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Black British African/Caribbean... Melbourne

Guest superslim09

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Guest superslim09



Am making the move to Melbourne (Berwick/Pakenham) in January and wanted to know how people might respond to me and if there are any Black British in Melbourne or even on this site?


I am in my 30's and making this move solo...uhm lots to think about and very excited!


just now thinking about the practicalities

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Guest sh7t man no way


Am making the move to Melbourne (Berwick/Pakenham) in January and wanted to know how people might respond to me and if there are any Black British in Melbourne or even on this site?


I am in my 30's and making this move solo...uhm lots to think about and very excited!


just now thinking about the practicalities

its how you respond to them thats more important--- good luck in your move.:hug:

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Guest brooksey

One of my sons mates over here is black and from London/St Lucia. We go around to his house for BBQ's and they have never mentioned any problems. The've been on the Gold Coast for 3 years and love it. His mums boyfriend is Black and from USA and been here for 12 years. Never been to Melbourne but i've heard it's got a very mixed bag of cultures and races so i wouldn't worry if i were you. Good luck.

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Guest Josephine



I am from St Lucia in the caribbean and live on the Gold Coast. I have lived here for nearly three years and have not encountered any problems what so ever.


I like you was concerned but I am happy to say no worries mate.

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I was born in Scotland and I’m white. I have lived here in Australia for over 50 years and now consider myself Australian. I have a fair idea of the Australian psyche. We can be arrogant blunt and confronting, but give as good as you get – it’s expected of you. We are said to be politically incorrect (but I really think we see everyone as equal, therefore everyone is fair game) and we basically don’t give a toss what people think about us. We love and are proud of our country. We love sport; long week ends beer and barbeques. But if you are interested in the Arts then you will find plenty around especially in Melbourne. Australians usually have great respect for the under dog or the “Little Aussie Battler”. I think this is a hangover from early convict settlement when the convicts were so badly treated. By the way don’t think you can upset an Aussie by calling him a convict - having an ancestor who arrived as a convict is considered “Australian Royalty”.


Australians have had solid immigration for nearly 60 years now, so being an immigrant and thinking your self as unique with “different” problems is a fallacy. You can be assured that whatever you experience has happened to someone else at some time or other and they have survived and live happily here. The most important thing in settling down is YOUR attitude. Accept the country for what it is and that is: a society heavily influenced by people from Britain, Greece, Italy Croatia, Germany, Holland, and more recently Asia, Lebanon and the Middle East. We are a mishmash of nationalities, we’re slowly developing a new society and we view the world in quite a different way from the UK, Europe and Asia. Unfortunately we are a small country that wants to play with the big boys, but can’t quite understand why the big boys keep ignoring us LOL


Accept the people the way they are, it’s up to you to fit in with the Aussies, you chose to come here, the Aussies have no need to fit in with you, we’re established, it’s our country and hopefully yours too, but it is what it is and it wont and shouldn’t change for you. What do I mean by fitting in: accept the differences - the way we do things at work, the pubs – no cosy snugs here its too bloody hot in the summer and we’d rather be outdoors anyway, the shopping is different, the food is different, we usually dress for comfort, not to impress, ( but you will find Melbourne a bit more fashion conscious), We are pretty blunt in our approach to people, but we are also quite friendly, and helpful, and contrary to what some people say on this and other sites this friendliness is genuine I experience it from complete strangers frequently.


Above all don’t keep comparing how things are better and done differently in the UK. We know that well enough, we’ve been told repeatedly by usually (sorry but true) UK migrants who for some reason seem to think it’s their purpose in Australia to point out our deficiencies. I wonder how these same people would react to EEC immigrants in UK telling them that things were done bigger and better in their country of origin.


What I am trying to say in this rave is - be yourself but go with the flow of Australia. Work hard, play hard and don’t take yourself too seriously. I would me most surprised if you were discriminated against because of your colour, you are most likely to be harassed because of your choice of Australian Rules Football Team; I know this to be true as I have this trouble constantly!!!


Best of luck with your adventure Down Under!



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There are more black people around in Aus than there used to be and if you are a Brit cannot see it would be any different than for a white Brit.


There are problems with the Somalis who have come as refugees but that is mainly a cultural problem with them not assimilating and having disregard for our justice system.


There are many people of all persuasions from South Africa here a lot in the medical field..

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi ya, I am black (34) and lived in the uk for 20yrs now and I have just signed my contract for a year in melbourne. I should be going in Jan 2010. I'll be going on my own, company will pay for accomodation for first month but they have not said where - I know they are in "Box Hill" area. I like you have the same thoughts and as I dont know anyone over there its a bit scary but I am looking forward to it and just thinking of going with the flow and get a house share so I get to meet people quickly. Maybe we can meet up for a drink or two over there? If you are interested let me know.

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Guest superslim09

Hi Lynne,


Well keep in touch through this site and maybe we could meet when you arrive in June- networks are always welcome!

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I was just wondering why you were going to the Berwick Pakenham area as you are single. Its very family orientated out that way young families with young chidren. Most singles live closer to the central business district and as to the other poster Box Hill is commutable to the city. Most of the good shares would be closer in to the CBD I believe.


I have lived here single and married and when I was single the furthest I moved from the city was Elwood which is not very far.

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Guest superslim09

Only living there due to work, will be commuting to Warrigul...any ideas of of a more single friendly place to be would be appreciated - not sure about commuting one hour to Warragul from CBD? Is that do able with traffic etc?

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