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meet new friends in your 30s?! its hard!

Guest ric

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Never been on any kind of 'forum' before so be gentle.. Gotta give it a go though - never known it so hard to make new friends till now... anyway I'm a hard working musician/composer stuck out in the stick of Liverpool/South West Sydney. Can't believe I've been in Oz for 4 years now but I can count the number of regular drinking buddies on 2 fingers! Not like the UK - used to have loads of great nights out! Still I keep trying.

Anyway, enough moaning - I'm a fun guy and very easy to get on with, I'm married with a little one on the way - I do a pretty anti-social job from home so don't get chance to meet new people much.. Does any one fancy a beer? Can do the city no probs...

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Guest The Pom Queen

Hi Ric

Welcome to PIO, you are right it is harder to meet friends the older you get. Have you any hobbies as this sometimes gets people together. Hopefully someone will contact you soon and you will be able to get a few drinking buddies together.


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good luck with your little one!! such exciting times, I know what you mean with the friends thing, it is hard....... i also know as a composer/musician it is a wonderful but solitary existance, my husband is also a composer and used to work from home with logic......it was great because we spent alot of time together but now he works for a studio full time. anyway , we have a one year old which makes it easier to meet people but you have to go along to as many things as possible .....some not always fun ....others a bit more....but once your baby comes along you will definately make friends easier because there is always something to talk about!! good luck with your music and your baby .

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Thanks guys... good to know Im not alone! Ive been in and outta jobs here in Oz- moved when I was 29 so had to start again really... used to voice over work for the beeb but here my uk tones are not really worth a lot on the aussie networks and my aussie accent sucks! Thanks for the kind words of support. :-) R

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Guest guest17520

Hi, i have to disagree a bit with astawa on her point, i think it's harder to make friends with a baby but it does depend on your situation. i have a 2 year old and have pretty much lost contact with the few friends i did have - this is mainly due to working a full time job and all i want to do after work or at the weekend is spend time with the wife and little one. can't really keep up with my mates drinking all weekend anymore, my daughter doesn't care if i have a hangover, she still wants to play so its just easier not to get hungover.


i'm always looking for new friends, can't guarantee i'll be the most social person ever but if you feel like getting in contact drop me a pm.

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H there...we are planning to move to NSW (hopefully by next year) and one of the main criteria my wife has to live there is to have friends, be able to socialize, meet with people and maybe be part of some community....otherwise she will get bored and would want to go back home. We have a 3 year old daughter...


So you guys are saying this might be a problem to find people (couples with little ones) to hang out? :unsure:




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H there...we are planning to move to NSW (hopefully by next year) and one of the main criteria my wife has to live there is to have friends, be able to socialize, meet with people and maybe be part of some community....otherwise she will get bored and would want to go back home. We have a 3 year old daughter...


So you guys are saying this might be a problem to find people (couples with little ones) to hang out? :unsure:






Only if you are in very anti-social jobs like we are!! All I wanted to do was find other Brits to have a beer with.. my working life is 96% at home! Im sure for regular 9-5 ppl sydney is awesome. Wish I had a normal job.... :-(

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Me and Hubby (plus two kids 7 and 3) moved to Melbourne and made some friends and have now started all over again and moved to NSW (Central Coast). I work from home mainly and agree that I am struggling to see how i can make new friends (other than grinning like a Cheshire Cat when I drop or pick my son up from school). Agree that not always so easy to get a great social life but would be good to meet some new people that we could spend odd days at the beach with or have BBQ's.


Honestly - was never very good at making friends andyway and most of my closest friends are family members.


Still happy to hear from anyone in the Central Coast area and sure hubby (who is great at making friends) would be up for beers sometimes.




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