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Anyone living northside of Brisbane fancy meeting up??

Guest The Macs

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Guest The Macs



We are new to this site & I found it really useful reading all the different forums. We have been in Oz now for just over 6 months, we are living in Brisbane, Eatons Hill the Northside. We are a young family Me (Becky 30, well I still think I'm young ha,ha!!!), Ian also 30 & Megan 3 (going on 30!!!!!). We have been rushing around now for the last 6 months getting everything sorted, house, job etc,etc & it has all of a sudden just hit me that we need friends!!!!!!!!!!. We have family who live in Oz so been socialising with them but we need to make our own friends!!!. We left a large group of friends in the U.K who I am now missing very dearly, so now I need to get up off my behind & make some more!!!!.


Does anyone fancy meeting either with children??? or without going out for drinks etc???(as we could get a babysitter). We have not been out yet in Brisbane city or the Valley, so if anyone fancies it please let us know???


Thanks in advance


Becky :biggrin: X

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We are new to this site & I found it really useful reading all the different forums. We have been in Oz now for just over 6 months, we are living in Brisbane, Eatons Hill the Northside. We are a young family Me (Becky 30, well I still think I'm young ha,ha!!!), Ian also 30 & Megan 3 (going on 30!!!!!). We have been rushing around now for the last 6 months getting everything sorted, house, job etc,etc & it has all of a sudden just hit me that we need friends!!!!!!!!!!. We have family who live in Oz so been socialising with them but we need to make our own friends!!!. We left a large group of friends in the U.K who I am now missing very dearly, so now I need to get up off my behind & make some more!!!!.


Does anyone fancy meeting either with children??? or without going out for drinks etc???(as we could get a babysitter). We have not been out yet in Brisbane city or the Valley, so if anyone fancies it please let us know???


Thanks in advance


Becky X


Hiya Becky,


We've been in Oz for 6 months too. We're me, Louise 23, Mark 35 and James 15 months. How are you finding things so far? I know what you mean about rushing round, it feels like we haven't stopped in months!


Lucky you having babysitters in Oz, we don't have any family here so babysitting would be very limited for us unfortunately, but it's not the end of the world because I'm 6 and half months pregnant so not really up to any big nights out in the Valley... will be soon though! :laugh:


We would be up for meeting up one weekend, I work part time but every day :frown: so weekdays are out for me. Let me know if you fancy doing something.


Louise x

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Guest The Macs

Hi Louise,


Thanks for your reply!!. Never posted on here before so hope I am doing it right!!!!???.


Yeah I am enjoying Oz, I mean who would'nt sun everyday!!!!!, however I have started to feel really homesick lately, which I think is obviously normal. So I need to shake that off & start meeting some new people!!!.


Yeah I work part-time too, but get Wednesdays off during the week but work the rest. However we would love to meet up one weekend, Sundays are prob best for us, as my husband is working like a dog at the mo every Saturday!!!!, although he prob gets home at 2 ish so if Saturdays are better for you then let me know????. You don't live too far away do you at Bray Park ( I work with a lady who lives on a new housing estate there).


Well anyway looking forwards to meeting you, let me know when is best for you & we can arrange a date.


Becky X

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