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Plumbing Vetassess - Scott the Scot, How have you done?


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Hi, I'm trying to find out how a fellow plumber fared at the recent Plumbing Vetassess Practical Skills Asesment in Lankashire, on October 29th 2009. My husband, Simon, met him at the test and has asked me to try to find out how he did. All I know is he's called Scott and is from Scotland, he uses PIO and that he's wanting to migrate Victoria.


So if you're out there Scott, please can you let me know if you've had your results yet. If you are interested, my husband heard today that he was succesful, so we realy hope you have ben too.

Thanks, Michelle:jiggy:

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Hi Michelle & Simon,


Congratulations on passing! I also passed, what was the worry all about?? The wait felt like ages though.

Have you received any paperwork yet to confirm it was succesful? It says successful online, but also says status pending above so unsure if we actually get sent anything else.

Just done the paperwork for state sponsorship for Victoria so getting there slowly! Looking at the Geelong area to move.

Good to hear from you & keep in touch.

Scott & Emma

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Hi Scott, really pleased to hear that you passed and Simon says "Well done mate!". We haven't recieved any paperwork ourselves, but our migration agent is expecting formal notification within 7-10 days, so Im not sure if we will get something as well. We have completed our SS application form for Victoria and as soon as our agent recieves the notification she will be submitting our application - finally!! We too are looking at the Geelong area - maybe Torquay?? We have heard that providing we submit our application by the end of this year, we would be looking at an approximate 12 month wait. We're hoping it won't be as long as that, but who knows? Congratulations again on passing, and it was good to hear from you. Speak soon, Michelle & Simon.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Simon and Michelle,


How are u, all well i hope.


Are you looking forward to santa comming! lol.


I was wondering if you have had much of a response from your vic ss visa, they just contacted us for a second time, but they can't have read my application as they are now asking me to go and sit a trade test before they will proceed with my application. I had filled out the section asking what auz tests I had taken, and I even sent copies of the pass certificate with the application, then they send this, ARGHHH.


Hope you have had better luck.


Scott and Emma

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Scott & Emma


Congratulations - well done you - bet that made your Christmas!


Apologies for not getting back to you earlier, but we went away for Christmas and have only just checked our emails today. I'm afraid we haven't heard anything. Our VIC SS application was lodged at the beginning of December, and our agent did say things would go quiet, but so far we've not been contacted by anyone. We're really hopeful that we wont have to wait too long and that the news will be good, but it's hard not to get your hopes up!


Does this now mean that you will have to be called for you mediacls and police checks or has that already been done? What sort of timescale will it now be before you finally get your visa through? Are you still planning on living in Geelong?


Thanks ever so much for getting in touch and we look forward to hearing from you again.


Michelle & Simon



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Hi Michelle and simon,


Happy New year, hope you had a good time.


We only have the state sponsor from Vic at the moment, but still need to wait on the visa itself, so not really any closer to a time scale.

Like yourself's we are wanting to go out before the end of the year, but need to wait (and wait).

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Hi Scott & Emma


Lets hope things move quickly for you now that you've been approved the VIC SS. Thanks for letting us know, and keep us posted. If we hear anything ourselves, we'll let you know. Fingers crossed for all of us. Speak again soon - take care.


Simon and Michelle

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest edbails300

Hi i am just starting out on the Visa Application can anyone give me any advice or help on the filling out of the SR1? Any help would be much appreciated, many thanks



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  • 1 month later...

Hi Scott & Emma


We've reached a stumbling block with our Victoria SS appliaction. Our agent informed us this morning that the Victoria SS Panel have raised an issue with Simon's CV, saying that it doesn't contain enough details of work experience. Our agent didn't ask us to chage the CV in any way before it was submitted with the rest of our paper work, so we don't really know what's going on. After giving them over 20 years' worth of Plumbing Trade evidence aready, we don't understand why the CV is so important.


They've aso told us that our application wil be closed in 4 weeks - this isn't looking good and Simon's fuming. I know that youv'e done your migration independetly , but did you have to include a CV? and if so, what specifically did you have to put in it? Simon's was just a 2 page work and eduacation history summary, which just loosley rounded up all the work that he has done ver the years.


We have no idea how significant this all is or how it wil pan out. Hopefuly we'll hear from our agent soon. In the mean time, if you do have any info or advice, we'd love to hear from you.


Michelle & Simon:arghh:

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Hi Michelle & Simon.


Sorry to hear this, I also got the same email, I think this is something they do to everyone, if you go into the "vic state sponsor" thread in this site you will see a lot get asked for a more detailed CV's.

When I got the email I replied asking what was the information that they were needing, they responded, by saying exact dates of each employment (day, month, year) and references.

For each employment I had, I just wrote a couple of paragraph's of the work that I had done.


If their is anything you need to ask, PM me your number and I will call, but don't be to upset, as this look's like someone is now working on your SS application, so that is progress.


After they asked us for a more detailed CV, we got an email saying when I done the Vetassess test they could further process the application, as I had already done it and sent them the info, I was upset aswell, so I gave them a call and on that night I was given state sponsor, so it was only just over 1 week on from when they asked me for a more detailed CV that they then gave SS.

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Hi Scott,

Thanks ever so much for getting back to us so quickly, I'm so glad you replied as what you've said has helped ease our minds. After speaking with our agent a couple of hours ago, she was amazed that Simon's CV had been queried. She advised us to do exactly what you have said you did - add days/months/years and to be more specific on the work that Simon has done. But even then, she was only really guessing as she cant see what the problem is. She's also going to include some references from Customers. Our agent did tell me that when an application goes for SS, they do not get given the evidence that we had to source in the very beginning of the process (references / colege qualifications and the rest of all that paperwork etc). Apparently, they only get the confirmation from the Australian Immigration, the Vetassess approval and the CV - We thought that they would get it all, but according to our agent, they rely quite heavily on the CV.


I really hope that this is something of nothing and that it can be sorted. We're re-working the CV tonight and emailing it to our agent in the morning, so fngers crossed. I'm glad I haven't been one of Simon's customers today, he was not a happy bunny!


You mentioned about us giving you a PM. I'm not very good at all this, so can I assume that's the "PrivateMessage" section at the top of this web page? If so, what do I need to do - just click and away?


Speak soon, and once again, thanks ever so much Scott, we really appreciate it.


Michelle & Simon

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Scot and Emma


No, we haven't heard anything yet. After making the ammendments to Simon's CV, our agent seemed to think it wouldn't be long before we heard, but that was on 25/2/10 and we haven't heard anything yet. :arghh:


I have been reading on PIO that it looks like the States are waiting for this Migration Plan - or whatever it's called! - so maybe that's what is holding things up - I'm not sure.


How about you (I know you've got your VIC SS) - but are you any further ahead with anything else - medicals/police checks etc?


Michelle & Simon

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Hi Michelle & Simon,


I think you are right about the states, once they get their, skills list done hopefully they will be back to giving the SS's.

We have not heard anything, but we are thinking on doing the police and med's soon just to speed the process up.

The first draft of the new SOL looks good as plumbers are on it so hopefully the SMP will follow and we will all be in Cat 2, which the processing time only takes months (rather that Cat 5, taking years).

Hope you hear something soon.



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I wasn't aware that they both lasted a year - you've got me thinking about speaking to our agent about possibly getting ours done as well. Let us know how everything goes with it all, and if we do ever get to hear any news ourselves, we'll be in touch. Good Luck.



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