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meeting new friends


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Hi we have been in oz a little over a year now jo 40 steve 32 brad 5 and dylan 2 and have meet a lot of people but finding that a lot of people here only socialise with their children in tow too. Must admit we live in port kennedy so long way from any buzzing nightlife. we are missing our friends a lot as we had a good group of friends in England and our kids are obviously very important to us but so is our socialising. Would love to meet up with some new friends in and around the area who like a bit more than just havin a bbq and a picnic at park obviously these things are great but hey everyone needs a night out, good meal and some LIFE starting to feel like a dead man walking. Is anyone else feeling like this or is it just us and should we just get on with the ozzie way of life :arghh:.

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