a wine a coffee and a get together and a chat. let me know

lesley x

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Guest Bareham

6 kids!! wow, that must be a full time job on it's own. Coffee, beer, barbie, whatever; sounds good.

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Hi all,


We have now been living in Australia for 15 years. We emmigrated after spending a year here as backpackers inthe early 90's. We have two kids, both born here, and could not imagine going back to the UK. A few years ago, we met another very like minded family who had recently come over from the same part of the UK as us (near Brighton). We have formed a very strong bond with them, especially as their kids are around the same age as ours (one boy, one girl), and we have all formed strong individual friendships as well as a family bond.

This family recently returned from a visit to family in England, and have now decided that they miss their families so much that they are going to move back to England.:sad:

Now, we are looking for a replacement family!!!!! Yeah, OK, i am kind of joking i suppose, but if there is anyone out there who has just moved over, or is about too, and would like some advice from a couple of old hands we would be happy to help.

And if there is a family out there (late thirties/early 40's) with a 13 year old girl and 11 year old boy, moving to the Gold Coast who like the outdoor life, barbies, cold beer and sport, give us a call.


Mike & Alison.


Keep their seat warm mate , few months in blighty and familiarity will set in

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Guest Bareham

Hi Lesley,


OK, this weekend is looking pretty busy, and next weekend we are away camping. How about the weekend after? that would be 1st/2nd August. Either Friday evening, anytime Sat or Sunday luchtime.

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Guest snow white

yip sounds fine by me we will organise something for then no worries

enjoy camping



lesley x

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