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How have the changes in the skilled visas affected you?

Guest Rhubarb

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Here is our timeline: Started looking into migrating in Feb 2008, engaged agent, OH had to complete AQF Qual, then assessed by TRA and then looked for 6 months for job offer, finally submitted 175 visa application June 2009 with the understanding that it would not get looked at until July 2010.


We are devastated by this latest news, we could have applied for state sponsorship but Queensland did not offer this as a permanent option for my partners occupation and it is really frustrating that he has a job to go to out there but we can not get our visa. If it takes 3 years plus to get the visa then I don't know if the company will hold the job offer open that long and this will mean that we are then short on points for the visa, my O/H will also be 48 by then. We have spent approx £6,500 out so far and now find that we will have to wait another 3 years. I can't understand why they do not see our visa as a priority case when my O/H has a job to go to? We have already put our life on hold for the last 18 months and are now being told that it will have to be for another 3 years!!!!! I think it is a right scam and can't believe that they can do this to people who applied in good faith, they have designed this as one glove fits all and it would seem that they have not had any thoughts for those already in the system. I feel especially sorry for those who have had their meds etc done following a direct request from their C/O only to find out that they will now have to have them all done again in 3 years time!!!! They are really giving people a bad view of Australia and I think that they have created a very negative image of themesleves!!!


Rant over but I still don't feel any better for getting that off my chest!!



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I'm a reporter writing a piece on how the changes have impacted on British couples or families wanting to immigrate to Australia.


In particular, I would like to speak to people who were due to receive their visa within the next few weeks and were ready to go to Australia - but now have gone down in priority and down to the bottom of the list so could end up waiting a few years.


If you would be happy to speak to me about your experience or know someone who might please email me on suzannahhills@yahoo.co.uk


Many thanks,



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I'm a reporter writing a piece on how the changes have impacted on British couples or families wanting to immigrate to Australia.


In particular, I would like to speak to people who were due to receive their visa within the next few weeks and were ready to go to Australia - but now have gone down in priority and down to the bottom of the list so could end up waiting a few years.


If you would be happy to speak to me about your experience or know someone who might please email me on suzannahhills@yahoo.co.uk


Many thanks,





Thanks Suz - a classic example of someone doing something underhand.

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Guest Lindseyf

Rhubarb, I think the more publicity this gets the better, not really underhanded I contacted suz, lets try and keep this as positive as possible, we already have enough stress with this news!!

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Rhubarb, I think the more publicity this gets the better, not really underhanded I contacted suz, lets try and keep this as positive as possible, we already have enough stress with this news!!


I don't see it as underthanded however I do think that info should be posted on this thread rather than emailed direct to anyone, that way peoples experiences and feelings are in the public domain, and can be picked up by an Australian journo too, if the need arises, I a bit of googling suggests this one is from the Daily Mirror http://www.journalisted.com/suzannah-hills

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Rhubarb, I think the more publicity this gets the better, not really underhanded I contacted suz, lets try and keep this as positive as possible, we already have enough stress with this news!!


Fair enough Lindsey, but two articles that quote poms in oz, possibly even using the same comments, wouldn't be so great. And sorry to be childish, but it was my idea to write an article from a personal point of view, so I can hardly be thrilled that not only has someone else picked up that idea, but they are copying my methods!


Therefore I guess I'm better asking those who wouldn't mind their comments in print, to contact me privately and leave this thread for those seeking support.

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I don't see it as underthanded however I do think that info should be posted on this thread rather than emailed direct to anyone, that way peoples experiences and feelings are in the public domain, and can be picked up by an Australian journo too, if the need arises, I a bit of googling suggests this one is from the Daily Mirror Suzannah Hills - journalisted.com


Can see it now:


Headlines: Australia wants your money but not you

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LOL sebbers! Well I've just heard back from PiO and they've given me permission to quote from this thread, so a huge thank you to them. I've also asked that my revealing who I work for be deleted, which I believe they've done. I've no intention of breaking the rules of the forum, hence my asking them and you for permission before I use any quotes.


I do hope, however, that they'll allow me to link to the story once it's done so you can all criticise it! :)

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Guest bindog1uk

Hi all,like many of you I had a sleepless night, so I sent our agent an e-mail and he phoned first thing this morning. He told us that applying for S.S. will not be affected, theses states still need you although not on the C.S.L they would not give you S.S. unless they wanted you. He thinks that all of the states will resond to the change and although there will be a delay it won't be as long as 2012, but they will need to sort this out a.s.a.p. We just have to wait till they come out with another one of there instant changes, not very fair on those of us waiting but what choice do we have! S.S.logded July 6th 09. D.I.A.C. August 13th on 176. Good Luck to all - me just trying to be patient

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Guest Bill_er_Bong
Unless the Minister is intending to massively curtail the skilled visa program (which would be at odds with what he and the PM have been saying in public) a 2012 timeline for priority group 5 and higher applications is (in my humble view) highly improbable.


And unless there are very large numbers of intenational students who are eligible under priority group 2 to 4 who will consume the entire program for 2010/11 I believe 2012 is far too pessmistic.


Added to which, do you think the States and Territories will sit back and meekly accept that occupations they have identified as needed but which are not on the Minister's CSL will take 3 years to process? I don't.


Maintain a watching brief - I don't think this is the end of the story ...


Best regards.


I couldn't agree more Alan... it cant be true...


We all agree the big loosers from yesterday’s changes are those with State Sponsorship but not on the CSL… as they have moved from 2nd place to 5th place in priority.


I am beginning to doubt however that someone with ‘SS non CSL’ (like me!), currently in position [5] will really have to wait 3 years for a visa grant…. That would put them in the same category as someone in position [7].


Here’s my thinking…


Ok, so if I remember this right, the old priority processing went like this:



  • Employer sponsored

  • State Sponsored

  • CSL

  • MODL

  • Anything other


And now it is…


1. Employer sponsored under the ENS and the RSMS

2. Nominated by a State/Territory government and on the Critical Skills List (CSL) 3. Sponsored by family and on the CSL

4. Neither nominated nor sponsored but on the CSL

5. Nominated by a State/Territory government not listed on the CSL

6. (i) MODL and (ii) Sponsored by family not listed on the CSL.

7. All other applications.


So, if we lump all the CSL applications together (in red) essentially in a simplified version it is:



  • Employer sponsored

  • Any CSL (including the sub divisions)

  • State Sponsored

  • MODL / Family sponsored

  • Anything other

So in essence, all they have done to the original list valid prior to 23rd September, is swap around State Sponsored & CSL, and sub-divide the CSL applicants to make the list look longer.


Now previously, on the old list, positions 1,2 & 3 (Employer, SS, CSL) were all priority and you could expect a visa grant within a year… so what’s the difference now really? If you look at the new list in my simplified version, State Sponsored is still in the top 3 and should therefore be priority in practical terms… I mean the number of CSLers hasn’t suddenly shot up in the last few months has it? If anything it should have gone down since March… unless Chris Evans is going to drastically reduce the migrant intake across the board, I really can’t see why a ‘SS non CSL’ applicant should have to wait 3 years! (I hope!!!)


And what about the other implications… for the states. I mean take WA’s sponsored occupations list (WAOIDL)… it is very lengthy and ram packed full of tradies – of whom there are hardly any on the CSL. This new directive basically says if you aren’t Employer Sponsored or CSL then you aint even being looked at for 3 years. So a tradie who wants to migrate to WA and gets sponsorship from them as they are in demand there – wont even be able to go there for 3 – 4 years. Madness. It doesn’t make sense. And if that’s the way it really will go, then Mr Evans and his department are going to destroy the likes of WA’s sponsored migration program.


Any thoughts?


All the best…



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like all of you i cant believe the new ruling.


I was informed by my agent on monday that my 176 should be confirmed within 10 days. we already had our police checks uploaded and meds finilised processing had commenced he said straight forward. until yesterday. my wife seems to think that somebody will pick up my file and just stamp it. i suspect a lot of people are hoping that happens as well.


there is an up side to my story, we visited WA in febraury and i did a bit of leg work on the employment propects while i was their. this has turned into a job offer and i also had a 457 visa going through at the same time. This seems for some reason to be taking longer than me and my prospective employer were led to believe. I have lost all faith in Australian immigration and perhaps this could help their economy even more. they get our money for nothing and then you get stiffed on the exchange rate.


I fully expect the immigration department to change to rules on the 457 before mine is granted.

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Hi everyone,


Our story started in july '07. We didn't rush with things because my oh mom is in her 80's and he did'nt want to leave her (she is now in a care home) TRA passed approx dec '08, vetassess passed april'09. After construction work being taken off the csl, we were advised by agent to go for ss. Applied may'09, granted 24/9/09!!!!!!!, Our visa app was submitted 5/6/09.


Fortunately for us we have'nt yet done our meds or sold our house ,not that makes it any easier because we are devestated by the news, yet as said by others understand why australia need to do these things,( but being totally selfish wish that it did'nt affect us.)


Money paid out to date is approx £4k. Do not for one min regret appointing an agent, could not have done it without him, this mess is not their fault.


We feel now if it is going to take another 3yrs and we are in our 40's and life just seems to fly by, that we need to have a long hard think about it.


Personally (oh not here) I cant put our lives on hold any longer. Small things like material things need replacing, we need another car decorating etc. We just keep putting it off so we have got more cash to take to aus.


But the worst thing for me is my job. I have been unhappy with for over a year, and have only stayed because of 3 things: economy, money and knowing there would have been an end to it possibly in the next few months. (hope I have'nt droned on but feel a little better now


Good luck to everyone who is affected by it.

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Ok, I've heard how this affects peoples lives negatively. But I am assuming that with the priority processing getting a re-shuffle, there must be people who were quite low down in that list who now find themselves fairly high up in the priority order?

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Ok, I've heard how this affects peoples lives negatively. But I am assuming that with the priority processing getting a re-shuffle, there must be people who were quite low down in that list who now find themselves fairly high up in the priority order?


Positives??? :skeptical:


Maybe the reason people haven't posted about how it might benefit them (not that there is that much of a benefit for many) is because they are being sensitive to the likes of all the people who have posted on this thread so far? We have all had a huge shock yesterday; emotionally, financially and on our day to day lives. This affects real people's lives.


I for one am grateful that those lucky people who are not negatively affected by this, are not crowing about it. I don't post that much on here, but there is a good supportive sense of community and especially at times such as these, that shows through.

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Of course, and I'm sorry, I didn't mean to come across as insensitive there. I guess I wondered if there were any positives at all or if it was all bad news? I'm not as well up on all these visa rules and regulations as you guys are and I didn't want to present a one-sided article that only listed the negatives, I want it to be balanced.


However, perhaps if there are any positives to this, they should be saved for another thread.

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Couldn't sleep 17/12/08 night and yesterday was the second sleepless night.

Have spent about 2 years, 7000$ and uncountable amount of nerve just to get waited for another 3 years.

If I knew it before my lodgment date - I would choose another contry to give my money. Thank you, Mr. Evans.

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Been blown away by yesterdays reshuffle. We were in the final stages of the process. My CO sent us for meds & police checks, all finalised by Sydney HOC and uploaded. Then this. We have spent over £2k and are now looking at a 3 year wait. Everyone is depressed about it, but I am just bloody furious. I cannot believe they can do this to us.


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Guest Impatient

I think there are lots of us that don't believe it will take as long as they suggest, but it messes with everyone's plans as you have to work to a date. Them giving you a visa 12 months earlier is great, but not if you have not got everything ready. We all need something to plan to - if their figures are right, then lots of plans are being rewritten, but I reckon we should sit tight for a while and see what happens.

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Guest guest17301

From my reckoning we are one of the lucky ones, occupation on the CSL and a SS application submitted.......I hesitate to post not only because of sensitivity to the affected users of PIO but also because I know that these things are subject to change and we could end up at the back of the queue ourselves! Not so long ago there was suggestion that nurses would not be on the new list..I hope and pray that that is not the case..I have already been told that my contract which ends in 2012 will not be renewed..I just hope we have our visa by then (for those that don't know we are already in Perth on a 457 visa and got knocked back for promised ENS so are going down the SS 176 route)


Its a crazy situation but please remember the timelines quoted are always worst case scenario...not too many people have to wait the quoted 12 months for a 175/6 on the CSL do they?


Massive sympathies to all affected, I know if the shoe was on the other foot I would be devastated.

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Our timeline is: made decision to go for it Apr 08, appointed agent for TRA Jun08, TRA passed Oct 08, submitted online 175 on CSL Feb 09 (without agent), Mar 09 removed from CSL...felt then that the rug hadn't half been pulled from under us.... .. Decided to wait and see what happened and cool our heels... Aug 09 appl for WA SS and still waiting to hear back.... and now THIS!


OH and I said last night that we are actually rather pleased we hadn't now managed to sell our house yet (been on market 9 months) and guess what...I got a call from the EA today..she has a woman wants to view on Monday and this woman previously put an offer in back in March but it fell through because theirs fell through..well now she is in a position to proceed so looks like we may well have "sold" it again and we really don't know what to do for the best.... go ahead or hold fire! Sods law I believe that's called!


It really isn't fair that they can KEEP doing this to people...take their money, earn interest on your money.... people have sold house, rehomed pets all because they believe that their dreams were not that far into the future and now this....


And the thing is while I can totally understand that they have to review the migration programme and ensure it feeds the needs of the country... I don't see how this DOES do that.... hell I know I am no expert but they really do sometimes seem to rush into these changes and seriously I don't think it's been very well thought out at all! For a country that is sometimes so laid back it's horizontal I do think they rush into some "political" decisions without seeming to have given them a great deal of real thought!


I cannot see how this in reality caters to the needs of the country as a whole that is trying to boost it's economy... they will get saturation of skills and end up realising they don't have enough mixture...I'm sure.... I think what should be reviewed is the absolute commitment of the applicant to enter the country and subsequently the job market within a shorter specified period of time (less than the current 5 years that's for sure).

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This is looking frustrating. I am State Sponsored (occupation not in CSL). I had all the process over and finally received pre-grant letter this week advising to pay VAC2 for my wife's English as the last step to have our visas finalised. Can you imagine how excited we were having a pre-grant received? I was going to pay VAC2 tomorrow. We have our residence on sale and are finishing our affairs. And what now? DIAC clearly says that applications in final stages are also affected by new priority order. So, we have to wait another three years, getting IELTS, meds, PCs obsolete one by one, or what? I cannot believe it. This seems to ruin everything. It should be definitely fair not to affect applications in the pipeline. Those in final stages at least.

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Totally agree with you CharmedP3, I can not understand the logic either, I have been watching the threads on here for the last few months and seeing loads of people who are getting there visas but do not intend on moving out for at least another 8+ months. We have applied for the 175 (only permanent option for us) and have job offers and could be out there tomorrow but we are now told that we have to wait 3 years. I have been trying to see the logic behind this latest news becasue I thought that if I could understand the reasons behind it then it might make me feel better but I can't and I just get the feeling that this is just a knee jerk reaction and that the consequences of these actions have been thought about.


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Bit different now than it was when we came, just arrived here on a plane, got an xray and that was it, went and got a job.


I may be wrong but it may be worth looking at taking a job in the country areas which you may not like but serve the time and then move to where you want to be, its either serve it here or serve it in the UK. Health professionals, doctors, physios, pharmacists etc are needed desperately in country areas and so are teachers and other trades people.


The time line is not just for Brits its for everyone, how they sort through who knows but I think you have to keep optimistic and look at other options to get yourselves out here earlier if that is what you want.

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I couldn't agree more Alan... it cant be true...




And what about the other implications… for the states. I mean take WA’s sponsored occupations list (WAOIDL)… it is very lengthy and ram packed full of tradies – of whom there are hardly any on the CSL. This new directive basically says if you aren’t Employer Sponsored or CSL then you aint even being looked at for 3 years. So a tradie who wants to migrate to WA and gets sponsorship from them as they are in demand there – wont even be able to go there for 3 – 4 years. Madness. It doesn’t make sense. And if that’s the way it really will go, then Mr Evans and his department are going to destroy the likes of WA’s sponsored migration program.


Any thoughts?


All the best…




Being cynical - remember that WA is governed by the Lib/Nat coalition, not the ALP ... politics in play, perhaps?


More soon.


Best regards.

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Guest familyof3

Hi to all, well I could not even post yesterday just too shattered with the whole process. We too like alot of you on here where at the final stages medicals in mid August as requested by CO. Total outlay to date around 3,800 euro (live in Ireland) using an agent. Can I just ask any of you on our on line app in shows my hubbys and childs meds complete but mine showing still requested even though they all went together, is this normal, they last updated the info on the 21st sept. Grasping at straws I know but I keep hoping they will honor people who had been told to proceed with meds.... Sorry if im rambling just kind so emotionally shagged off!!!!!!!!!!

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