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Friends wanted in Bayside!

Guest angela keeley

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Guest angela keeley

Hi we are a family of 4 with 2 girls 4 & 7. We moved to Redlands Bay 4 weeks ago and am looking to get together with other familys around Bayside area. Feeling quite isolated and homesick at mo. I know there are lots of you out there who have been through same feelings. Also hubby has heard there are some expats football teams aswell.


Ange k xx

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Guest Bettyboop

Hi Ange I am not sure how far away Redlands Bay is but I am moving to a rental property in Wynnum? My husband is already in Oz but me and the kids are still in England - we fly out on 27th October so just over 3 weeks!!! I cant wait!!!! I have three children, 2 boys 13 and 9 and a daughter who is 7. I would be more than happy to meet up with you for a chat and a coffee one day when I get there - if you can hang on!!!!!!


Take care love Angie xxxx

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Hey Angie and Angela


Angie - you've found a rental!!! That's great! Only 3 and a bit weeks til you come now!!!


Angela, there's quite a few of us in this area. Are you around for coffee during the week or do you work? I'm always up for a coffee / breakfast / lunch LOL. I would invite you over but I am in chaos at the moment!!! We are putting new flooring dow so we we have 2 loungerooms crammed into 1 room at the mo!! Guess what my weekend is going to be spent doing........hammering in flooring!! What fun!


See you both soon






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We live in Redland bay and have 2 young kids as well. Would love to meet up and introduce you to our friends. We have been here for a year now and trying to buy a house! My hubby plays for the local football team (Redlands utd) so can give you info on the essentials! If you send me your phone number on private message, I will give you a call to meet up!

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Guest Farrizios

Hi Angela, Bettyboop, Rudi and Juseeloorim....


I live in Wynnum with my wife and 3 year old and we are having a get together on the Manly bayside this weekend... would be great if some of you could make it.


More info click here


Paul & Mel

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Guest Bettyboop

hi Paul and Mel


I would have loved to come to your get together this weekend but I am not in Oz yet!! Me and the children are leaving UK in 10 days time!!! cant wait!! to join my hubby Stuart - we are moving to Wynnum too!! Stuart has only just moved into our rental house this week so we will be neighbours!!


Maybe we can arrange another time to get together soon



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Guest Bettyboop

hi Livvy - welcome to Manly! I have now been in Wynnum for a month and am starting to find my way around!! Manly is lovely, so pretty! I hope you are settling in well. I have met a couple of lovely people from PIO who have really helped me to settle in and are still helping me now (Rudi!!!), I have realised how important it is to have someone to chat to outside of your oh and kids!! please pm me anytime :-)


Angie x

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Guest guest32809

Hiya - we are family of 5. Me, Jon, Olivia (7) Harry(2) and Matthew (0). We are on the Gold Coast but don't mid the drive to Redlands if anyone wants to meet up. We've been here 4 months and would love some other families to catch up with!

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Guest loyal alert

Hi kirsty roberts

There's me my husband and 2 girls 6 and 9 we live in Cleveland been here 3 weeks girls at school and settled if you want to meet for a coffee one day pm me i drive so don't mind meeting any where


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Hello "the Duds"


How are you finding Cleveland? It's a lovely suburb to live in. I know you said weekends......but.......if Mrs Dud is around during the week days at all, there's a few of us who meet for coffee during the week and she would be welcme to join us sometime.


Let me know if you are interested.






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Hi Rudi and all others.

Hope all is well. Moving on the 29th, so count me in for a coffee once unpacked etc.

Def going Bayside (decision made), saw a lovely house in Cleveland, hoping it will still be for sale when we get there)

Anyone else who would like to meet up anytime, weekend or week, it would be nice to meet some friendly faces.

Happy christmas to you all



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Hey Mads


I was thinking about you today and wondering how you were going as I'd not seen you posting for a while. We'll definitely include you in any get togethers after the 29th!


Have a fab Xmas, before the mad move up here!!!






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Hey Mads


I was thinking about you today and wondering how you were going as I'd not seen you posting for a while. We'll definitely include you in any get togethers after the 29th!


Have a fab Xmas, before the mad move up here!!!









Been busy of late no surprise there. :wub:


Did you not get my mail a few weeks back?




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Hi Rudi - Mrs Duds (Sarah) here, thanks for the kind invitation out for coffee, that would be really nice. It would be good to meet a few friendly people. If you let me know where and when you meet hopefully I will be able to make it.




Hi Sarah


Are you busy on Thursday? Not sure what the plan is yet - breakfast, coffee or lunch...but if you want to join us you would be very welcome.






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Hi all

can i tag along to your get togethers too. Been living in Belmont for 6 months now and loving it. Sadly working this Thursday, dont you just hate that work has to get in the way of living lol. I work shifts so am free at odd times.


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Oh that's a shame you are working this week Lynne, otherwise you would have been really welcome to come along. I will try and remember to PM you next time we meet up. Are you happy to come to play in the park type things, as I know you don't have kids.....and being the hols.....the next few times we meet it will be with the kids as well.






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Hi kirsty roberts

There's me my husband and 2 girls 6 and 9 we live in Cleveland been here 3 weeks girls at school and settled if you want to meet for a coffee one day pm me i drive so don't mind meeting any where


Hi Kirsty We also live in Cleveland and would love to meet up with new people, there's my OH Gary, Ryan (12) and Caitlin (7) Cait especially would love to meet your daughters. You have picked a nice place, Cleveland is great we have been here for 12 mths now, please get in touch if you would like to meet for coffee etc

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Hi Rudi and all others.

Hope all is well. Moving on the 29th, so count me in for a coffee once unpacked etc.

Def going Bayside (decision made), saw a lovely house in Cleveland, hoping it will still be for sale when we get there)

Anyone else who would like to meet up anytime, weekend or week, it would be nice to meet some friendly faces.

Happy christmas to you all



Hello mads we are a family of 4 living in cleveland, bayside and would love to meet new people, there is me, my OH Gary, Ryan (12) and Cailtin (7) we could meet up for chat, coffee and ice creams whatever suits, you will love the bayside its a great area, happy new year

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We have been living in Cleveland for 6 weeks, a meet up on a weekend any place Bayside would be good.

The Duds

Hi Duds we also live in cleveland, myself, OH Gary, Ryan(12) catlin (7) if you want to meet for a beer, coffee, icecream whatever we would love to, we have been here for 12mnths now and really like this area, take care

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