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Guest Justin JIANG
hi, only just heard this news, i know im a little late sorry.



but can anyone tell me what my sisters chances are now as i already have my visa and am in the process of doing hers for her.


She has state sponsorship from wa and her job is on modl list and just about ready to fill in online application and submit.


I got my visa doing the same within 3 months from submission, how long is she likely to wait please if anyone can answer as i need to tell her the bad news.





Dear stacybird123,


Firstly, let's say congratulations on you. However, in regards to your sister's application, definitely, she would be affected by the changes introduces on 23 Sep 09. Please visit www.immi.gov.au and click the topic which describes the changes on processing time located at the left down site. According to the current policy, she would stand 5th in the priority list, may take years to finalize. Hope your sister good luck! let's wish!





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Guest sassygal
Hi Mate,


In general, you will not get any compensation from DIAC. Medicals valid for one year from the date of the test, so be remember it.


I really dont think anyone on here needs to be told how long their medical is valid for or to be told to remember the date they took it! What is annoying so many people is the fact that they have complied with the visa regulations in good faith and paid a lot of money to get trades, skills and qualifications assessed, lodged visa applications and some paid more money to gain state sponsorship and then as per the Australian Immigration rules taken medicals and police checks that are expensive especially in the current economic climate only for the rug to be pulled from underneath them!


We know they are valid for 1 year but in what little information has been released regarding the new changes and the processing dates now taking years, they have nowhere stated what all current applicants whom are already in the system with current medicals and police checks - will they honour them, they were done in good faith as requested.


People dont want compensations - they just want answers!


Oh and I think most people could quote you their date of TRA application and pass, date of visa application lodged, recieved, case officer assigned and medicals/police checks taken, sent, recieved and finalised!

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Guest Justin JIANG
on one thread hes telling us Oz is not all that, then he wants PR and then he posted a shed load of stuff on how to complain over the news 23/9 on processing priorities. if Oz is not all that according to him then why not leave - not making much sense to me!



Hi mate,


Thanks for your response first. It's hard to say quiz once you have been trapped in it. However, for a new comer, they would learn something from it and make a wiser dicision. Isn't it? That's what i think. Here, i wish all of you good luck and fulfil your dreams!



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Guest Justin JIANG
hi, only just heard this news, i know im a little late sorry.



but can anyone tell me what my sisters chances are now as i already have my visa and am in the process of doing hers for her.


She has state sponsorship from wa and her job is on modl list and just about ready to fill in online application and submit.


I got my visa doing the same within 3 months from submission, how long is she likely to wait please if anyone can answer as i need to tell her the bad news.







However, if your sister's occupation is listed in the CSL. Wow, huge difference if it is. If it's not listed in the CSL, your sister may look for an ENS empolyer sponsored or RSMS visa. Good luck with you!



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Guest sassygal
Hi mate,


Thanks for your response first. It's hard to say quiz once you have been trapped in it. However, for a new comer, they would learn something from it and make a wiser dicision. Isn't it? That's what i think. Here, i wish all of you good luck and fulfil your dreams!





I am sorry but English is my native language and that makes NO sense at all to me!


New comers should learn from your input into this forum is that what your trying to say, looks that way to me.........:biglaugh:


Trapped, are you trapped in Oz? I dont think its mandatory that you get PR, there is nothing stopping you from leaving, you can fly out at one of the numerous airports, you are not compelled to stay in the country you are flighting for PR in one breath and then telling everyone one on here that it aint all that, and spouting your wisdom to put everyone else off, and to be honest MATE it looks just like that to me.


why did you not just start a new thread for your repeated posts requesting everyone to complain instead of hijacking numerous others.


You make no sense to me Mate, live the dream:wink:

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Guest June Pixie

Why's everyone picking on Justin? Someone told me early on on this site that words and phrases do get lost in translation!! Go easy!

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Guest sassygal
Why's everyone picking on Justin? Someone told me early on on this site that words and phrases do get lost in translation!! Go easy!



Please dont think that I am picking on him, as I am not. I want to move to Oz and find this place so helpful, there are so many people on here posting such valuable information based on their experiences and knowledge, Justin has written in some posts and it does look like hes trying to put people off moving to OZ

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Why's everyone picking on Justin? Someone told me early on on this site that words and phrases do get lost in translation!! Go easy!





I think Justin is just confusing the confused,I am one of the confused:confused:

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Guest sassygal

I think Justin is just confusing the confused,I am one of the confused:confused:



Ha ha ha, your not on your own, as I am confused too:arghh:

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Guest June Pixie

It's not that his advice is unwanted, as much as too much of it can be utterly confusing! Especially being translated from another language. The saying 'Seperate the wheat from the chaff' does apply in this case. No offence intended!


I've had many a dispute with my OH (English not first language) over certain ways that he words things!! Annoying at the very least; he calls Frosties - Sugared Cornflakes!!



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Guest DellfromLondon

I'm sorry to hear all the people having issues with the new visa regs in Australia :(


I brought my family over 3 years ago paisd all the fees for the visa from the UK IE: medicals and so forth, I went to college to study passed all my courses attained TRA, attained State sponsorship in November 2008, Lodged visa subclass 886 in Febuary 2009 once again paying all the fee's just under $8000 to submit for the visa and $9000 a year for my childs education which I totally accept is right why people are not on permanent residency.

But to be told this week that we will now maybe have to wait until 2012 for a decision due to the visa changes I could cry I keep asking is it really all worth all the heartache and expense which we dont have now either as we brought a home, but the new conditions now mean happy days for Australia another $18,500 in new school fees to pay for my family that should bring the total to just under $40,000 in the bank for Mr Rudd, and all you get advised is you could maybe get a quicker decision if you get sponsored by your workplace oh and pay another $8000 in a new visa submission.


Australia your fast becomming a complete rip off nation just to clarify this the DIAC we site logo reads PEOPLE ARE OUR BUSINESS if only I had known they meant in a finacial sense !!!!!!!!!!!


Dell totally FED up with the whole process and skint to boot:mad:

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I'm not a writer indeed, but


Australian Migration Lottery.


Are you a gambler and seek for new sharp feelings? Have about 5000 to 10000 USD (better if it’s your family last money) and want to play a game for the next 2 to 5 years? Just meet criteria for qualified specialists and Sunny Australian Government Migration Lottery welcomes you for a life lasting game you will never forget! It is so exciting and unpredictable that no roller coaster can be compared with it!


To start with, pay attention to our web site. Isn’t it beautiful? Yes, we tried to offer you as many game options as we could devise. If you asked for our opinion we would strongly recommend you to taste the Permanent Migration Program. Ohh.. It’s our newly and regularly updated category! Just think – the game’s rules are being changed every 6 month. But it is not a limit! In near future we are going to make ups and downs almost every month. We promise you this!


Ok, choose the visa route that appeals you most and we will start the game!


Step first. Assess your education in Australian professional body (we have may of them and they need your money! So, don’t hesitate and do it right now!). Time needed – from several month to a year, money spent – from hundreds to thousands US dollars. Depends on your particular situation.

Oh, if you are a person from a non English country you need to sit IELTS test. Again, it might take you a year and, of course, money, money…


Step two. Ok, after approximately a year and thousands less in your pocket from the beginning all formalities are done and we can start the real game. Hold on tight, submit your visa application and give us money once again.


Did it? Oh, really?


Thank you very much! Australia needs your money! And, maybe, your skills. But we’re not sure yet.


Here is your TRN and go back to where you came from. In the next year of five we will contact you if further information needed.


Some when between seven month to two years waiting: “Hello, are you still there? Aus calling. According to the new priority arrangements you are lucky one to be processed further. So, come and have medical and police checks. Of course it’s not for free. But do it immediately and you’ll become a winner in month or two! Don’t worry about money you’ve already spent much to stop now!”


Ok, here is my money and meds.


A couple of months later:

“It’s Aus again. Oh, mister, according to the new priority arrangements your case won’t be assessed in the coming two or three years.” - “But what am I gonna do? I sold my house, booked tickets, borrowed lots of money! I’ve suspended my life for the last two years! What is more, my children leave school next year. I can’t go without them! We are a family!”


“We don’t care! It’s a lottery. See you next decade. Maybe.. if we need your money once again.. beep… beep…”


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Guest June Pixie

Nice post McKlaut! Perhaps when the new house builds are falling down around their ears and gas appliances are not being serviced by OUR CORGI registered engineers and our highly qualified electricians and plumbers are not keeping every thing ticking over nicely then they may consider opening the gates again. At the very least they have all our qualified nurses to deal with any incompetence related accidents!

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Guest Gollywobbler

Hi All


Let us stick to the issues instead of carping at one another, please.


The ONLY legally binding promise which the Australian Government makes to any visa applicant is that if she or he has made a valid application for a particular visa, sooner or later DIAC will process the application to an eventual outcome.


DIAC themselves will not seek to charge any more fees in relation to the visa application which has been made but all other payments (eg meds and police checks) are not fees within DIAC's control and none of these other fees will be borne by DIAC.


The remedy is to complain to the Commonwealth Ombudsman, Senators and Federal MPs about the moral injustice of the way that the Minister for Immigration has recently seen fit to behave. The Minister has Australian Law on his side, so the most you can hope for is recognition that the Minister failed to pay proper heed to the financial hardship caused on 23rd September. Ideally the Aussie Parliament would pledge to rein the Minister in so as to ensure that he can not do this to any of you again at some date in the future.


Precedent is against you. Some 4,000 visa applicants were caught out by the closure of the Capital Investment Scheme in December 2007.


5 points for Investment Bond withdrawn Sept 07?? (PART TWO) : British Expat Discussion Forum


The link above is to the second (later) of two very long threads on BE concerning the agonies that the CIS applicants endured. They had a parallel experience to the one that is now facing the people who are caught in the fall out from the 23rd September Direction.


Eventually South Australia agreed to open a temporary wndow via which to rescue as many of the CIS applicants as possible but the window was only opened a couple of months ago and it will be closing again on 31st October 2009:


Frequently Asked Questions - Capital Investment Scheme


Lots of the applicants who were caught up in the CIS were told to get their meds done, lost out, were told by DIAC to do their meds again and lost out a second time, about which they were justifiably angry and upset.


They have not received a dime by way of compensation nor has the Austraian Government made any sort of apology to them for the way in which they were mucked about.


The Govt could argue that it has been very generous towards the Sept 23 "victims." The Minister confirmed several weeks ago that if the affected applicants for GSM visas are able to secure Australian employer sponsorship for ENS or RSMS visas, DIAC will waive its own fees for processing the new employer-sponsored visa applications. Migration agents are unlikely to match the Aussie Government's generosity on this score.


The Minister can say - with legal justification - that the Aussie Govt could not have been compelled to offer this fee-waiver by DIAC. Applicants who were caught out by the closure of the CIS were not offered anything comparable, so it can be argued that pressure from the Commonwealth Ombudsman over the Capital Investment Scheme followed by the brouhaha caused by the sudden change to the Critical Skills List on 16th March 2009 is already offering an ameliorating effect on the situation.


Astute commentators in Oz have been telling me that if Aussie employers find themselves strapped for a workforce or for key personnel, they will set about discovering how to get the necessary migrants out to Oz promptly via using employer sponsored migration.


It is very difficult to secure employer-sponsorship at present but that culture might well change within a year or two. A week is a long time in politics and Aussie politics are driving the Aussie migration program. For a LONG time Aussie employers have had no need to worry about getting the migrant workers they need because the GSM visa program has been doing all the work for them. The Minister's "message" to the employers is clear, though. He is now telling them, "If you genuinely need Mr Bloggs the migrant Farrier, no law prevents you from sponsoring him for a suitable visa. Farrier is on the SOL."


Once DIAC are allowed to start processing non-CSL State sponsored applications again they will obviously start with the people who were unceremoniously dumped on 23rd September 2009.


Meds and police checks are *normally* valid for a year. In practice the Aussie security forces and the Medical Officer of the Commonwealth are usually happy to say that meds & pccs which have been cleared can remain valid for 18 months.


Please think about this. DIAC are under immense pressure to cut their operating costs. It costs them hard cash to have a CO asking Mr Bloggs to get his meds done again because they have to pay COs to sit at desks making repeat requests, apologising for having to ask again, sympathising about the costs etc. Wherever possible it will be in the Minister's own interests to do without asking for repeat meds and police checks. MOC doctors have to be paid for re-checking new meds etc.


It could be that the ASPC are reasonably sure that they should be able to get most applicants through this without having to ask people for new meds and police checks provided that people have waited for COs to ask for them to be done in the first place. DIAC cannot be responsible for steps which people take without waiting for DIAC to ask them to take those steps.


Whether or not Minister Evans wishes to admit it to himself and to others, the fact is that his crass handling of the 23rd September Direction has done Australia's image significant harm in the eyes of the international community of potential skilled migrants. He has given spectators to understand that he is an unpredictable, unreliable, untrustworthy Minister for Immi - which reflects badly on Mr Rudd, Parliament and ultimately on the Australian people.


Whatever the Aussie voter might think about curbing immigration, most of them would NOT condone causing other people to lose money. That notion is not fair dinkum in his eyes. I think the average Aussie will be particularly sympathetic to those who have spent a fortune on studying in Oz, relying on assurances from successive Ministers for Immi. It is clear that Aussie employers are helping ex-Students out to a greater degree than DIAC anticipated in this Table:


Migration Program Statistics - Statistics - Publications, Research & Statistics


It is quite possible that the Commonwealth Ombudsman will ask the Chair to convey the Ombudsman's concerns to the Senate Standing Committee on Migration at its forthcoming meeting on 20th October. The Minister will not respond to individual visa applicants who have complained - all that they will receive is bland letters, by airmail, from the Minister's flunkeys in 3-4 months' time. However the Senate will not ignore the Ombudsman and the Minister will not ignore his fellow Senators.


I think the Minister can expect to be told, "Right. Last December, you fiddled with the GSM program. You told us your strategy would work. In March 2009 you realised that your strategy was not working so you changed it abruptly - mucking thousands of visa applicants around in the process. You assured us that Plan B would work. In September 2009 you discovered that Plan B was a failure as well, so you have now mucked even more thousands of applicants around with this new Plan C of yours. Get this, Minister. There is no Plan D and there will not be a Plan D. Enough is enough. Live with Plan C. If that fails as well, live with being booted out of office in November 2010 at the next General Election."


I suspect that the Senate will be pretty tough with the Minister in 19 days' time.





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Guest sassygal
Hi All


I think the Minister can expect to be told, "Right. Last December, you fiddled with the GSM program. You told us your strategy would work. In March 2009 you realised that your strategy was not working so you changed it abruptly - mucking thousands of visa applicants around in the process. You assured us that Plan B would work. In September 2009 you discovered that Plan B was a failure as well, so you have now mucked even more thousands of applicants around with this new Plan C of yours. Get this, Minister. There is no Plan D and there will not be a Plan D. Enough is enough. Live with Plan C. If that fails as well, live with being booted out of office in November 2010 at the next General Election."


I suspect that the Senate will be pretty tough with the Minister in 19 days' time.






HHHmmmmmm, all I am reading here is failure failure failure!!!


There is nothing wrong with implementing new rules so long as it is not done on a whim, its like this guy pulls these ideas out the crack of his A**!


I think the only failure here is the man himself and I think he would do a fantastic job here along side Mr Brown, wonder if he would like to apply for a visa to the UK:wink:



well said tho Gill



edited to add - I would even sponsor him to get his hands out of the oz immigration system

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Guest Siavash
Hello Every one,

I'm one of those adversely affected from the new priority list and this is my first thread here.

Some valid resource said to me: If you are not satisfied with DIAC’s handling of the matter, you can make a complaint to the Commonwealth Ombudsman via the website www.ombudsman.gov.au or by phoning 1300 362 072.


and I did it this morning. It was an on-line simple form and took me 5 min to fill. I'd suggest you all make a complaint and hopefully the minister review his decision about including those who have already lodge an application. I did mine almost 21 months ago !

I am gonna do it just right now.... I have also translated your post in another Persian forum to increase the number of complaints... Live together die alone!


Thanks a bunch


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Guest TheHollies
HHHmmmmmm, all I am reading here is failure failure failure!!!


There is nothing wrong with implementing new rules so long as it is not done on a whim, its like this guy pulls these ideas out the crack of his A**!


I think the only failure here is the man himself and I think he would do a fantastic job here along side Mr Brown, wonder if he would like to apply for a visa to the UK:wink:



well said tho Gill



edited to add - I would even sponsor him to get his hands out of the oz immigration system



I only said yesterday, 'i wonder if he's a distant cousin of gordon 'moron' brown' :biglaugh:

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Guest johnsonclan
Hi Johnsonclan, ours have been like that on the system for over 3 weeks, so when my agent gets back to me, I will let you know our outcome,if you could do the same, it is a worry as I am just hoping they might make some move on proceeding with those applicants so far along, but I must say im starting to feel pretty down about all this. I hope you get an update soon. Regards. K



Hi, my sons has turned up yesterday 1.10.09 and finalised the same day so now we wait. Hope yours appears soon, Tracy

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hi can someone please help as i rang an agent but they do not want to give out any info until im signed up with them.


Im doing my sisters application online and her husband is a floor finisher, they have wa state sponsorship and police checks, tra etc, basically im ready to click and submit the whole application but before i do so, how badly will the new changes affect her application?


i got my visa within 3 months of applying, and she expects the same result which is now not going to happen. As im acting for them i need to tell them a realistic time scale for when they will get their visa, can anyone help? as ive read the goverment site and i think theirs would be by 2011 but not 100% sure. Some of you said they would be 5th in priority now which seems right.


what a pain in the ass this is.


thanks and regards

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Hi All



The remedy is to complain to the Commonwealth Ombudsman, Senators and Federal MPs about the moral injustice of the way that the Minister for Immigration has recently seen fit to behave. The Minister has Australian Law on his side, so the most you can hope for is recognition that the Minister failed to pay proper heed to the financial hardship caused on 23rd September. Ideally the Aussie Parliament would pledge to rein the Minister in so as to ensure that he can not do this to any of you again at some date in the future. ...


I suspect that the Senate will be pretty tough with the Minister in 19 days' time.







I agree - Based on this superb advice I hope we ALL take the time to complain to the Commonwealth Ombudsman!

And we stand taller in numbers!... So,., lets hammer the b*****ds with complaints!

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Guest familyof3
Hi, my sons has turned up yesterday 1.10.09 and finalised the same day so now we wait. Hope yours appears soon, Tracy

Oh thats fantastic at least one worry of your mind for now!!!! I wrote to our agent days ago to follow this up and she wrote back this morning with a load of bull about everything on hold since 23rd, this is obviously not the case at least with meds if yours have been updated. Now I will hammer her.......... Ta for the update K

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Guest Tamarama
I agree - Based on this superb advice I hope we ALL take the time to complain to the Commonwealth Ombudsman!

And we stand taller in numbers!... So,., lets hammer the b*****ds with complaints!



Just sent my form to ombudsman- Taller we stand indeed!:Randy-git:

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