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Guest highlander

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Guest stillwaiting79

Thanks Sylvia...although what truly happens the the DIAC (Adelaide/Brisbane) offices - no one knows.......so who knows if they have the capabilities/manpower to manage the 75% load.


All yet to be seen.


Does anyone have inside info on what truly is going on in the offices?

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Hi All,


Spoke to my agent yesterday and all they have been doing is trying to find out news for us. There is meant to be a parliament discussion about the changes on October 20th and by all accounts, none of the states are happy about the decision made by Chris Evans. Also she said that she has been speaking to other migration companies and they feel that, with the current changes being made that in a very short space of time, DIAC will be sitting in their offices twiddling their thumbs as there wont be much work for them to do. She also stated that she has never dealt with most of the CSL list. So she reckoned that there cant be that many from the UK at least to be prioritised. Her boss thinks that this will change again shortly and things may be back to normal by the end of the year or the turn of the year. Her boss has been involved in the migration industry for about 20 years and thinks this will be sorted soon. Hope this helps people to relax a bit and to keep hold of their dream.


Keep focused,



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Guest ScottishSteve

Hope they're right.

I just passed my SS and applied for the 176 on the 30th sept. May as well be in the queue now as hopefully it doesn't get any worse and the recent action may put people off from applying at the mo. It may benift when things change again


Got to be in it to win it!!

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Guest Freaks

Having looked at this table again, it does occur to me. Why will it now take 15 months to process a 176 state sponsored visa with an occupation on the CSL.

I lodged my application in June 2009.

Following a conversation on 22/09/09 with ASPC, I was told it should be reviewed/finalized within 2 weeks! Needless to say that did not happen! (Meds/police finalized 27/08/09 all docs met 20/08/09)

This would have been a total time of 4-5 months. I am sure my time line is no different to any one else with a MODL occupation and State Sponsorship.

Surely it should take less time as the number of occupations on the CSL is far less than the MODL?

I do find it hard to believe that this is as a result of a back log of CSL applications.

What has changed?

Why will it take DIAC 15 months to carry out the same work?

Is this due to the student visa problems?

I don't have the answers, but without further information from DIAC we will just have to wait and see what happens next…….October announcement?

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Hope they're right.

I just passed my SS and applied for the 176 on the 30th sept. May as well be in the queue now as hopefully it doesn't get any worse and the recent action may put people off from applying at the mo. It may benift when things change again


Got to be in it to win it!!


Exactly the same- Even tho it did take over 6 months to get my SS (stated 8 weeks) As soon as I recieved acknowledement - they changed the bloody goal post... [visa submitted 2nd oct] ... also issued my concerns to Obudsman and sitting / waiting / hopeing... which basically means save save save!!! :radar:

Its the only positive outcome i can fathom!

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How strange is this one....................


Just had an email from DIAC requesting medicals and police clearance and my state sponsorship from Queensland hasn't even come through yet, and I dont expect it to for at least another few months!!!


Do I get them done in advance of (hopefully) the SS coming through?


For info, I am on the CSL.

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How strange is this one....................


Just had an email from DIAC requesting medicals and police clearance and my state sponsorship from Queensland hasn't even come through yet, and I dont expect it to for at least another few months!!!


Do I get them done in advance of (hopefully) the SS coming through?


For info, I am on the CSL.


By the sound of it Julz you dont need to wait for the SS, as they are looking at your 175 visa application which is even better for you, as there are no restrictions on that visa. I would get the meds and police checks done as soon as you can!


Well done and good luck.


Tasha x

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I applied for the 176 visa from the outset as I dont have enough points without the SS!


Well that is very strange then! In fact, how did you manage to put in a 176 visa without SS? Ooooh... perhaps you need to speak to Gill and see what she reckons... she is so much more knowledgeable than me!


Are you using an agent Julz? When you got the info from the DIAC to get meds done, did they mention about the SS then?



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No point in us booking our meds as we're not CSL. Trying to get employer sponsorship at present, but don't even get replies to emails, nevermind rejections! We've got flights booked to land in Brisbane 9th Feb - think I'll be coming back with kids and leaving OH there to bang on doors. :arghh:



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Well that is very strange then! In fact, how did you manage to put in a 176 visa without SS? Ooooh... perhaps you need to speak to Gill and see what she reckons... she is so much more knowledgeable than me!


Are you using an agent Julz? When you got the info from the DIAC to get meds done, did they mention about the SS then?




I put the 176 visa in about a week or so after the QLD application, after quering on here whether it could be done. I think it was 'melbourne girl' and others that advised it could be done, but obviously wouldn't be granted without the state approval.


There was no mention in the email from them regarding the state approval, although I have gone back to them to query this. I doubt very much that QLD would have sent it through, as we can all pretty much tell that QLD are processing them in date order and mine wasn't submitted until mid June, so still a couple of months off yet. And no, I'm not using an agent.



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So Mandy, did you get your request for the meds before the changes last week, like lots of others, or was it just recent?


Sorry for any misunderstanding, but I haven't had a request to do meds. Still on Qld SS list.


Best of luck - hope yours still gets processed. Mandy x

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Guest stillwaiting79

I spoke to my Lawyer and he said that it took DIAC several months to get this new (23/09) Priority List out...so they're probably in the midst of changing it once again. If it changes, its meant to get better. He's been in the industry for 15-20 years and has considerable experience.


I am devastated at the whole new processing timetable as its ridiculous ...them taking that long to process.


I have written 2 letters; to the minister and shadow minister. Not that I expect any response but I've got nothing to lose really.


What I don't get is that each PR applicant has paid $2100 (average) and say there's (slight

exaggerated) 50,000 - 100,000 applicants out there who have, are , will apply now = $105,000,000 - $210,000,000 = that DIAC has.....would u think that would be able to staff-up and process the applications? Is this all an effort for Revenue Raising????


They even have the audacity to say - withdraw your application if you don't want to wait....but hey don't expect a refund!! I mean that's daylight robbery!!


Sorry, but I just cant understand what is the rationale behind this whole thing.

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Guest highlander
I spoke to my Lawyer and he said that it took DIAC several months to get this new (23/09) Priority List out...so they're probably in the midst of changing it once again. If it changes, its meant to get better. He's been in the industry for 15-20 years and has considerable experience.


I am devastated at the whole new processing timetable as its ridiculous ...them taking that long to process.


I have written 2 letters; to the minister and shadow minister. Not that I expect any response but I've got nothing to lose really.


What I don't get is that each PR applicant has paid $2100 (average) and say there's (slight

exaggerated) 50,000 - 100,000 applicants out there who have, are , will apply now = $105,000,000 - $210,000,000 = that DIAC has.....would u think that would be able to staff-up and process the applications? Is this all an effort for Revenue Raising????


They even have the audacity to say - withdraw your application if you don't want to wait....but hey don't expect a refund!! I mean that's daylight robbery!!


Sorry, but I just cant understand what is the rationale behind this whole thing.



There are lot news coming that DIAC is understaff means ...EXTRA work for staff..


It has to be true the amount of $$$$$$$$ DIAC is making :mad:... It should spent on hiring staff to reduce workload..

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Guest eurosyl
I spoke to my Lawyer and he said that it took DIAC several months to get this new (23/09) Priority List out...so they're probably in the midst of changing it once again. If it changes, its meant to get better. He's been in the industry for 15-20 years and has considerable experience.


I am devastated at the whole new processing timetable as its ridiculous ...them taking that long to process.


I have written 2 letters; to the minister and shadow minister. Not that I expect any response but I've got nothing to lose really.


What I don't get is that each PR applicant has paid $2100 (average) and say there's (slight

exaggerated) 50,000 - 100,000 applicants out there who have, are , will apply now = $105,000,000 - $210,000,000 = that DIAC has.....would u think that would be able to staff-up and process the applications? Is this all an effort for Revenue Raising????


They even have the audacity to say - withdraw your application if you don't want to wait....but hey don't expect a refund!! I mean that's daylight robbery!!


Sorry, but I just cant understand what is the rationale behind this whole thing.

It is not as much as processing capacity - DIAC actually process the required number of visas each year in accordance with budgetted quota. That is also NOT where the delays come from. There are no delays in 'amount of visas processed', there is a reshuffle of priorities and where the old system was FIFO (first in first out) it is now Highest Priority First Out. Meaning that as long as new applications are added, and as long as some of them are higher in processing than those already in queue, those in queue will be put on hold (in theory indefinitely).


Also keep in mind that last financial year was closed with 130,000 applications in the pipeline. Each yer more applications come in than allowed in the budget, and they will be added to that same queue. Within each priority level there is a FIFO processing, and that means that each new application for that priority level will be added to the end of that queue. And the really sad news is that there are applicants from Q4 2007 waiting in the lower priority queues. So that is a lot of applications that will be handled prior to a new non-priority application that is lodged now.




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Guest stillwaiting79
It is not as much as processing capacity - DIAC actually process the required number of visas each year in accordance with budgetted quota. That is also NOT where the delays come from. There are no delays in 'amount of visas processed', there is a reshuffle of priorities and where the old system was FIFO (first in first out) it is now Highest Priority First Out. Meaning that as long as new applications are added, and as long as some of them are higher in processing than those already in queue, those in queue will be put on hold (in theory indefinitely).


Also keep in mind that last financial year was closed with 130,000 applications in the pipeline. Each yer more applications come in than allowed in the budget, and they will be added to that same queue. Within each priority level there is a FIFO processing, and that means that each new application for that priority level will be added to the end of that queue. And the really sad news is that there are applicants from Q4 2007 waiting in the lower priority queues. So that is a lot of applications that will be handled prior to a new non-priority application that is lodged now.





Yeah i know....but just needed to vent. I am affected by this and its doing my head in.

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Guest eurosyl
Yeah i know....but just needed to vent. I am affected by this and its doing my head in.

You have my symphaties and I think this whole thing is looking every day more like a scam. I know when they first introduced the CSL I was very much afraid it would affect me, but I was the one of the few lucky ones. When they changed it in March, I was afraid it would affect me, but I escaped it once more. I have a very strong sense for things being right or wrong, and this whole changing of rules after the game has commenced makes me feel bad. I hope that someone will ask the proper critical questions and that everything goes back to fair play once more. I keep my fingers crossed anyways.




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Guest VickyMel
Meaning that as long as new applications are added, and as long as some of them are higher in processing than those already in queue, those in queue will be put on hold (in theory indefinitely).

Also keep in mind that last financial year was closed with 130,000 applications in the pipeline. Each yer more applications come in than allowed in the budget, and they will be added to that same queue.




It would be interesting to see some stats which breakdown the number of people waiting a particular length of time. How many of those 130,000 have for example been waiting more than say 4 years?

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Guest eurosyl
It would be interesting to see some stats which breakdown the number of people waiting a particular length of time. How many of those 130,000 have for example been waiting more than say 4 years?

There is no data on that available, and at the moment non of the applications is that old. This is because before they used a first-in-first-out approach. Also some prioritising was applied (mainly MODL / non-MODL, but also employer and state sponsored tho these last 2 made up a limited number of applications). To my knowledge the oldest unprocessed applications date from the 2nd half of 2007. Perhaps that would make a good question: what is the distribution in wait time for each priority level of applications and have that monitored each year.

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