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Guest highlander

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Guest stamford77



We originally applied under the occupation of 2212-11 External auditor, but I could just have easily applied for and met the requirements for 2211-11 - Accountant....... as my day job & qualifications combines both occupations, just dumb luck I chose the one that isn't on the CSL any longer!


I have NSW state sponsorship for External Auditor but after last weeks announcement like so many have been bumped down to 5th on the list of priorities. I did enquire earlier in the year about changing my nominated occupation from External Auditor to Accountant and received the following reply from immi.gov.au:


"In order to inform the department of incorrect information provided during

your application process you will need to complete the form 1023

"Notification of Incorrect Answers” and submit it to this office. This

form is available to be downloaded from the department’s website at http:



But at the end of the latest update email it does say "Your ‘nominated occupation' is the occupation you nominated at the time you lodged your application and cannot be changed."


Which contradicts the reply I got from immi.gov.au?


Has anyone tried to change nominated occupations on a application already made? or have people who applied under external auditors nominated occupation thought about scrapping there exisiting application and starting all over applying for accountant instead (obviously the expensive option!), will this actually get a visa any quicker..



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Maybe consider seeking out an employer who will sponsor you for a visa under the Employer Nomination Scheme or Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme => you can apply for such a visa on a DIAC fee free basis:

Employer Nomination Scheme (Subclass 121/856)


As you are probably aware, such an application is priority number 1 on the Minister's Direction of last week.


Best regards.

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Hi everyone,

I really cant believe these visa priority changes and feel like throwing in the towel!!!!!!!

We changed our visa from family sponsored to queensland to state sponsored in perth in may. got state sponsorship august and now have a case officer sept. I am a hairdresser so my skill is on the MODL so are we not priorty anymore?? Our agent told me this aftn that we may get to perth by 2011!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We where expecting a couple of months not a couple of yrs for gods sake... This is terrible. I have 2 sons aged 18 and 20. The youngest is in college until May 2010 but has been accepted at perth TAFE to study personal fitness in feb 2010, my oldest son finished this july and was intending carrying on his painting and decorating studies in perth.... we really dont know what option to take now.....can anyone advise??

Thanks :-(

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A song to chris evans

/The tune is Rod Stewards song SAILING

:cry:I am crying,I am cryyying throught the darks nights and the days I am crying to go to australia,to be in the sun,to be freeee.

Can you hear me can you hear me through the dark nights across the sea. Can you hear me CHRIS EVANS.I want to be near you to kick your a.....s.

Let me in,let me inn please change the process and let me in,dont shut me out.




As you can see I am clearly losing my mind,feel free to join in and add more lines

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Very funny, thanks for cheering me up this afternoon, if I can think of any more lines I will add them:laugh:




A song to chris evans

/The tune is Rod Stewards song SAILING

:cry:I am crying,I am cryyying throught the darks nights and the days I am crying to go to australia,to be in the sun,to be freeee.

Can you hear me can you hear me through the dark nights across the sea. Can you hear me CHRIS EVANS.I want to be near you to kick your a.....s.

Let me in,let me inn please change the process and let me in,dont shut me out.




As you can see I am clearly losing my mind,feel free to join in and add more lines

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Guest sunnyday
A song to chris evans

/The tune is Rod Stewards song SAILING

am crying,I am cryyying throught the darks nights and the days I am crying to go to australia,to be in the sun,to be freeee.

Can you hear me can you hear me through the dark nights across the sea. Can you hear me CHRIS EVANS.I want to be near you to kick your a.....s.

Let me in,let me inn please change the process and let me in,dont shut me out.




As you can see I am clearly losing my mind,feel free to join in and add more lines


Ah bless don't crack now hun!!


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Guest Squeezle

Hi All,


I e-mailed my case officer yesterday to ask for clarity on our situation, we have a 176 SS GSM Visa and have family in SA who have agreed to sponsor us to,we also have job offers, all our medicals and police checks have been done and were finalised on the 14th September before the new announcement, but below is the non commital response:


"The ASPC is developing procedures to process applications in accordance

with the new Government Direction that has been announced effective 23

September. CSL cases will be given the highest priority and that is where

the ASPC will be focussing its attention. Once the ASPC has established

processing arrangements for CSL cases, we will be in a position to provide

further advice, which, hopefully can be done by the end of October 2009."


It does not help us in any way, so we will wait until the end of October and hope for the best. I e-mailed Kevin Rudd the PM today to vent my frustrations, it wont help one bit, but it did feel good! Try it I am sure you will agree!



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Guest johnsonclan

Hi, we have spoken to our agent today re the e mail we had from ASPC and he clearly agrees with it saying everyone is affected which are those whose visa is not finalised and people whose visa was lodged on or after 23rd Sept. So for the majority of us the best we can hope for is that they process the CSL quickly and then move onto the State Sponsored Catergory. Hopefully he says indications show that this may be end of Oct, providing they dont change or take away the CSL to soon. For people waiting SS they are in for the long wait as the list for people that already have SS is pretty big ! Anyone else after this i would chose another country as who knows how long it could be ? We have a Case Officer, have our SS and Medicals showing finalised except for my 1 son whose is still not received ? Police Checks also sent so we reckon we were so close.

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Guest familyof3
Hi, we have spoken to our agent today re the e mail we had from ASPC and he clearly agrees with it saying everyone is affected which are those whose visa is not finalised and people whose visa was lodged on or after 23rd Sept. So for the majority of us the best we can hope for is that they process the CSL quickly and then move onto the State Sponsored Catergory. Hopefully he says indications show that this may be end of Oct, providing they dont change or take away the CSL to soon. For people waiting SS they are in for the long wait as the list for people that already have SS is pretty big ! Anyone else after this i would chose another country as who knows how long it could be ? We have a Case Officer, have our SS and Medicals showing finalised except for my 1 son whose is still not received ? Police Checks also sent so we reckon we were so close.

Hi Johnsonclan, can I ask when you say 1 son whos medicals still not received, did they all go out in the one pack, as my husbands and sons showing met on system but mine showing meds requested and our agents chasing this up to see whats happening, might be worth getting it chased up!!!? Regards K

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Guest Justin JIANG

Dear All,


I come from Hong Kong and have been waiting the permanent visa for 17 months already and now entirely exgausted. And i want to say that living in Australia is not as easy as you think. Anyone who hasn't got clear plans and strategies to live and work in Australia, may encounter lots of difficulties and sometimes it may be a nightmaire. My concerns are:


1. Most of you come from England, why do you sacrifice your good life in England and try to move to Australia for permanent residency? Is it worthy to do so as i realize that the average income in Uk is comparatively higher than that in Australia?

People who could perform his/her capability 100% in his own country, when moving to another one such as Australia, although your culture is quite similar, your performance would be respectively worser than when you are in your own country.


I admit that the living expenses in Australia may be lower than in the UK, however, your average income is also lowever respectively. So please to be advised that if you just want to do a bet in Australia, please surrounder now as you would lose your money and may also lose other things such as friends in your current residential place.

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Hi everyone,

I really cant believe these visa priority changes and feel like throwing in the towel!!!!!!!

We changed our visa from family sponsored to queensland to state sponsored in perth in may. got state sponsorship august and now have a case officer sept. I am a hairdresser so my skill is on the MODL so are we not priorty anymore?? Our agent told me this aftn that we may get to perth by 2011!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We where expecting a couple of months not a couple of yrs for gods sake... This is terrible. I have 2 sons aged 18 and 20. The youngest is in college until May 2010 but has been accepted at perth TAFE to study personal fitness in feb 2010, my oldest son finished this july and was intending carrying on his painting and decorating studies in perth.... we really dont know what option to take now.....can anyone advise??

Thanks :-(


Hi Latic - and everone else on this posting which seems to have rocked alot of familys and dented the dreams of so many people...


I must admit, the timing on this is rotten for you guys, (along with alot of other) given your visa changes, your commitments and the bright light within touching distance snubbed out in one fail swoop!


Ive been told end of 2012.. WTF ! .,., I had it in mind the World Cup in the summer was part of my leaving do, not the bleeding Olympics!!:goofy:


I`m just about to hand over my visa fee and submit, [should i ? ] i dont see that i have any other choice (apart from Employment Sponsor / Architectural Technicain - in this market - Yeah Right..... but i will try and try.)


And if that fails - I have an extra 2 years with my family and friends and 2 less (out of 50) in Oz... the dream is still there and wont quit until i`m there!


Lifes too short, granted - but its not a sprint!


However given all the niceties above - I still feel we can air our frustrastion, in a professional manner. A well drafted letter stating the potential impacts on the Oz reputation / ecomony / peoples disruptions / and the knock on effect etc.... and then we ALL sign it.,., maybe include other forums? Standing together on a petition must be worth something and at least make press / send a few ripples - i dont know - they may postpone the new acting legislation by 12 months to let the dust settle on this mess they have created.


Ive read some good items by the moderators on this within this post (Gill / Golly etc). Maybe they can help... they know their stuff.


Anyway.. chins up,,, at least when we land it gonna be one mega party on the beach somewhere!!! :hug:



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I am gutted - we submitted our visa application on 24 July 2009 and each day i check my emails to see if we have been given a case officer - the only way I realised things had gone wrong was when I checked my visa application on-line to see if anything had changed and read the DIAC annoucement on the website.

I am firstly surprised that they never updated people that has submitted applications to keep them up to date.

I am feeling rather mixed up now thinking I would be going to OZ end of 2010 hopefully at the age of 34 nearly 35 and my son and daughter would be there prior to school age. Instead I will be nearing 38 and my son will be ready to start school in the UK.

Worried about being main visa applicant and age discrimination and changing direction at this point.

We currently have our house on market and on the positive side means if we ever sell it - we can save much more money for going but it seems such a distant memory now and alot can change in 3 years.

I really think it is unfair for the Australian government to have taken our money with false expectations and have not offered people a refund as the goalposts have changed significantly. What will it mean for me in terms of age? What will it mean in terms of all the docs I have needed to get signed and dated ?

So many questions and so many left in dark and so many bubbles burst.

I personally feel numb and not sure which direction to take.

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Guest Bill_er_Bong

1. Most of you come from England, why do you sacrifice your good life in England and try to move to Australia for permanent residency?




Mate, the weather is ABISSMAL. The winters are long and dark. Do you want to freeze your knackers off for 6 months of the year? And watch it rain all "summer"? Amongst other things as well... Tell you what, come over check it out, then you'll know why!

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However given all the niceties above - I still feel we can air our frustrastion, in a professional manner. A well drafted letter stating the potential impacts on the Oz reputation / ecomony / peoples disruptions / and the knock on effect etc.... and then we ALL sign it.,., maybe include other forums? Standing together on a petition must be worth something and at least make press / send a few ripples - i dont know - they may postpone the new acting legislation by 12 months to let the dust settle on this mess they have created.


Ive read some good items by the moderators on this within this post (Gill / Golly etc). Maybe they can help... they know their stuff.


Anyway.. chins up,,, at least when we land it gonna be one mega party on the beach somewhere!!! :hug:



I'm in!

If a professional could help us with preparation of such letter and we all signed it maybe it would have some effect.

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Guest Justin JIANG

Quoted from DANNY & EM:

However given all the niceties above - I still feel we can air our frustrastion, in a professional manner. A well drafted letter stating the potential impacts on the Oz reputation / ecomony / peoples disruptions / and the knock on effect etc.... and then we ALL sign it.,., maybe include other forums? Standing together on a petition must be worth something and at least make press / send a few ripples - i dont know - they may postpone the new acting legislation by 12 months to let the dust settle on this mess they have created.


Dear Danny,


What a good idea you arise. Do you know how to proceed with the petition and how can we submitted together to the DIAC. These few days, i have submitted some enquries and advice to the IMMI DEPARTMENT and Immigration SA explaining the current situation of applicants who were seriously affected by this erratic change. Hope it would help. However, if more people take this sort of action, the government may listen to it, isn't it.

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Guest johnsonclan
Hi Johnsonclan, can I ask when you say 1 son whos medicals still not received, did they all go out in the one pack, as my husbands and sons showing met on system but mine showing meds requested and our agents chasing this up to see whats happening, might be worth getting it chased up!!!? Regards K



Hi, yes all 4 were sent in a secure package via UPS on 4/9/09 and only 3 finalised on 15/9/09. Our agent says this is not uncommon and we will leave for another 2 weeks and then chase it up with our CO. This is a worry as i know someone a family of 5 where all their visas went missing for 3 months and eventually turned up in New Zealand !!! The other thing is when it turns up will they finalise it or put it on hold until they process people on the CSL ??

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Hello Every one,

I'm one of those adversely affected from the new priority list and this is my first thread here.

Some valid resource said to me: If you are not satisfied with DIAC’s handling of the matter, you can make a complaint to the Commonwealth Ombudsman via the website www.ombudsman.gov.au or by phoning 1300 362 072.


and I did it this morning. It was an on-line simple form and took me 5 min to fill. I'd suggest you all make a complaint and hopefully the minister review his decision about including those who have already lodge an application. I did mine almost 21 months ago !

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Guest Justin JIANG


Mate, the weather is ABISSMAL. The winters are long and dark. Do you want to freeze your knackers off for 6 months of the year? And watch it rain all "summer"? Amongst other things as well... Tell you what, come over check it out, then you'll know why!




Hi mate,


Loving answer! it's what some hong kongers living in England complain about. Any way, have a good try you guys!



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Dear All,


I come from Hong Kong and have been waiting the permanent visa for 17 months already and now entirely exgausted. And i want to say that living in Australia is not as easy as you think. Anyone who hasn't got clear plans and strategies to live and work in Australia, may encounter lots of difficulties and sometimes it may be a nightmaire. My concerns are:


1. Most of you come from England, why do you sacrifice your good life in England and try to move to Australia for permanent residency? Is it worthy to do so as i realize that the average income in Uk is comparatively higher than that in Australia?

People who could perform his/her capability 100% in his own country, when moving to another one such as Australia, although your culture is quite similar, your performance would be respectively worser than when you are in your own country.


I admit that the living expenses in Australia may be lower than in the UK, however, your average income is also lowever respectively. So please to be advised that if you just want to do a bet in Australia, please surrounder now as you would lose your money and may also lose other things such as friends in your current residential place.


Hi Justin,


I see your point, but people all move to Australia for different reasons. It might not be for money, it could be, but it could also be for adventure, change of lifestyle, children's future, better weather etc.


Everyone has there own reasons for why they want to move and we are lucky to be able to have that choice and opportunity.


Best wishes,



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Guest Justin JIANG
Hello Every one,

I'm one of those adversely affected from the new priority list and this is my first thread here.

Some valid resource said to me: If you are not satisfied with DIAC’s handling of the matter, you can make a complaint to the Commonwealth Ombudsman via the website www.ombudsman.gov.au or by phoning 1300 362 072.


and I did it this morning. It was an on-line simple form and took me 5 min to fill. I'd suggest you all make a complaint and hopefully the minister review his decision about including those who have already lodge an application. I did mine almost 21 months ago !


Hi Mate,


I just follow your instructions and make the complaints about the Immigration Department. Wish what we have done would make a huge difference soon. For all you guys, we need your voice in this issue. So if you are unsatisfied with DIAC' recent policy on priority processing changes. please follow the below more detail instructions.


1. Info from the Ombudsman website:

Make a complaint



  • Enquiries 9am—5pm (AEST) Monday to Friday – 1300 362 072 (Calls from mobile phones are charged at mobile phone rates.)

    Complaints can be made in writing, by phone, in person or by using our online complaint form – opens in new window.


    Our offices are located in Adelaide, Alice Springs, Brisbane, Canberra, Darwin, Hobart, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney

Steps: (1) click on the complaints (2) click on online compliant (3) answer yes to the first two questions (4) proceed to complain (5) fill in the content (6)Done -->only few minutes


2. Complaints or suggestions to your sponsoring states or territories:

Steps: (1) search for the website for your sponorsing state government, e.g. South Australia-->http://www.immigrationsa.gov.au (2) online enquiry or complaint form (3) fill in the contents (4) submit


3. Complaints or suggestions to DIAC:

Steps: (1) go to www.immi.gov.au (2) search for pre-lodgement enquiry form or post-lodgement enquiry form whichever is relevant to your case (3) fill in the content of your complaint (4) submit


4. Petition to DIAC: Pending as i am not an expert to do so. If someone have the capability to organize it, it would be grateful.




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Guest Justin JIANG

Chanllenging Questions to the so-called migration agents, if any in POMSINOZ:

1. In terms of the following scenario, theoretically (In general), whose application would be processed first orallocated to case officer for processing first according to the procedures undertaken by DIAC after the current processing priority changes introduced on 23 Sep 2009?


For example: applicant A and B, both of them haven't got visa approved up to now. And


Applicant A: 176 relative sponsorship lodged on 1 June 2009, SA state sponsorship approved on 23 Sep 2009-->change to state sponsorship on 23 Sep 2009, MODL occupation only

Applicant B: 176 state sponsorship visa lodged on 1 Sep 2009, SA state sponsorship approved on 1 June 2009 (before lodgement of the 176 visa) , MODL occupation only


Many thanks if any one could have a supportive evidence or theory to support your answer.

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Dear All,


I come from Hong Kong and have been waiting the permanent visa for 17 months already and now entirely exgausted. And i want to say that living in Australia is not as easy as you think. Anyone who hasn't got clear plans and strategies to live and work in Australia, may encounter lots of difficulties and sometimes it may be a nightmaire. My concerns are:


1. Most of you come from England, why do you sacrifice your good life in England and try to move to Australia for permanent residency? Is it worthy to do so as i realize that the average income in Uk is comparatively higher than that in Australia?

People who could perform his/her capability 100% in his own country, when moving to another one such as Australia, although your culture is quite similar, your performance would be respectively worser than when you are in your own country.


I admit that the living expenses in Australia may be lower than in the UK, however, your average income is also lowever respectively. So please to be advised that if you just want to do a bet in Australia, please surrounder now as you would lose your money and may also lose other things such as friends in your current residential place.


Hi Justin,


I'm not sure where you have got your figures from but when I last looked, the average wage in the UK was 479 pounds per week (24908pa). The average Aussie wage is $1197.50 per week (62270pa). Whether you use the current exchange rate of 1.83, or the average over the past 20 years of around 2.30, you'll find the Aussie figure is higher. Aussie conditions are also much better, annual leave loading, long service leave, minimum 9% compulsory superannuation paid, etc, etc. If I were to go back to my old job at the local council I would have to take a huge cut.


You will probably find though, that most people come here for a lifestyle change, or the adventure, or to give their kids a better future and yes, maybe even the weather. Having already applied for their visas, and judging by the disappointment and feeling of betrayal in this thread, most have done plenty of research and have a fairly good idea of what they are coming too - even in the current global economic climate.

If you're trying to put people off so you jump higher up the queue, I like your style, lol.



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Guest Justin JIANG
Hi Justin,


I'm not sure where you have got your figures from but when I last looked, the average wage in the UK was 479 pounds per week (24908pa). The average Aussie wage is $1197.50 per week (62270pa). Whether you use the current exchange rate of 1.83, or the average over the past 20 years of around 2.30, you'll find the Aussie figure is higher. Aussie conditions are also much better, annual leave loading, long service leave, minimum 9% compulsory superannuation paid, etc, etc. If I were to go back to my old job at the local council I would have to take a huge cut.


You will probably find though, that most people come here for a lifestyle change, or the adventure, or to give their kids a better future and yes, maybe even the weather. Having already applied for their visas, and judging by the disappointment and feeling of betrayal in this thread, most have done plenty of research and have a fairly good idea of what they are coming too - even in the current global economic climate.

If you're trying to put people off so you jump higher up the queue, I like your style, lol.




Dear Kazza,


Thanks for your kind response and telling me about your situaion. Actuall, You may misundertand my views. I just want to inform the people to think carefully before they go. No one or few applicants would withdraw the application once it's lodged as the money has been thrown to the department. And the applicants after my case wouldn't take over my position if they are the same category of mine. Thus, the saying that i try to put people off is not evidential.


The figures you stated above regarding Aussie average income 1197.50 per week (62270pa) may be sought from the website and it's totally far more than the actual figures. On average, it would be between 500AUD-875AUD per week, based on 35 hours per week being regarding as a full-time job. After the tax deduction, usually around 17% of the income would be lost, if their income is more than thresold for tax purpose. Poor!!!!!!!

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Guest Justin JIANG

To all,


Only one week after the changes made by the DIAC regarding processing priority on GSM visa, we’ve seen loads of applicants were affected by this erratic change both in financially and emotionally. For those who had applied for state sponsorship without CSL occupation stands at the 2nd processing priority but now grammatically drop to the 5th.. As the information indicated in the DIAC’s website that those applicants, even though they are during their final stage of processing, would be affected and their cases wouldn’t be finalized for years. We’ve seen lots of disappointments, angers and tears up to now. However, we, the poorer, need to unity together and produce a strong voice to the parties concerned. Your voice needs to be properly addressed visa the following channels so that relevant department-DIAC may take it into consideration. So if you are unsatisfied with DIAC' recent policy on priority processing changes. Please follow the below more detail instructions (that’s what I did).


1. Complaints made to ombudsman:

Make a complaint


  • Enquiries 9am—5pm (AEST) Monday to Friday – 1300 362 072 (Calls from mobile phones are charged at mobile phone rates.)
    Complaints can be made in writing, by phone, in person or by using our online complaint form – opens in new window.
    Our offices are located in Adelaide, Alice Springs, Brisbane, Canberra, Darwin, Hobart, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney

Steps: (1) log on to www.ombusman.gov.au and then click on the complaints (2) click on online compliant (3) answer yes to the first two questions (4) proceed to complain (5) fill in the content (6)Done -->only few minutes


2. Complaints or suggestions to your sponsoring states or territories:

Steps: (1) search for the website for your sponorsing state government, e.g. South Australia-->www.immigrationsa.gov.au (2) online enquiry or complaint form (3) fill in the contents (4) submit


3. Complaints or suggestions to DIAC:

Steps: (1) go to www.immi.gov.au (2) search for pre-lodgement enquiry form or post-lodgement enquiry form whichever is relevant to your case (3) fill in the content of your complaint (4) submit


Wish what we have done would make a huge difference soon. For all you guys, we need your voice in this issue. Many thanks!




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