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Perth Meet Up - date suggestions?

Guest prettyinpink

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Guest prettyinpink

Both Fiona and myself have been chatting about another meet up, it's been so long since we did the Kings Park one and there are some many new arrivals to Perth, we thought it about time for another.


We have discussed the venue and would like to try Neil Hawkins Park in Joondalup, there's a nice park for the children, bbqs, loads of space etc, and close enough for Fiona to stagger home after some wine lol :wideeyed: (just kidding Fi!)


The only thing we weren't sure about was the date. That's where we need some help.


Can you all reply to the thread with some dates that would suit, and we'll see which date is the most popular.


Cheers folks!

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Guest guest17301

Cheeky!!:wink: I may have one or two, sure you will too if you can get Dunc to drive!


Thanks for posting Jeanette. The date you mentioned the other day is actually OK for us now, we may get in laws to babysit and come without the kids...woo-hoo! Or we may all come along in-laws and all..will see what they say. 22nd Nov was it?


Thanks for friend request although thought we were already friends on here from months back???

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Both Fiona and myself have been chatting about another meet up, it's been so long since we did the Kings Park one and there are some many new arrivals to Perth, we thought it about time for another.


We have discussed the venue and would like to try Neil Hawkins Park in Joondalup, there's a nice park for the children, bbqs, loads of space etc, and close enough for Fiona to stagger home after some wine lol :wideeyed: (just kidding Fi!)


The only thing we weren't sure about was the date. That's where we need some help.


Can you all reply to the thread with some dates that would suit, and we'll see which date is the most popular.


Cheers folks!


Not sure if any of you have been to the park on Scenic Drive in Wanneroo. There is lots of space, bbqs and the playground is the best I have ever seen.

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Guest guest17301
Not sure if any of you have been to the park on Scenic Drive in Wanneroo. There is lots of space, bbqs and the playground is the best I have ever seen.

Never been there, will check it out thanks :) Are you going to come and join us?

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Guest guest17301

Open to all Nickie, the more the merrier, last one at Kings Park was huge! Hope to see you there just keep checking thread for final details


Fiona :)

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Hi All,


22nd Nov would be good for us too, Neil Hawkins Park sounds good too. Kings Park meet was great, looking forward to seeing everyone again!


Helen, Andy & Amelie

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Guest jodie_dirk

hiim def up for it with the family. had a great time at kings park. that date is fine for me too!


the park on scenic drive is great. have had a couple of small meet ups there. will post for another one in the week for us mummys to catch up.


see you at the meet, lovely location xxx

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest michelledenham

Hi all


I just posted a thread about doing a Kings Park meet in December and then I noticed this one!


We'd love to come, can I confirm that it is Sunday 22nd November at the park in Joondalup? What time does it kick off?




Michelle(33), Jon(34), Kiera(5), Erin(3) and Liam(4 weeks)

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Guest guest17301

Hi Michelle, the details are on the meet ups section, 2PM. Have not heard fron Janette though (Pretty in Pink) hope she's still coming!

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Guest michelledenham

Hi Fiona,

If it's ok can we ( my hubby & kids) and some friends (TJ, Sam & kids) come to the meet up. We've been here since June 09 and TJ & Sam have been here since Sep 09.



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Guest michelledenham
oh no! we dont arrive till the 24th, lol Hope theres one again in the new yr or Feb time as we would love to come along



Hi Em, where are you heading?

We arrived in June 09 and live in Yanchep. So far we are loving it.

If you want we could arrange a little meet up.... To welcome you to Perth.


We are Michelle 33yrs, Jon 34yrs, Kiera 5yrs, Erin 3yrs and Liam 3weeks!

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Guest The Thains

We arrive the 25th of Nov so will miss the meet but will keep a look out for any in the new year, hope you have a great time,


we are really excited about the move 2 weeks and we are there ye ha !!


Mark / Allison and Holly (6)

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