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Is there anyone out there.

Guest One Hour Photo

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Guest One Hour Photo

I realise this is probably a vain hope but is there anyone I could meet up with in any of the following towns/area.












Looking for people (preferably non-smoking and non-reglious) to meet up with.

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Guest juliemtaylor

Hi how are you doing? got our visa's since we last takled, was hoping you would have met up with other PIO that were suggested last time?? Still hoping to go to Vic and will venture out your way one day..


Julie x

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I think Petals ventures out that way quite often as her son works up on the Murray.


I'd offer to have a coffee at the Glenrowan services next time I buzz down the Hume but I cant pin the DH down to when he is likely to be wanting to go and visit his mum.


Good luck!

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Guest One Hour Photo

'....... was hoping you would have met up with other PIO that were suggested last time?? .....'


Hi Julie - there were a couple of messages but turned out there was no-one around here.

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Guest juliemtaylor



did you ever contact anyone that replied on your last post?


see this To judge from the map you are not that far away from Wodonga? OUr member Taffy 62 lives there:




I'm sure it would be possible for you to arrange to meet Taffy for lunch one day or something? Maybe invite Taffy & Hubby out to your place for lunch?


According to Google Maps it would take you about 50 minutes to drive to Wodonga, which is probably 40 minutes if you floor it.. Where Taffy knows everybody. I think that if you can get a social life going there, with Taffy's help, living half an hour away from it will seem like a blessing at times.


I would suggest that you send Taffy a PM to introduce yourself and then you can take it from there.


Or itsKaren that wrote:


I have just looked on google maps and Wangaratta is just under 3 hours drive from us. I would love you come and see you in January? We could meet up for a picnic! The children and husband would like the adventure.


I am happy to drive up or we could meet half way perhaps? Either way I don't mind.


I will PM you my mobile number.




PS I don't want to sound as this is a 'mission of mercy'. I too have felt like you at one stage. A few coffees might help or something stronger!


Hope you really do make contact with someone on here, lots of hugs.


Julie x

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Guest One Hour Photo




People get a shock when they come to Australia 'the tyranny of distance' is something hard to understand until you really experience it, and by Australian standards this is not even isolated.


Wodonga would be around 80-90 minutes from me- depending on what part. "flooring it' is a very bad idea - Australia loves its taxes - and speeding tickets, could be an expensive trip.


Still seems there is no-one around here.


Have to settle for talking to the dogs ................ at least they always agree with me .....

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Guest One Hour Photo

As I suspected there is no-one. Not really surprising no-one with any brains would come here …...

The lesson from this story is - be careful which area of Australia you move to. Make sure there is more to do than drink, smoke, pray and get fat – mind you if you tick at least two of those boxes you will fit in pretty well here :-)

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Guest JoanneHattersley

One hour Photo, I appreciate what you say about someone being 80-90 minutes away but ItsKaren offered to meet you 1/2 way! You are not necesarily going to find anyone living on your doorstep! Someone offered to meet you! Why not take them up on it.....Who knows where it will lead?

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Guest One Hour Photo


A meeting was discussed last year with one member, as I recall she was in Melbourne, but it came to nothing, I fully understand, time and money are considerations and people are busy with work, family, friends ….. there was no offer from anyone nearer to here.

A couple of names were mentioned, either who may visit the area, or live a little nearer (although nothing under 80 minutes) but I have never heard from them. I think we have to be careful suggesting other people for things, I feel if they are interested they will suggest themselves.

I am interested in how you built and maintained friendships with people who are 80-90 minutes away, do you find it a practical and useful arrangement. How about the cost of fuel, and the time required, is that a little prohibitive. Do you meet up for a quick coffee, a whole day or do you stay for a couple of days. How often are you able to meet up, do they come to you or you go to them, where/what did it lead to for you - I am really interested in how you made it work.

I am not sure how if it could work for me. I am self-employed and don’t have regular hours, weekends or holidays, I can go out for the day but its hard for me to stay away.

Do you have people closer to you as well, for the times when you (or they) can’t travel so far or be away from home/work for to long.

Practically I think people need others in the same town or within say 20 k's to have any chance of building on-going friendships and meeting other people they know to build a group of people you might fit in with. Sometimes sitting here in the evening it would be nice to have someone to go out with, even if only to a local tatty pub.

Having said that I realise my situation is difficult and I don’t expect easy answers, I just have to make the best of things.


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Guest Working to fish

Hi we are on the sunshine coast ,and have good freinds on the goldcoast ,who we dont see that often ,but are good freinds .


Whats distance got to do with it .



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Guest JoanneHattersley



there was no offer from anyone nearer to here.


You do have to put yourself out here. People wont always come to you. You may have to go to events/places to get your foot in the door so to speak.


I am interested in how you built and maintained friendships with people who are 80-90 minutes away, do you find it a practical and useful arrangement. How about the cost of fuel, and the time required, is that a little prohibitive. Do you meet up for a quick coffee, a whole day or do you stay for a couple of days. How often are you able to meet up, do they come to you or you go to them, where/what did it lead to for you - I am really interested in how you made it work.


I appreciate that you will say friends and parents are different but these are my thoughts.My parents are just over 90 minutes away from me! You do make it work because you have to! I would see them/friends for 1/2 a day, a few hours , it wouldnt matter!

They come to me and I go to them. SOmetimes I see them every week. The last time we had seen them was in May and we saw them 2 weeks ago.


I am in a nice position that my friends are local as my work is 5 minutes away.


I am not sure how if it could work for me. I am self-employed and don’t have regular hours, weekends or holidays, I can go out for the day but its hard for me to stay away.

I dont have regular hours either. I am a shift worker! Speaking for going to my mums house, she will tell you that we have got there sometimes close to midnight! Left after work when I finished between 2130-2200!


I just have to make the best of things.

Thats it! YOU have to make the best! You had loads of offers on your threads and people suggested lots of things. Get back in touch and see if they were serious! Ask them!




Just my thoughts

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Guest Working to fish




You do have to put yourself out here. People wont always come to you. You may have to go to events/places


I am a shift worker!




Just my thoughts


What you upto saturday jo ?









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Guest One Hour Photo

I don't have any family but I used to live in London and my mother lived in Somerset - I did visit her regularly and she came to stay with me, she dead now, so I understand that people visit family and friends. If I had friends who had moved away from here say, I daresay we would find ways of meeting but I don't, I can't see how travelling somewhere full of strangers is likely to achieve much.

I also used to be a shift worker and did permanent nights at one time. I found being employed is different, I had paid holidays, sick pay, rostered days off etc. I also had work colleagues to talk to and go out with sometimes.

As many of you will know being self-employed is very different. Because of the nature of my (small) business I cannot be away, it’s just me no staff, no family to look after the place for the day. It’s not the sort of place I can shut down. The recession is a reality, I feel fortunate that I have weathered things so far and the bills are all paid but I have to work at it and I have cut down on any discretionary spending dramatically, everything has to go into running and maintaining the business.

Don’t get me wrong I could still afford to go out for lunch but I am cautious, at my age I only have limited time to pay the bank back.

I do look out for 'events' etc, but not much around here, what sort of events have you found.

How do find you get on if you turn up to an event/club/pub/dance/play/movie on your own and don't know anyone - has it worked for you, were you welcomed did you find friends. Did you find regular company, people to socialise with ?? Do you have single friends or is it all couples and families.

One evening last year I was so fed up I though, bugger it, got changed and walked to a pub about 500 mtrs from my house. I had been there a few times and had lunch, I can cope with lunch on my own but I admit I find evenings more daunting.

Not sure if there are any older single women here who have ventured into a country pub on their own in the evening. The only people in the bar were some old drunks (I was the only woman there) then as they got even drunker they became more foul-mouthed, I started to feel intimidated (I am not easily intimated) anyway I stuck it for an hour, I don’t know who was more embarrassed, me or the guy behind the bar.

We have a lot of ‘pokies’ around here (a topic of some debate) anyway it one of those things that is absolutely not for me, but I can see how people end up there, its something to do on you own.

Lets say over the weekend do you have company do you go out do you socialise, I am curious what people do.

I think if I lived near a city I could find something, there is always a movie to see, but out here there is nothing.

If you share you home with someone I imagine you speak to someone most days and there is some built in daily company, how did you find other company.

Anyone here who came out married but then became single – how did you get on then.

Are there any older (50+) single people here, how do you get on.

Is there a big difference for men and women, it looks to me as if men go to the pubs, sports clubs etc, other than the CWA (anyone here tried that) I don't know anywhere women go (there are some church things I think) I was told not long after I arrived here that I would not welcome, I think the CWA open with a prayer and I don’t do god.

Its easy to attack me and I understand that, but I think it’s a bit unfair, the reality is I have tried, this is one of many things, and while you seem to think I have been offered real invites and opportunities on here I haven’t. I don’t blame anyone for that, its nobodies fault they are not around here. I understand your impatience but I don't think the attacks are not based on the facts.

As I said I do make the best of things, I get through each day (and night) I function OK, lets fact it I have to, no income means I don’t eat, but I still keep hoping for a life.

As the Janis Ian song says ‘…… the days are ok ……’

oh boy these dark evenings are depressing, in the summer I can always go for a walk or run in the evenings, although I have been abused by ‘youths’ and drunks a couple of times.

A woman on her own is a target. I am sure the two male drunks who assaulted me a couple of months ago (at 4pm in the afternoon) would not have bothered me if a man had been with me, I wasn't hurt just angry and shaken.

I went to a house nearby and they brought their wireless phone out so I could call the cops, then I waited outside (they didn’t invite me in) for 40 minutes until they turned up (cops are thin on the ground out here). As expected they said they was nothing they could do, just advised me to carry a mobile phone when I was out.

I am pretty tough and I don’t allow assaults to bother me to much (I might live to regret that bit of bravado). I have seen the two drunks since (they have a bench they hang around on some afternoons) I was not going to be a coward and run away, soI carried on walking past them, they looked the other way so I guess they were scared of me :- ) I was determined to show I was not scared of them (even if I was a bit.)

I take my chances but I can see it would deter a lot of women going out alone at night.

So I do get out, (I believe I have more guts than many people) but on my own I have not found it easy or encouraging

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