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Soon to be newly qualified midwife with LOTS of questions!


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Hello everyone.


Im 21, hoping to move to Oz in a year or so depending on what I find out.


I have talked a lot of the last couple of years about moving to Australia once I qualify as a midwife, which is about a year from now (providing I pass everything - which I very much hope I do!!!) I really want to start thinking seriously about it now and weighing up my options. I have a lot of questions, and any help that anyone can offer will be greatly appriciated. I think I will just list them it's easier!



  1. Firstly where do I even start? Can anyone advise on sponsership by a hospital, agency work, using an agent for the move, just chancing it getting a working visa and seeing what happens when I turn up??
  2. Midwifery in Australia - I hear it is very obsertric led and that a midwife is commonly more of an obstetric nurse rather than an autonamous practitioner?
  3. Salary? is it similar to that of a midwife in the UK is it a reasonable wage for someone to live on alone?
  4. I canno't decide weather to work in the UK for 6-12months then make the move or just jump straigt into the deep end and go newly qualified.
  5. Are there any good websites to look at which would give me any of the information I am looking for?


I have many many more questions and everytime i get an answer to a question 100's more pop into my head. I think I am anxious about coming alone but this definatley wouldnt stop me. I really will appreciate any response to this thread.


Thankyou all in advance.



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