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should i not tell the panel doctor


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hi all and please dont think bad of me. my problem is in the last 2 years i have seen a few consultants as i had been feeling unwell for quite some time (prob the stress of doing this visa). my doctor thought i may have MS after many many tests which all came back clear, i was told no MS but might be diabetic, more test and then told no diabeties. then my doctor informed me he would like to do the diabeties tests again as it is still open on my medical record. now my doctor is on leave so i will be unable to get any letters from him before my medical. if i tell all this to the panel doctor im sooooo worried that our visa will be held up (what if DIAC move the goal posts again in dec and we miss out on our visa). i have been told that they cannot access my medical records but surely if that was so then loads of people would hide thing in their medicals. im considering not telling the panel doctor. i know some may think this is lieing but its not like ive got an illness and not telling them. i am perfectly healthy now with no problems

would really like your thoughts on this.

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Guest siamsusie
hi all and please dont think bad of me. my problem is in the last 2 years i have seen a few consultants as i had been feeling unwell for quite some time (prob the stress of doing this visa). my doctor thought i may have MS after many many tests which all came back clear, i was told no MS but might be diabetic, more test and then told no diabeties. then my doctor informed me he would like to do the diabeties tests again as it is still open on my medical record. now my doctor is on leave so i will be unable to get any letters from him before my medical. if i tell all this to the panel doctor im sooooo worried that our visa will be held up (what if DIAC move the goal posts again in dec and we miss out on our visa). i have been told that they cannot access my medical records but surely if that was so then loads of people would hide thing in their medicals. im considering not telling the panel doctor. i know some may think this is lieing but its not like ive got an illness and not telling them. i am perfectly healthy now with no problems

would really like your thoughts on this.

Hi Kelly, from what I remember I dont think I was even asked for my own GP's name. The form I filled in was pretty comprehensive and did ask pertinent questions which I would advise you to answer honestly. If you happen to have diabetes then so be it, better you find out now and start the ball rolling but this will certainly not bar you from your application, filling in forms that deviate from the truth would have more impact imo. Why not relax, look upon the medical as a basic MOT. :wubclub:I personally would stress over the omissions rather than the actual medical results. Very best wishes in your application ss x:wubclub:
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Um, wait a sec..

Did your doctor tell you that you definitely have diabetes? What I understand from your story is that your doctor is requesting more blood tests to check if you are diabetic or not. It means you are not yet diagnosed with diabetes.


If you haven't been diagnosed to be diabetic, why declare that you have diabetes then?


I hope I make sense...

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Guest siamsusie

then my doctor informed me he would like to do the diabeties tests again as it is still open on my medical record. I understood the OP's GP as requesting to test for diabetes again. On my medical form, it stated "have you ever been tested for diabetes" and if so what were the results? best wishes ss x

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Guest Guest31881

Just answer the questions on the form honestly, You have been tested and the result was negative, when you are there they will have a sample of urine off you and do a diabeties test anyway. Try to stay calm, the medical is not an endurance test and the doctors are not trying to catch you out. If they are unsure of anything they can ask your permission to contact your GP for clarification. (this happened to me). They do not have access to your records to comb through them.


Just be honest and answer the questions, Diabeties would not stop you from getting your visa, but lying might?

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Guest guest33730

Last year my wife had many of the symptoms that you describe - she ended up in a wheelchair for some time and was in hospital for a couple of weeks having tests which all came back negative. Often these things are hard to diagnose in her case they thought it might be MS, ME, Fibromyalgia, post viral disorder, depression etc however as I said nothing was diagnosed and therefore we could honestly fill the form out as it was only interested in what had been diagnosed. She was fine at the medical and again no questions were asked about her general health etc. So as has already been stated by others, just fill the form out honestly - never lie on it but don't tell them anything that they don't ask for - Believe me - on this kind of thing, if it is important to them they will ask!!!

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As Srp said, do mention it; they really don't bite. Meanwhile couldn't you just pop into your nearest health centre and have the test done? Or another GP local to where you work? I've done this before when in England and never once had any bother for doing so.


Best of luck :hug:

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As Srp said, do mention it; they really don't bite. Meanwhile couldn't you just pop into your nearest health centre and have the test done? Or another GP local to where you work? I've done this before when in England and never once had any bother for doing so.


Best of luck :hug:


I disagree.

Medical panels for visa purposes have only one reason to be: protect the public health and the public purse. OK that is two reasons. No one has your health in mind.


Public health: No contagious diseases like TB, AIDS, and other nice ones.

Public purse: Nothying that needs expensive treatment like serious disabilities, severe heart conditions, terminal cancer etc.


You are not a doctor. You have checked for MS and Diabetes and had the all clear...in writing.

That is what you know for sure that is what you say.

Full stop.


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I would recommend that you answer as honestly as possible as lying could result in you being deported at a later date. I was really worried going into my medical, however someone I work with (who used to work in Oz) got in having had a heart attack!!


If you lie and the doctor then requests to review your medical records I am sure that this would become a serious issue. I don't want to sound like a :policeman:, but honesty is always the best policy - if there is an issue, then manage it.

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I disagree.

Medical panels for visa purposes have only one reason to be: protect the public health and the public purse. OK that is two reasons. No one has your health in mind.


Public health: No contagious diseases like TB, AIDS, and other nice ones.

Public purse: Nothying that needs expensive treatment like serious disabilities, severe heart conditions, terminal cancer etc.


You are not a doctor. You have checked for MS and Diabetes and had the all clear...in writing.

That is what you know for sure that is what you say.

Full stop.



This is not true, have you seen posts recently about people with children with aspergers, and learning disabilities going through hell trying to get visas, some being refused.


Neither are 'serious disabilities that require expensive treatment' yet they were still cause to have their visa refused.


This is also the reason for the Australian Government enquiry into migration and disability. Which has yet to be concluded so we must put up with the current rules for now.

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Guest shawgorbys
hi all and please dont think bad of me. my problem is in the last 2 years i have seen a few consultants as i had been feeling unwell for quite some time (prob the stress of doing this visa). my doctor thought i may have MS after many many tests which all came back clear, i was told no MS but might be diabetic, more test and then told no diabeties. then my doctor informed me he would like to do the diabeties tests again as it is still open on my medical record. now my doctor is on leave so i will be unable to get any letters from him before my medical. if i tell all this to the panel doctor im sooooo worried that our visa will be held up (what if DIAC move the goal posts again in dec and we miss out on our visa). i have been told that they cannot access my medical records but surely if that was so then loads of people would hide thing in their medicals. im considering not telling the panel doctor. i know some may think this is lieing but its not like ive got an illness and not telling them. i am perfectly healthy now with no problems

would really like your thoughts on this.

hi hun it all depends on which visa you are going as well we had our meds last yr for a 457 the panel doctor was really nice my boys had a full examination a urine sample then a xray to check for TB ME AND HUBBY just had an xray and that was that my hubby 2yrs before our meds had heart attack and a full stroke all down his right hand side and we were fine si good luck hun take care xxx:hug:
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Weasie, what are you talking about. Who is saying he must LIE?

Was he diagnosed with anything at all? No

Is he withholding any dignosis? No

Does he know he has an illnes he should divulge? No


Shel...Can you tell me which part of my post is "not true"?

Are you saying that even those with less severe disabilities are denied entrance?

How does that contradict what I am saying?

The purpose of medical checks is to save money. The more we save the better.

The ethics of the exercise are debatable but irrelevant to someone trying to get in.


I say that unless you know something there is hardly antying you have to say at all.

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I disagree.

Medical panels for visa purposes have only one reason to be: protect the public health and the public purse. OK that is two reasons. No one has your health in mind.


Public health: No contagious diseases like TB, AIDS, and other nice ones.

Public purse: Nothying that needs expensive treatment like serious disabilities, severe heart conditions, terminal cancer etc.


You are not a doctor. You have checked for MS and Diabetes and had the all clear...in writing.

That is what you know for sure that is what you say.

Full stop.


That's okay, I disagree with you too. There's nothing like honesty and omitting that a repeat test for Diabetes, which is a serious and life-long but manageable condition has been asked would not be honest, would it.


Are you also disagreeing with the suggestion that the OP should go and get tested in advance of her medical by another Doc since her own is not available? :eek:


Kellyjay, I hope that your health improves, that your results come back negative and that you pass your medical with flying colours :hug: Let us know how you get on.

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Guest siamsusie
thankyou all so much for your kind responses and all the advise. after reading all this i think you are right in me answering as honestly as pos, so this is what i shall do. just means i wont sleep now untill meds are finalised.


:hug:you'll be alright gal :wubclub: ss xx
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