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How have the changes in the skilled visas affected you?

Guest Rhubarb

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I hope I'm not breaking any forum rules here, please feel free to report me if I am, but I just wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone who gave me permission to share their anguish with the world wide web. The article is now finished and can be viewed here.


A huge thanks also to Tim, from PiO HQ who kindly gave his permission for me to use some of your quotes.


I hope I have done you justice and I sincerely hope that, with enough pressure, the government will change their mind about applications that were already going through the processing system.


I wish you all the very best of luck.

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Guest Justin JIANG

i am so closed but now so far. I took the risk by uploading the updated meds, afp and etc to DIAC after my state sponsorship approval on 3 Sep 09. However, i lost the beg anyway!

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Guest Justin JIANG
Rhubarb, I think the more publicity this gets the better, not really underhanded I contacted suz, lets try and keep this as positive as possible, we already have enough stress with this news!!



I do agree with your opinion. It would be fair that if the DIAC would undertake this step: for those who state sponsorship was approved prior to 23 Sep 09 would be processed further and not be affected by the changes.

Note: (state sponsorship with Non-CSL applicant stands 2nd at the priority list but now 5th, it's terrible news that someone in the generic CSL list would be in favour of someone who is clearly identified as a shortage in states or territories)

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Guest Justin JIANG
Hi all,like many of you I had a sleepless night, so I sent our agent an e-mail and he phoned first thing this morning. He told us that applying for S.S. will not be affected, theses states still need you although not on the C.S.L they would not give you S.S. unless they wanted you. He thinks that all of the states will resond to the change and although there will be a delay it won't be as long as 2012, but they will need to sort this out a.s.a.p. We just have to wait till they come out with another one of there instant changes, not very fair on those of us waiting but what choice do we have! S.S.logded July 6th 09. D.I.A.C. August 13th on 176. Good Luck to all - me just trying to be patient


Hi dear,


Absolutely right. The most important issue is how we could get the States Known about his news and make their initialtives into this.


That's say, Federal government--parents alike, State territories--children alike. although state territories has less saying in this decision making process, however, if they 'cry', they may have some candy from the 'parents'. Let's wish

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Thanks for all your speedy replies! I'm writing the article now and will link to it once it's finished. If anyone DOES NOT want to be quoted, can they say so at the beginning of their posts please?


It's all very well getting these news articles in telling of changes to visas and so on, but you don't know the stories behind that news do you? I want to get across how this affects peoples lives. Hopefully I'll be able to voice some of your grievances for you.


Dear friend,

Please send the article copy to my email id indbalaji19@gmail.com,Becaz i want to send all media in my country (India).If you wish plz send me .Thanks


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Guest Gollywobbler
Dear friend,

Please send the article copy to my email id indbalaji19@gmail.com,Becaz i want to send all media in my country (India).If you wish plz send me .Thanks



Hi Ritu


Are there any internet forums like Poms in Oz which are mainly devoted to Indian applicants? If so, what is the reaction to the latest news in India and perhaps other countries?


Have the Press in India picked up the story? Are they doing anything to try to put some pressure on Australia about the Minister's new bombshell?


You've probably heard about the recent violence towards Indian Students in Oz. The Minister for Immi rushed to India to try to mend fences with the Indian people.


I would think the Minister will be more sensitive to reaction from India than from anywhere else so I think that asking the Indian media to protest about the recent change is an excellent idea.





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Guest Gollywobbler
Hi dear,


Absolutely right. The most important issue is how we could get the States Known about his news and make their initialtives into this.


That's say, Federal government--parents alike, State territories--children alike. although state territories has less saying in this decision making process, however, if they 'cry', they may have some candy from the 'parents'. Let's wish


Hi Justin


I understand that the State Goverments are Not Amused. Alan Collett of Go Matilda has quoted one of the State Govt officials in the big thread. The official complains that they knew nothing about the 23rd September change until it happened. It was a very early reaction from the State person but s/he said that it is going to be very difficult to compile the SS lists when they do not know what sorts of workers their State will need in 3 or 4 years' time.


I should think, too, that most Federal MPs are getting their ears chewed off by angry families who had been eagerly awaiting the arrival of skilled loved ones soon. I would think that thousands of ex-Students are also pleading for their local Federal MPs to help them.


DIAC's new figures may be right but they have contrived to create a monumental PR disaster, I reckon.


Somebody who has applied for a Business Skills visa has put a post on the big thread. This chap has applied for a subclass 163 Business Skills visa. These are State sponsored.


Let us say that this guy intended to set up a business selling widgets in the State concerned. At the moment the Sponsoring State is happy with the chap's Business Plan. However, who can say what the local market for widgets will be like in 3-5 years time? The sponsoring State is locked in now because the guy has submitted his visa application. I know that the current Minister does not like Business Skills visas but that is not an excuse for failing to take them into account.


I think complaints are probably already flying from people with a right to insist that the Minister listens to them. Hopefully those people - all in Australia - will have a big enough voice to be able to get the new situation changed for the better.





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Guest Justin JIANG
Hi Justin


I understand that the State Goverments are Not Amused. Alan Collett of Go Matilda has quoted one of the State Govt officials in the big thread. The official complains that they knew nothing about the 23rd September change until it happened. It was a very early reaction from the State person but s/he said that it is going to be very difficult to compile the SS lists when they do not know what sorts of workers their State will need in 3 or 4 years' time.


I should think, too, that most Federal MPs are getting their ears chewed off by angry families who had been eagerly awaiting the arrival of skilled loved ones soon. I would think that thousands of ex-Students are also pleading for their local Federal MPs to help them.


DIAC's new figures may be right but they have contrived to create a monumental PR disaster, I reckon.


Somebody who has applied for a Business Skills visa has put a post on the big thread. This chap has applied for a subclass 163 Business Skills visa. These are State sponsored.


Let us say that this guy intended to set up a business selling widgets in the State concerned. At the moment the Sponsoring State is happy with the chap's Business Plan. However, who can say what the local market for widgets will be like in 3-5 years time? The sponsoring State is locked in now because the guy has submitted his visa application. I know that the current Minister does not like Business Skills visas but that is not an excuse for failing to take them into account.


I think complaints are probably already flying from people with a right to insist that the Minister listens to them. Hopefully those people - all in Australia - will have a big enough voice to be able to get the new situation changed for the better.







Hi Gill,


What you say is correct. The Immi department should have released a letter or notice to advancely inform the changes introduced on 23 Sep 09 so that applicants could have a better plan as we notice that some applicants have uploaded latest Meds, AFP or police record checks to the system which may expire if the new rules introduced.


From my opinion, the department should:


1. treat those who have got the state sponsorship and applied the GSM visa to be not affected by these changes. As you stated, time could change everything. No one could make an exact prediction on the markets in Australia in 2 or 3 years. Skills in need in nowadays may not be the one in shortage in future or the near future. Sponsorship visa granted in few years time makes no sense to the applicants and so many uncertainty may evolve during this long period of waiting which may cause lots of stresses on the applicants.


2. give priority processing to those who have got job offers and worked in the sponosorsing state and appled for GSM visa before the change since they have made checkable commitments to the sponsoring state and their employers. for instance, 886-state sponsored visa applicants, either CLS or non-CSL applicants, who have already worked in the sponsoring state or terrirory. It makes sense as they have showcased their employment prospectives and their capability to find a skilled job in the local. The reason why i come to conclusion is that CSL only represents a generic skills list in high demand in the nation wide, however, it's not applicable to an individual circumstances. Looking for an employment in someone's nominated skilled occupation is not only depends on their occupation being put in the CSL list but only relies on their personal advantages. Those who got the job onshore should received higher processing priority than the CSL applicants.


That's what i think about. Any wrong, please correct.






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Hi all,

These new visa changes are really bad news for us! Our WA SS was lodged in july(not on csl) Having to wait till at least 2012 will mean our dream of moving to Perth will be over as my eldest child will be in her final year at secondary school,not exactly a great time to up sticks and move to the other side of the world!

Our only option is to get employer nominated and im not sure in this current climate whether we would have great chances. Oh is an air con engineer and currently working for one of the best ac companies in the world. And to add to all of this we are going to Perth in 3 wks to stay with my mum and have a nice break. We were going to investigate all the usual things when looking to move and then the bombshell happened,so were gonna go to Perth not knowing if well ever get there to settle down!!


I really do feel for all of those in this terrible situation. Well have to see who will be on the future skills list that will replace the csl!



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Guest jason brickie
Well where do I start at the beginning would be a good place:


TRA refused September 2007 on account of removal of pathway d and oh trade no longer being assessed by TRA, already spent £2500 agents fees & £350 to have docs certified (ripped off big time for docs certifying), money well spent on the agents fees.


Feb 2008 apply to Vetassess for skills assessment another £1000 approx, missed deadline for April assessments so had to wait until July, oh passed. Visa application submitted October 2008, was over the moon when we saw his trade was on the csl January 2009, only to have our hopes shattered again when construction trades were removed in March 2009 and processing times lengthened.


March 2009 applied for state sponsorship and finally had it granted mid-July after a torturous 17 week wait, after being quoted initially 4-6 weeks.


Eary August 2009 at last something finally happening we have a case officer for a whole 12 months we hadn't progressed any further and then suddenly within 3 weeks of being granted our state sponsorship we were requested to do meds and pc's at a cost of £990 for both and weeks away from getting our visa can't quite believe it.


Yesterday morning first thing I was over the moon to receive an email from our agent stating that our meds had been received in Sydney and were awaiting customs clearance and that we were almost at visa grant, only minutes later to read the bombshell announcement on pio, once again feel like the stuffing has been knocked out of me.


We have experienced our fair share of set-backs like so many other since starting this process and during it all it is me that has been the driving force, if it had been left to my oh we'd have fallen at the first hurdle. I find myself in a situation now whereby I really don't think I can give any more time or effort into something that seems no more than a pipe dream, on the otherhand my oh is adamant we've put too much time, effort and money into this to give up now. I feel bitter and cheated with the whole situation given that we may aswell have just thrown the £990 we have just spent on meds/pc's at the request of diac down the drain. Do these people not realise that money is tight at the moment and that people just don't have the resources to be throwing money away like that. I read the minister's statement yesterday evening and can't quite comprehend the comment made about what options you have in relation to your application and if you wish to withdraw your application you can do so without any refund is this not morally wrong? I ask just how much money is sitting in the Australian coffers from people who have applied for visas only to be told they could be looking at a 3 year wait before getting a decision. We have now found our children expressing their concerns about having to wait 3 years and them now telling us that they don't think they will be coming with us should we ever be granted a visa as they both will have turned 18 and old enough to make up their own minds. As a parent the thought just sickens me to the pit of my stomach worrying when and if the time comes am I going to have to make the decision to stay or leave my children behind - Thanks Mr Evans!


To sum it all up after spending just short of £5k and being within a whisker of having our visa granted I feel like were back to square one with no end in sight!


Lastly, I will apologise to anyone who can be bothered to read my post as I know I've waffled on but it's just how I'm feeling at the moment, I'm sure I'm not on my own though.




We really feel for you!:cry: We are at the point where we were just about to do our meds, and we have put our house back on the market for the second time after pulling out of the sale last time because of the hold up in the 175's!!! Then they pull the rug from under us again! ( i am sure the estate agent thinks we are nuts)! We cant find a word to describe how we are feeling at the moment, and our 3 kids are so confused. :arghh:

Sarah& Jason

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Hi Jodie


Our circumstances are remarkably similar to yours so I understand how you feel. We've applied for Qld SS, hoping to move near to my OH's Mum in Qld early 2010. Our eldest will also be in his final year 2012/2013 - not an ideal time to move.

We've got a flight to Brisbane booked for Feb 2010 so I see our only option now to be employer nomination, otherwise we're going to have to forget it. OH is coming out of the RAF in 2010 after 22yrs of being moved around, not being able to make future plans and settle. We were looking forward to a new, settled, life in Oz.

At least if you're visiting soon, your OH will have the chance to meet prospective employers - you're in a much better position face-to-face.

Good luck, Mandy x


Hi all,

These new visa changes are really bad news for us! Our WA SS was lodged in july(not on csl) Having to wait till at least 2012 will mean our dream of moving to Perth will be over as my eldest child will be in her final year at secondary school,not exactly a great time to up sticks and move to the other side of the world!

Our only option is to get employer nominated and im not sure in this current climate whether we would have great chances. Oh is an air con engineer and currently working for one of the best ac companies in the world. And to add to all of this we are going to Perth in 3 wks to stay with my mum and have a nice break. We were going to investigate all the usual things when looking to move and then the bombshell happened,so were gonna go to Perth not knowing if well ever get there to settle down!!


I really do feel for all of those in this terrible situation. Well have to see who will be on the future skills list that will replace the csl!



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May I add, when the document said "unlikely to be finalised before the end of 2012", I'd take it that it loosely means that applications will be finalised starting in the year 2013 (I heard cars will be running on water-pwered fuels by then, and travels to the moon becomes possible).


So 2013 should be our next target date, yes? Unless of course policies change again, and looking at such erratic and volatile policies that are appearing from out of the blue, this should not come as any surprise.


pomsinoz.com should also be renamed poms-never-in-oz.com

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I did manage to speak to someone from the SA state office, she gave me an interview for the article but then later retracted it all so I had to pull it. However her advice to people in your situation was to hang fire. The CSL and MODL lists are to be completely reviewed with one or the other being abolished. So if your occupation is not on the CSL now, it may be once it's all been reviewed. She also said that, from a state point of view, it's a nightmare because they are in desperate need of skilled workers in areas that the federal government have overlooked. So hopefully the state governments will have a say in the new occupations list.


I think the story needs to be picked up by the Australian media for it to have any impact on the government. Feel free to give out links from the story here to other media outlets.

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I think the story needs to be picked up by the Australian media for it to have any impact on the government. Feel free to give out links from the story here to other media outlets.

Thank you for the article. I just wonder how we can make this news go to other Aus media? Any experienced advice appreciated. :biggrin:

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Guest Tamarama
Thank you for the article. I just wonder who we can make this news go to other Aus media? Any experienced advice appreciated. :biggrin:


I have fowarded Rhubarbs article to evry news office throughout Australia belonging to the Australian Press Assocation and also News.com.au.


I can only urge everyone else to keep sending Rhubarbs article to all related news groups and hope that a Journo will pick up on this story.


As we have to be heard.....:swoon:

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Guest maxfactornackerlacker

Not sure if anyone has already posted this on one of the threads, but this was a communication from my agents on Friday afternoon.


" Yesterday, I attended meetings with South Australian and Western Australian government representatives in London. The meeting with South Australia involved a presentation from them on state sponsorships, and the one with Western Australia was a more social event to farewell one of their staff members whose posting here has finished.

It is fair to say that neither the South Australian or Western Australian governments had any clue that the announcements of 23 September were in the pipeline, and both are very disappointed with the situation.

For example, the South Australian representative mentioned that they’d just been to an exhibition in Belfast, and told people that "If you’re state sponsored, you’ll be high priority, so make your applications to come to South Australia", only to find out 2 days later that this no longer holds.

Western Australia has just announced the opening of the largest new mining project in Australia’s history. The project involves investment of over $50 billion and as a result, they expect to need thousands of skilled workers for this project. In fact, their statistics are that the skilled labour force in Western Australia has moved from an oversupply of around 20,000 to a shortage of around 40,000 in less than 12 months. To top it, they have now no idea where the skilled workforce is going to come from.

While neither government has said, it appeared quite likely to me that the states are likely to lobby the government for some changes. Whether these efforts will be successful or not, only time will tell."


Doesn't actually give any new information, but just reinforces what we are already hearing from all concerned.

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Guest Justin JIANG
Not sure if anyone has already posted this on one of the threads, but this was a communication from my agents on Friday afternoon.


" Yesterday, I attended meetings with South Australian and Western Australian government representatives in London. The meeting with South Australia involved a presentation from them on state sponsorships, and the one with Western Australia was a more social event to farewell one of their staff members whose posting here has finished.

It is fair to say that neither the South Australian or Western Australian governments had any clue that the announcements of 23 September were in the pipeline, and both are very disappointed with the situation.

For example, the South Australian representative mentioned that they’d just been to an exhibition in Belfast, and told people that "If you’re state sponsored, you’ll be high priority, so make your applications to come to South Australia", only to find out 2 days later that this no longer holds.

Western Australia has just announced the opening of the largest new mining project in Australia’s history. The project involves investment of over $50 billion and as a result, they expect to need thousands of skilled workers for this project. In fact, their statistics are that the skilled labour force in Western Australia has moved from an oversupply of around 20,000 to a shortage of around 40,000 in less than 12 months. To top it, they have now no idea where the skilled workforce is going to come from.

While neither government has said, it appeared quite likely to me that the states are likely to lobby the government for some changes. Whether these efforts will be successful or not, only time will tell."


Doesn't actually give any new information, but just reinforces what we are already hearing from all concerned.


Hi buddy,


I saw the similar one in somewhere else. i was sponsored by South Australia in Sep 09, previously applied for 886 relative sponsored and transferred to state sponsorship recently.The common wealth government policy is totally contradictory to that of the states and territories concerned. From my view, state sponsorship should be in favour of the CSL applicants as their employment opportunities are well witnessed by the local governments--states or territories.

I wish the changes could be make to those applicants who have lodged the state sponsorship before 23 Sep 09 not being affected by these terrible changes.

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Hi Rhubarb,

Our situation is a 475 SS, visa applied for in March - everything is finalised (CO in May) except.......the IELTS, we were ignorant because we thought a 6.5 score (reading) would be good enough especially as the overall was 8. The 2nd test again 6.5 for reading (1 mark away from 7 score) Now we are approaching the 3rd test, so my partner needs a 7!!!!! This is the ONLY thing holding us back and each fail means a setback of 2 months as the test centres book up so quick. If she had got 7 back in Feb, we would have probably got our visa by now........so frustrating that .5 is holding us back and there is no flexibility at all. House sold too.



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Guest Justin JIANG

Challenging Questions Regarding GSM Processing Priority






For example: applicant A and B, both of them haven't got visa approved up to now. And


Applicant A: 886 relative sponsorship lodeged on 1 June 2009, SA state sponsorship approved on 23 Sep 2009-->change to state sponsorship on 23 Sep 2009, Non-CSL occupation

Applicant B: 886 state sponsorship visa lodged on 1 Sep 2009, SA state sponsorship approved on 1 June 2009 (before lodgement of the 886 visa) ,Non-CSL occupation


Question: Theoratically (In general), whose application would be processed first or being allocated to case officer first according to the current processing priority changes introduced on 23 Sep 2009?

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Guest babboo

Dear all, What would u do if u are in my position, from a third world country, invested all your life savings with a family to support…The immigration website says good life… come live here in Australia… and you do go ahead…


We will have to raise the issue in the media because of the disparity done to us. And this will help speed our applications... Make your story as real with all the facts … as they are all facts… Let the world know what this Australian Government is doing with your applications and with your money… They will respond because this is what they fear… Losing money for their people and faith in front of the world.


Please tell me -- what happens if DIAC says that they will need another 2 – 3 years more to process your application after 2012…??? Because the migration act Article 51 of 1958 says that the minister has all the rights to process all applications as he deems fit…

Write to the media and make this“Breaking News”…The Australian minister and the government have swindled us… I am attaching here a post by Mr. Jason Cameron a registered migration agent… Please read this…

"If your nominated occupation is not on the CSL and you have applied for an offshore GSM visa or intend to apply for an offshore GSM before the end of 2009, it is unlikely that your visa will be finalized before the end of 2012.

Your ‘nominated occupation’ is the occupation you nominated at the time you lodged your application and cannot be changed."


This puts a minimum of 2 to 3 years processing time frame for non CSL applicants - even ones that have applied before the CSL changes. For some applicants this will be 4 years. How on earth will case officers be able to assess work experience claims 4 years after the event?

In all my years in the legal profession and as a migration agent, I would have to say that this new CSL policy is the most ridiculous, backwards thinking, ill-conceived and illogical policy i have ever seen. Shame on the Minister for Immigration for dreaming up this ridiculous policy.[/color]

And another --

in any event, it will be some months until we know what will be happening. but in any event it looks like they are set on implementing the critical "delay" list.


Have a review right and will have to wait around forever for an answer on their applications. It will be good business for immigration lawyers in MRT work - as I anticipate that many applicants will be unreasonably refused by case officers assessing work experience 3 or 4 years after it should have been assessed. I feel sorry for that offshore applicant who won’t

it’s completely barbaric to treat people this way.

Dear friends, let us come together and expose this barbaric action by the minister… Do not get bogged down by the situation… I know that we all have applied for a dream… and we all want this dream to come true… we are all genuine people who want to pursue a dream and live a good hard working life.

Do come forward--- write to all the media houses and I hope that we will achieve something… Let us do this at least and then we will see-- what next… I hope some channel will expose this. Let us not get bogged down with some Mr. CHRIS EVANS who himself was a migrant if I am not wrong…

His policies will in fact bring more economic downturn for Australia. Only those people will come to study in Australia where they will know that they will get PR. And these students come from China, India and other third world countries. And this will also effect the esteemed Universities of Australia

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This whole experience has been one of constant 'Goal Post Changing'. After 2 years of meeting the ever changing criteria we are once again left feeling dissapointed and angry with the whole ' Wanted Down Under Lie'. Our families have been on tender hooks waiting for us to give them a date for our departure. A day which will be traumatic for us all. I just dont know how to tell them that this feeling of dread will continue for another couple of years if the current information stands. But what can we do? We will just have to sit it out and hope that in 2-3 years time we still have the ambition to make the move to our dream new life in Oz.

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